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Adam Lambert featured in the LA Times View section today

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 16, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, February 16, 2014


Anonymous said...

Wow, with all the Glee people there; they posted the one with Adam and Glee producer. Adam's popularity is spreading. Good for him. So handsome. That is a very nice picture of him and Ryan Murphy. I noticed that Adam name was first and sorta like the Darkened lead in. Oh, all this wonderful attention is great; and no less than by the Los Angeles Times.

I hope that Ryan recognizes Adam's star quality and will continue to cast him in Glee when ever Adam is available.

Anonymous said...

This is the 3rd time I've seen some one put in print that Adam is a cast member. I hope his status has changed from Guest Star to cast member. It will mean more tv time.

Anonymous said...

@7:52 PM

Thanks for calling that to my attention; I had not noticed, now I have, sounds good to me. You may be on to something there. I hope so. Where he can come and go where he is not tied down when he has other things pertaining to his career to take care of.

Anonymous said...

Long list of Hollywood stars there in addition to supporters. So glad they all got to hear Adam's amazing voice. Just gives him more credibility in the industry.

Anonymous said...

The first time I saw Ryan Murphy looking into Adam's eyes in a close-up picture, I knew that was it, he found zee godfather. lol! And subsequently more close-up pictures of them and Adam said he was "incredible" and Ryan Murphy tweeted that Adam was full of good ideas, to this effect. I also commented this is a significant affiliation. Well, Ryan Murphy, how about a tv/movie series for Adam Lambert. Mmm more tv Adam for me; very very good. lol! Hey Horsey Horsey the dark sarng lai, meaning...coming up immediately. Direct translation from Mandarin: ma/horse, sarng/up, lai/come. Another horsey idiom: loong ma jing sern / dragon horse vitality/energy. Direct translation: loong/dragon, ma/horse, jing/bright, sern/zen/spirit. Adam's animal zodiac, water dog gets 9/10 in this year's compatibility chart with Horsey. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam and Ryan do seem like an admiration society. I get the feeling that is very fond and kinda protective of Adam; like an uncle figure. I think this is a very important relationship; and an asset in Adam's career in acting endeavors. Nice when the boss has faith in you.

I wonder how it worked out with Demi, or did she want to resume her singing career in touring, etc. She had stated that she would not be going back to Xfactor. Just as well, Simon has pulled the plug on that because of low ratings, or someone did.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a jingle song I learnt in Primary 2.

Horsey horsey don't you stop
Just let your feet go clickity clog
The wheels go round, the tail goes swish
Gee-dee-up...we're homeward bound
No need to need to scurry
Everything is can be
No need to need to scurry
Soon we'll be and free


(Last line is mine. Can't remember.) lol!

Anonymous said...

Everything seems to be lining up for Adam; the moment is here for our BB. So many wonderful opportunities seem to be opening up for him. He deserves this so much. All of the goodness wrapped up in his beautiful soul; the kindness the patience he shows with himself and others. I am so glad to be a fan of this gracious, humble and kind man. With the super sized talent!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great that he was so prominently included in that newspaper story.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! So, Lammy finally admitted Adam is NOT a rooster year born but a true water rabbit.
HUMILITY is a beautiful virtue when acquired even one baby step at a time.

Anonymous said...

11:52 And if you ever find out what she drinks, let us all know so we can better understand her. Wait, no, please don't do that. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

You might have missed the first comment, a couple of days back, where I explained that the Rooster year was based on the cut-off point of 4 Feb which would determine Adam as born in the year of the Rooster. This was stated as based on an older version possibly dating back to the very first Lunar New Year. This year I read up further by looking specifically into the Chinese Lunar Calendar to determine the first day of the Lunar New Year of 1982, Adam's birth year. And I found it was 25th Jan 1982. So it would mean 29th Jan 1982 fell within the year of the Water Dog by just a few days. I did read up two versions and they are not my own concoctions! I wouldn't be able to do that. So nothing to do with humility or admission. I didn't get to the second explanation until this year; because it was posted that Adam was a Water Dog and that made me look into it further. It's not Water Rabbit! It's Water Dog! You were so excited about pointing it out to me, you stumbled horribly yourself! And your version of Water Rabbit is utter rubbish! She who laughs last laughs best!

11:52 and 12:14 are both yours...My stalker MFG / LaurieLovesAdam / MiamiGlamGirl / elderly woman who quotes Hitler!


Anonymous said...

I got these excerpts from Chinese Zodiac Cut-off to determine one's animal zodiac sign:

From internet:
"The Chinese Zodiac Year Cut-off is based on “Start of Spring” (Chinese 立春, meaning Initiating Spring literally) which is usually February 4th, but sometimes 5th or 3rd depending on the time zone..."

