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Adam and Chris Are Excited and Nervous!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Anonymous said...

This is new to me - it's all Adam talking for 1 min 32 seconds

It's part of this article

Here's a small quote
'I think the show is doing a really good job this year of kind of revamping a little bit and keeping up with the times,' Lambert says. -

See more at:

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam and Chris, I'm excited too. Hope AI pulls in a huge audience tonight. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

@2:47am. New to me too! Thanks for sharing links to new video and article of Adam talking about new AI revamped. Love listening to his interviews.

Anonymous said...

Early dinner folks and ready for tonight!!!:)

I will keep the remote control to myself just to make sure he!he!


Anonymous said...

I hope it's gonna be so good so AI will have them again on the show to mentor and perform as well. Especially our lovely Rock Star, Adam. Love Chris too but I'm more in love with Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching AI tonight and flailing with my twitter followers. Party time Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

24/7 Admin. Please post this new video interview of Adam posted by Anon. 2:47pm:

Anonymous said...

Don't be nervous you guys I am sure you did a wonderful job. Both talented, sincere and giving it your best.

Anonymous said...

Check out another new video below, beside the above link posted by @2:47pm:

Anonymous said...

@mmadamimadamm: So FOUR videos from AI:



Randy (2):

Anonymous said...

HAH! HAH! Adam quote "Surprise! This is the rest of your life."

Anonymous said...

For those of you who think Adam has had botox

Anonymous said...

If you want to check what other casual fans say about Adam on Idol, copy and paste the following query inside twitter search box:

"Adam Lambert" OR "adamlambert"

Anonymous said...

Thanks to wonderful Glamberts sharing videos of Adam behind the scene on Idol. Can't wait for tonight. East coast fans are watching Idol right about now.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is trending on twitter.

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Argh!!! He's had virtually no screen time!! Boooooo!! And so far the girls suck!!! I only want to hear Adam. I' m ruined to others. That's why I can not watch these shows anymore.

Anonymous said...

6:01, it was discussed here several times that it is likely to be not much Adam. There are 15 contestants and the mentoring, singing and judging to fit into 2 hours. Be happy that he is on the show tonight and tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Aww, what a cute tweet from Chris.

Anonymous said...

We must remember that Idol is about the contestants and although we would like to see more of Adam, he is not the focus of the show. I like what they showed of him and hope to see more tomorrow. As has been said so often, Adam set the bar so high during his performances on Idol, that for me, no one even comes close to his amazing vocal talent and mesmerizing stage presence. He is a hard act to follow. The format of show has changed this season. Is it for the better? who knows? I do like the three judges and hopefully their criticisms will help the viewing audience select the next winner of Idol who will have a chance to pursue a career in the crazy, unpredictable world of today's music.

Anonymous said...

Lots of nerves and excitement for the girls tonight. Some over the top performances also...too loud or off key. I liked Mk the best. It was great to see Adam offering his advice to these contestants. Of course, I would like to have seen more of him, but the show is about the contestants and helping them become better performers and more comfortable on stage. I don't know if the revamped format will bring in a larger viewing audience and the competition this week with the Olympics probably doesn't help either. Let's see what the guys have to offer tomorrow. For me,as has been said so often, Adam set the bar so high that I can't help but compare all the contestants to his performances and no one even comes close.

Anonymous said...

@7:17 and 7:40PM- Similar comments from both posters and overall I agree with the high standards that Adam set during season 8 for all the others who followed. It was great to see Adam tonight, but none of these girls really impressed me. I hope the guys are better; otherwise, it is going to be a very unexciting season on Idol. I am looking for someone like Adam who made me want to watch every week to see what his next performance would be.

Anonymous said...

The incredible talent of Adam Lambert is a special gift and not many will ever be able to follow suit. Adam outshines everyone everywhere and those of so called greatness fall into the shadows
when his around. The guy has ALL the qualities of stardom but hey,
it's not for me to preach to the already converted! Adam's an international wonderment!

Anonymous said...

When Adam came on Idol as a contestant, he had already been performing since he was 18. He knew about stage presence and, of course, he had the voice. Most of these contestants are young, have had very little or no professional experience except locally in their hometown areas. They were nervous, excited and maybe didn't have the best song choice. Randy's workshop and advice from the judges is supposed to help these "newbies" in their pursuit of a music career. They can't all be Adam Lamberts when they perform each week. I wasn't that impressed with the girls although I did like MK out of the group. We will have to see what tonight brings with the guys.