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Adam Lambert's Zodiac Video "Crawl Thru The Fire" is getting CLOSE to 1 Million Views

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Anonymous said...

Lots of action here. Who else can sing those high notes like Adam Lambert, unbelievable. He stooled
the show.

Anonymous said...

Fierce...amazing performance...never tired of watching this

Anonymous said...

What a great blast from the past!

Anonymous said...

I love this song, but unfortunately, it will never be on any of Adam's albums because of that unfortunate bootleg, unauthorized album and also because Adam's co writer on the song is Monte Pitman. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I just watched this on YouTube again just the other day! Who sings like that?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who prefers a stripped down vocal performance? Still, its' quite fun for me too to revisit this "crazy" page, but I would be more than fine if Adam's evolution takes him to a different place for a while. In the end I think it's Adam's versatility and ballz of steel that make him so exciting!

Anonymous said...

He sang that great, but not sure if he can do that again, now that he is a bit older. I don't think he can reach those notes, and hold them, like he used to. Doesn't matter, cuz I like him singing in a lower range now anyway. When he was on AI, that was one of the complaints that I heard, was that people didn't like him singing so high. Even singing in Las Vegas last year with Queen, he does not hold the high notes as long, for which I am glad. Adam himself has said, "it's showing off". He actually said that about himself. Nice to re-visit the old days pre-idol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting I have been a Glambert forever and never watched this.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I remember the first time I saw this, I thought OMG that's very depraved and racy. Times and I have changed. I have evolved.......Now when I see it, I just shrug and say "looks like a Britney, Gaga, Rihanna production." I don't mention any current male performers, cause the only guys I watch other than Adam usually just have a guitar and/or piano with dancers or costumes.
I think he could still hit the notes, but purposely lays off the screamy stuff now.......

@10:26......You are not alone, I love the stripped down vocals. Unless, of course, it's Rock then blast away!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I remember the first time I saw this, I thought OMG that's very depraved and racy. Times and I have changed. I have evolved.......Now when I see it, I just shrug and say "looks like a Britney, Gaga, Rihanna production." I don't mention any current male performers, cause the only guys I watch other than Adam usually just have a guitar and/or piano with dancers or costumes.
I think he could still hit the notes, but purposely lays off the screamy stuff now.......

@10:26......You are not alone, I love the stripped down vocals. Unless, of course, it's Rock then blast away!!!!

Anonymous said...

I swear I tapped it once!

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha! You are not a lone JAK!!:)

It happens to me sometimes about the tapping he!he!

About his range, for sure we can still hear his top of the lungs high note in the 3rd album and way to go Mr. Rock God!!:)


Anonymous said...

love him like this!

Anonymous said...

Canadian @11:56 AM

Did you mean to say his second album; the third album has not been released yet.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounds and looks fabulous here; watch it all the time. I am pretty sure he could still do this; that voice only gets' better with time.

Is this the time that Lee Cherry was trying to talk Adam out of having fire coming out of his headdress.

Adam said, "I want fire coming out of my F--king head. He lost that round. When the pap was asking him about it earlier that evening he look so cute; like a litte innocent angel saying plans had changed a bit; then a few hours later; bam, and the rest is history!

Magiclady said...

I absolutely love "Crawl through the Fire"
He is so sexy in that performance.

Anonymous said...

Adam is only 32 years young; that voice should be as strong as ever; the way he takes care of it.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam can still hit any note he wants to. His body and strength are mature and he has great lung power. I want him to always use everything his voice has to offer. I know that times and styles of singing change and I know that older singers do lose some power. But Adam is in the prime of his life and is years away from losing his incredible voice. I love the earlier performances, too. The wild and crazy pre-Idol days, the gems of GNT. I hope he never becomes a lounge-singer type. He has so much more talent than that. I want him to maintain a sexy edge, sing all kinds of music and be able to do it for a lifetime.


Anonymous said...

Love this performance; definitely watch it every few months or so... Love this Adam actually. I enjoy Adam's entertainment any which way he chooses to deliver it to us... and his vocal prowess is something I could not do without at this point :).

glitzylady said...

I agree with everything you said :))) And then some...

Anonymous said...

A lounge type singer? What? Why would your mind even go there.

glitzylady said...

This performance was either the first or second "pre-Idol" performance that I watched while I was "researching" Adam Lambert during Idol (The other was his Art4Life 2008 benefit, shortly before he auditioned for Idol, "You Make Me Crazy" Adam Lambert Crazy at Art4Life ). I just about passed out. All I could say was "HOLY S***!!!!! OMG!!!" I was instantly smitten when I first saw Adam on Idol, and that was in his very toned down persona. Still amazing. This pretty much cemented it for me. "This guy is not your average WGWG.."... And I like that :)) And always will. Completely sexy, uninhibited and a wild man/child. I suspect we won't see Adam this way again..but I know it's still in there, just under the surface, just dying to get out......

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I think I have already spilled the secret that I like (some) country music, well, I also am a closet opera fan. A friend who is a voice teacher texted me that she had a new crush for me...a German opera singer Jonas Kaufmann, she described him as a Olivier Martinez with beautiful black curly hair. Yum....
I would like to see Adam sing with him...
I remember Michael Bolton singing with Pavorotti and my longtime favorite Placido Domingo.
Tenors galore!
I love when Adam sings out full voice....well, actually I love most any way Adam sings. : )

glitzylady said...

