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Adam and Elvis - Similar Facial Expressions

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Great pair comparisons. I don't usually encourage Elvis comparing, but these are well chosen.

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up!

Adamluv said...

Count down to the complainers about any comparison - 3 2 1

Anonymous said...

I love them all, but second from the bottom row is my favorite ~ smile!

Anonymous said...

Two of my favorites...Elvis then and Adam now.

Anonymous said...

My two idols forever.....Elvis and Adam


Anonymous said...

2 beautiful men with beautiful voices...I loved Elvis and now I love Adam....

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful, talented men. Such different lives. Elvis was somewhat isolated, kept to his own small circle of friends. Adam is so social and gregarious, comfortable and confident in many types of groups. A natural. I wish Adam a long, happy life.


Anonymous said...

Somebody has a lot of time on their hands.

tess4ADAM said...

Yep!! ME!! I LOVE to see pictures like this of my two favorite STARS of all time ... ELVIS & ADAM!! So many similarities then & now!! THANX!! for posting ... MADE MY DAY!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)& ELVIS die-hard fan

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam would be the closest looking Elvis...I'd really want to watch Adam perform Jailhouse Rock. My sister-in-law doesn't listen to pop songs much, but my brother, her husband told me quite recently she likes Elvis Presley a lot. I was quite taken-aback because she always has this perpetual frown and looks a bit dowdy but a smart lady, who gave birth to a genius of a daughter. lwl! Elvis had a lot of charisma but didn't appeal that much to me; I go for the voice first and I liked singers like Everly Brothers, one of them recently passed on, RIP. So when I read about it, I actually listened to some of their old songs...whoa still sound current and beautiful, especially their meticulous harmony. Okay now back to Adam...why the sudden interest of the Elvis/Adam comparison...a possible Elvis biography remake/movie. Wow, that would send Adam up into the sky and those chariots passing by will queue for front-row parking lots. lol!


Anonymous said...

They really have similar features. Both uber-talented too.

Anonymous said...

Still disagree. : )

Anonymous said...

Adam and Elvis are both born in the Year of the Dog.
And so is Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson.
As well as Madonna and Cher and Liza Minelli.
All Year of the Dog.

Anonymous said...

Again, Lammy is hallucinating.
Adam for the role of Elvis? Excuse me!
One is a baritone and one is a tenor. So illogical. Really.

Anonymous said...

ANOTHER Adam/Elvis thread.

Adam is much, much more handsome than Elvis ever was and his voice is much, much better than Elvis's voice ever was.

Anonymous said...

"Shades of Elvis" out now!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Elvis had a superb voice, just different. I do wish the comparisons would stop. They are not in a beauty or talent contest. You don't have to be on one side or the other, you can appreciate both of them + Bruno + Sinatra + Freddie + Keith Urban + John Mayer and even cutie pie Kris Allen.

On my iPad playlist I have a smorgasbord of singers and
they are as different as can be. I value them all, variety is good! If you only listen to Adam Lambert you are missing a world of entertainment.

Right now in my life Adam is the Creme Brûlée but sometimes I want brownies or pie or cheesecake or even a know, an apple tart..... : ))

Anonymous said...

Great comment JAK. So many people here seem so haughty and closed off to other music. Adam may be our favorite but that doesn't mean there isn't other good stuff out there.

Anonymous said...

I wish the comparisons would stop too but threads keep being made about them, and there are people who compare them even when the threads aren't about them .... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

lots of research to find all these pictures...Axel

Anonymous said...

@ Axel....I agree, a very good job of finding similar photos....however....I'm one of the few who don't think they look alike, feature by feature, but I do see why some think so.....JAK

Anonymous said...

9:27, I don't get it either other than the dark hair. Pretty sure you could find pics of Beyonce or Sinatra that match Adam's poses. Just not willing to waste time on it.

Anonymous said...

I cant remember who said it now, it was years ago, but someone once said if Elvis and Elvira had a love child, it would be
Adam. This was back in the GlamNation days. It cracked me up at the time, because it wasn't said in a mean way. The similarities that are there seem more apparent as Adam gets older, I think. Good job, whoever took the time to do this.