"There is a common but incorrect saying that the Chinese Zodiac Year cut-off is based on Chinese New Year. The fundamental difference is that Chinese New Year is based on lunar calendar while Chinese Zodiac is based on Solar Terms. The Lunar New Year usually occurs in the first two weeks of February, but occasionally occurs in the last week of January or the 3rd week of February. Due to the close time-frame, it has been a tradition to welcome and celebrate the next Zodiac Animal during the Chinese New Year festival. So it can be confusing when a baby is born right after the Chinese New Year but before Start of Spring, because in this case, the prior year Zodiac Animal is still in effect, literally “at the tail end of the animal”.

The above excerpts are not mine; got them from internet; you can look them up if you wish to. Come to think of it...Adam was born five days after the Chinese New Year. 25th 1982 which may be the tail-end of previous animal sign, Rooster which was still running. So now I may again have to revert back to Rooster. Okay let's call Adam...Cock-Dog. lol! Mmm but I think he's more a Water Rooster though 1982 is year of Water Dog. All right, I'm going to revert back to Rooster, based on the above Chinese zodiac explanation.

And 11:52 MFG is a total ignoramus and has been stalking me for 2+ years; always waiting for some morsel to drop from my table! In this particular she might have dug her own grave as I've always referred it to.
Hey MFG...jump in! Complete the job!


Anonymous said...

what the fuck does that horse jingle have to do with Adam, not to mention the rest of the crap you've written.

Anonymous said...

A rather deep grave has been dug and real deep too...Do yourself a favour...Jump in!! The earth will fill it when it rains.


Anonymous said...

6:00, Geez, lighten up.

Anonymous said...

Wow really nasty and harsh 6.00.

Anonymous said...

Can we please try and respect each other? 2014, is the year of Adam M. Lambert. He needs our support now more than ever.

Let's concentrate on the positive and make these threads a joy to express ourselves in, and to read what others have expressed; with an open mind without judgement and resentment.

Let's fill them with love for; and information and discussion about our main man, Adam Lambert.

These next two weeks; Adam will be all over our television screens! What a time for Glamberts to rejoice!!

Adamluv said...

@Lam-my - dont understand the animosity towards you. Thanks for being a fighter and not letting the anon. cowards win. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Was so pleasantly surprised while reading the LA Times yesterday to turn the page and see Adams picture. They identified him as a "new cast member" of Glee. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank you!! As I've complimented you before, good policing. You also said before, why the person has this animosity towards me. Well Adamluv, she has stalked me here 2-3 years so I have a fairly good idea on her animosity towards me. Firstly she cannot take all the praises and poems I heap on Adam! She was thrown out by Adam on Twitter where she forever has no access to and so she comes here to bash Adam...many of those posts labelled, troll! are hers. MFG, and her Twitter names LaurieLovesAdam changed to MiamiGlamGirl dotes on/loves Tommy and even accused Adam of cheating on Tommy when Adam and Sauli were together. All this is not made up by me, it's on Google under her Twitter name LaurieLovesAdam. The strangest part is she has a no-hate plaster on her mouth in her dysfunctional Twitter photo which is not her face, too young, when in her own words she's an elderly woman, said to someone here. I've seen the real face, another photo. For her own sake...MFG has to curb her stalking and nastiness before it eats into her own self and mind; dangerous thing! The climax of her fiasco was she quoted Hitler! on how to make someone believe in lies! and then a blogger couldn't take it anymore and wrote about it @LaurieaLovesAdam with 82 comments that followed.
I can't just let her get off scott-free as I always believe people ought to be held accountable for what they say or do. But as far as possible I avoid her nastiness directed at me on some other threads.
I remember, Adamluv, you have spoken up for me on these stalking sprees of hers, 3 times from as far back as 2-3 years ago. Thank you again. Also I think she may have some mental disorder; a few Anons here have pointed that out to me. Stalking itself is criminal though not so easy to catch in cyberspace.

Anons 6:36, 6:41, 7:01
Thank you very much. My above comment to Adamluv is also meant for you.


Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOL to Lam-my!!!!

tess4ADAM said...

@Lam-my ... Although I sometimes do not understand some of your comments (my fault not yours) I still enjoy reading them. Your poetry is fun & entertaining & I enjoy the way you phrase your thoughts & ideas as well as the wealth of info I get from them. Please continue to post them ... I am one Glambert who likes to read them!! Thanx! ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Tess4ADAM! is another "fighter" who stands up against the "cowards", both Adamluv's words. It's okay if at times we can't fully grasp what another person is saying but we get the general picture; sometimes it could be due to different culture background.
Hey Tess, I like today's featured picture with clasped hands...this is a Chinese hand gesture to convey a heartfelt Thank you! So appropriate for this if thanking us here, his fighters. lwl! By the way, we fighters have been doing this Adam task for 5 years now. lwl! Thanks again Tess!


Anonymous said...

Personally I just scroll past this boring stuff. I'm much happier that way.

Anonymous said...

As long as you agree with lam-my you will never have to feel her hatred.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my and Adamluv are the same banana, Eat some humble pie and I will fight for you.

Anonymous said...