When I said "very toned down persona" (and I should have said **relatively toned down** above by the way, that was before "Ring Of Fire".... That was another "HOLY S***!!! OMG!!!" moment for of so many over the years :))))))

Anonymous said...

Adam's spectacular Ring of Fire always brings to mind one particular moment for me. It's when he "accidently" lifted up the bottom of his shirt for a moment, exposing a little tummy skin. I almost fainted. The whole song was a tour de force that blew everyone away, even those who claimed to the it. Ah, memories!


Anonymous said...

Meant "even those who claimed to hate it," Sorry, bad typing.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be fun to see Starchild come out for a Glee song looking like this and performing like this... I mean, Starchild is supposed to be over the top, right? I think it would knock everybody dead. I love this look and performance so much. Too HOT.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady, Thanks for digging out that old treasure that is still driving me "crazy":
(Had to run this morning and didn't get to post it here)

Both "Crazy" and well as ROF are amongst the highest ranked performances on the sexiness scale for me. Lately I find his lower register very alluring which Adam somewhat underused in his earlier days.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam NEVAH settles down to "stripped down vocals only" or "just standing behind a mike and singing" - get almost an anxiety attack just thinking about those images... Such a waste it would be!!!
Don't get me wrong, love his voice in all the different, detailed nyances and tones whatever the style or music, but his too versatile, too multitalented, too complex of a personality just to "settle down" to anything "stripped down only". Just gives me shivers to think about it....

Anonymous said...

One in a BILLION voice, folks!
The range. The Power.
And that skill to use that voice, that range...
The more versatile the better!

Anonymous said...

Love this ROF vid. Am going to start watching it on a regular basis to boost its plays. Wish I had known Adam back in the Zodiac days.

Anonymous said...

I'll take Adam singing anything anywhere! He will always have that amazing voice and ability to outperform anyone in the music industry while looking extremely beautiful, hot and sexy!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

2:36. No one said they wanted Adam to settle down to stripped down vocals only. They said they liked when he sang that way. Read again.

Anonymous said...

A cappella and acoustic Adam are as good as Zodiac Adam. That's part of the reason I like him.

Anonymous said...

first time that I seen whole video . . . pretty cool . . .wasn't Monty in this?

Anonymous said...

I did not address anyone in particular with my post, was just 'thinking out loud'. These same themes pop out quite often here...some fans saying they just want him just to stand there and sing, and here some said they PREFER the stripped down vocal performance. I think that's means more than just liking. Maybe you need to read those posts again? :)))
Just voicing different opinions, @2:36 was my opinion. I love Adam in any way HE wants to present his magnificent voice and talent.

Anonymous said...

If his next album is more rick,which we don't know yet, I hope to hear some of those out of this world high rock wails! I think he can most definitely still do it,but he sings to fit the type of song. Love his tender ballads too!Adam is just so versatile.

choons said...

I just heard Lay Me Down playing on the preview for new ABC series Mixology!!!!! Wonder if they'll use it throughout the series?
Don't know if someone has already mentioned this?

Anonymous said...

Crawl Thru The one of my favorites I watch it quite often...the first time I saw it I nearly dropped my teeth and they're and not even store bought:):)...But as many of you I'll take Adam any way I can get him...wild and crazy...soft and sweet...with or without make up...blonde hair...long hair...
short hair...clean shaven...a little scruffy...I don't care what he puts tattoos on...what he sings...where he lives...parties...or hangs out...I love the man...plain and simple....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Angelina Kalahari is an opera singer from UK and she is a Glambert. I recall she talked about Adam's voice gets better and better as he ages. If I find her talks on youtube I'll post it for you to listen what she said as an expert about Adam's voice. There is also a special thread about Adam's voice on

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert, the agony and ecstasy of singing by Angelina Kalahari

glitzylady said...

I'll take Adam any way I can get him.

And that goes for his voice too.

Anonymous said...

glitz, Not unless I get him first.


Anonymous said...

I agree with so many things I'm reading in everyone's comments. Love Adam's versatility....the rock wails are thrilling; then when he strips it back and caresses the Adamgasm.

Anonymous said...

@JAK, I love many different types of music also so I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady and DRG You two are a hoot!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam to death!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the female dancer at the end is Brooke? Also, note when she runs her hand over Adam's GB he lowers his head to check out what just happened.
Sure looks like Brooke.

Anonymous said...

@11:43 I hadn't thought of that being Brooke...guess I'll have to watch it again! Is the guy at the end his boyfriend Brad?

Anonymous said...

Surprised it wasn't 5 million views! Priceless time of Adam.
Totally priceless!

Anonymous said...

Don't know about Brooke, but that's not Brad.

Anonymous said...

I remember reading somewhere a few years ago that Brad WAS the dancer in this performance. Don't really know.

Anonymous said...

The first time I watched it, I did notice what the female dancer did, and I thought that was Brad (cheeks, right?) kinda rubbing up against him at the end. He looks extremely hunky, as well.