I have said this before and I say it again now...I don't know how to hate; it's God's gift to me!! Yes I do disagree but definitely without even a tinge, repeat a tinge of hatred. But I think if people don't agree with me on most things, most of the time, that's fine, but I'd rather they talk with others who see more, eye to eye. That way there's less squabble which I'm not here for. Do not confuse disagreement with hatred!! Two very very vastly different issues!! And even when I do disagree, I word it very politely as opposed to some who simply demand an explanation or worse still, distort my original comments and ask questions based on their own contorted version. That not only reflects poor comprehension but callousness! and disregard for what I originally had stated.
I do have some really great pals here, not because they always agree with me but we are polite and sensitive to one anothers' opinions and thoughts even when we disagree. They are: Adamluv, Tess, Kindred, Margarita Lady, atm, SG, nancdruuu2, JAK, Sue, hey Sue hope you're okay! and several super Anons. Actually I treat the Anons almost the same as the named commenters.


Anonymous said...

I don't need you to fight for me!! What makes you think you can achieve that? As for those who speak up for me, in this case, Adamluv, Tess and Anons...yes they are fighting for me but also they uphold integrity and fairness. But most of all, we love Adam, in our different ways yet basically the same strong feelings and the same goal!


Hk fan said...

@ Lam-my

you don't hate...yet you want someone to dig a grave and drown in it....

Anonymous said...

Digging one's grave is a metaphor! I'm pretty shocked you don't know this metaphor; it's your native language! I did not use the word, drown!!...I said jump in and if you can jump in, surely you can climb out before the rain comes and roll in the mud! lol! The rain+mud symbolises your problem! Climb up and smell the fresh air. Goodness gracious I'm explaining English to a native speaker! HKfan, for some reason you always have an axe to grind with me, and I've told you in no uncertain terms, I don't appreciate your negativity and interference.


Anonymous said...

OY. Another cat fight. Endless explaining. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Hk fan said...

I know what a metaphor is...I also have read enough of your posts to know what you meant by the comment.

Anonymous said...

I am jumping on the bandwagon and saying Lam-my has said many many hateful comments towards many people here. She thinks she is right and never gives admits she is wrong. I just scroll every time I see her tag. I refuse to engage in her war of words.

Anonymous said...

Neurons firing uncontrollably off range
Anyone can just throw out anything
What's convincing is substantiation
Scroll by? Then why are you here mud-slinging
Hypocritical...say something and do the reverse thing
Be yourself and stop jumping onto other's bandwagon
No originality, spine or character
Go fly a kite or jump in the lake
A cool splash of wind and water
Will give your neurons a much needed remake lol!


Anonymous said...

What comes out of your mouth, Lammy is what resides in your heart. Go look in the mirror and spew your nastiness at it.
You know what, I wonder how you look????

Anonymous said...

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the nastiest of them all
Must be Lam-my!
You got it right...bull's-eye
She's the most horrible person
One can ever meet...can never see eye to eye
Wait a minute, I see someone
Standing behind...oooh she stares daggers
What's she so angry about...don't know
Blood-shocked eyes, is she high
What's that plaster taped across her mouth
Strange looking but it means don't spew hate
But that's what she does most of the time
I wonder if she spews hate in her sleep lol!
Spineless, a convoluted ball of slime and lies


Anonymous said...

OMG Lam-my put a sock in it. That means DON'T RESPOND ANYMORE and we mean it!

Anonymous said...

To be or not to be
That's up to me
Not for you to dictate
Do you see?
Run along with that sock of yours
And enjoy your hateful spree
Perhaps spew it at the dolphins
Or join them in the deep blue sea lol!


Anonymous said...

What an awful, stupid and hateful thing to write! Who do you think you are??! The head bully of the Anons?!
Please do NOT make threats on Lam-my, not on anyone, this is getting way too awful!
And please don't evah use 'we', you don't represent none other than yourself!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!! for speaking up against this deranged person and yes you nailed it with "this is getting way too awful". Actually being on this site has made me realise why some teenagers have to die to get away from such-like persistent attacks...they would have been defenceless! and sometimes the adults do not fight for them enough! and even at times put the blame on them instead of catching the real culprits. That to me would be the most painful thing a young scared teenager has to endure. And so in such situations, there is only one way out for them! Also, they don't understand the whole fiasco of bullying. I say, educate those being constantly bullied, give them back their Self! Only then will they have a fair chance of surviving further attacks. Just defending them is short-term though necessary but understanding why they are bullied would open their minds and give them the right perspective and strength to stand up against their bullies or at least not keeping it a secret, and to seek help instead. Ultimately the higher authorities need to step in. It's their moral obligation not only to educate but to protect the young from harm as far as possible. One effective way is expose! the bully! That will alert others who may fall prey to them.
As for me, I'm okay because this deranged person's bullying seems to be making no headway! lol! I appreciate it a lot when my fellow commenters come running with their fire-hoses to douse the vile flames of hatred. lwl! It's okay to disagree, that is diversity but stalking, hating and trying so hard to drive me off this site is not okay at all!! Thank you again and also those I've already thanked, above.
