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CHRIS COLFER AND ADAM LAMBERT KISS Gets Over 70,000 Views Already!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Oh is just a funny thing you do at the last second when someone is taking a picture. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the whole clip people are interested in.

Anonymous said...

I think it's the whole clip, but; I do think it is mostly about the whole interaction between Adam and Chris. The kiss on the cheek, to me is no big deal at all. People are always kissing people on the cheek; friends, relatives, kids, parents. Just a nice litte gesture of affection. Theirs, was a cute litte interaction while taken a picture.

This is going to be so great; cannot wait until Monday to see and hear the song on youtube as some has said it will be posted; and cannot wait until Tuesday to see Glee!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I think it is the hole clip. It's fun and I'm looking forward to it. But we are allvictims of titles or teaser headings that get the click. Just like on here.

Anonymous said...

The Lea and Naya fans are probably watching it for storyline about their fight, Chris fans for his storyline, Adam fans for our obvious reasons. Plus the show is coming back from hiatus so general Gleek excitement. No surprise it is getting clicks. Not sure why Adam is saying it is due to the kiss.

Anonymous said...

10:41 here. Meant not sure why Admin is saying it is due to the kiss. Gee, I wonder why my phone auto corrects to Adam ;)

Anonymous said...

I really loved the song by the Darkness, I Believe In A Thing Called Love, so I went back to listen to the original song to just try and imagine Adam's and Kurt's rendition of the music and high notes, and, believe me, Adam is going to kill this incredible rock song. I am so hyped for Tuesday and Glee, even though I will never again watch an episode of Glee unless Adam is on the show. What life Adam brought to this sinking ship!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Is glee on the same time as the voice?

Anonymous said...

God, this looks good. Can't wait. Fantastic that Adam really get to show his acting chops. He is so great to watch. Captivating!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The entire spoiler is totally fun and appealing.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of a kiss Tommy Joe would give Adam backstage right before a concert. Brotherly like.

Anonymous said...

Well, the Glee peeps sure knew this kiss clip would get people excited. I know Glee fans are watching the teasers for many reasons, but that cheek smooch is getting lots of attention. Adam has a way of drawing you in and not letting you go. It happened to me. LOL. Can't wait for Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

think of how many views they would get if it was a sex tape ;)

Anonymous said...

All I'm not surprised 70,000 views already ....after all we are glamberts ..: on another subject i'm worried about watching Adam and a stripper pole... The mere thought of him being in the same room as a stripper pole makes my toes curl.., The thought that he might actually touch said stripper pole is too much .... don't think I'll be able to take it... Adam don't!!!!.... too late I'm a goner..., Rose petal

Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks like a fun episode. Something going on with Rachel and Santana and a big song and dance number from Elliott and Kurt. So excited for Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

I like that the director was so complimentary to Adam and Chris and said that they are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Chris is a great actor and Adam, well Adam as we all know is amazing in whatever he chooses to do, not to mention he's got outstanding comedic timing which just comes naturally to him. Soooo, Adam +Chris =Glee Perfection.


Adamluv said...

@11:18 - unfortunately yes - same time as The Voice. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, this will be really fun. I'll tune in definitely to watch Glee. Can't get enough of Adam on my TV. Last week Idol. This week Glee on Tuesday, RuPaul on Monday. I'll marry my twitter feed parting with bunch of Glamberts I follow. Hopefully trending Adam on twitter too.

Anonymous said...

My TV schedule has Glee at 8:00 PM on FOX and The Voice at 9:00 PM on NBC on this coming Tuesday. I'll watch Glee first then The Voice.

Anonymous said...

Off topic: does anyone know wat happened to a bonus track on FYE called Can't lLet You Go ? I heard it somewhere, but I can't get it on iTunes. It's really beautiful

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:59 AM
"Can't Let You Go" wasn't available on the US version of the FYE album. I got it through Amazon UK (physical copy). It was bonus track on that version..

Anonymous said...

Staying off topic: Can't let you go is a freaking awesome song!!!! Really looking forward to Glee and Hope someone brings the video from his appearance on Monday here.

Anonymous said...

If you can't buy the UK version of FYE anywhere... Go to Youtube and listen to it there. Or download a youtube vid on your computer, so you can listen to it, whenever you want. Can't Let You Go is SOOOO awesome, and it's one of the songs Adam has never performed live...

Anonymous said...

Thanks all for all the info on Can't Let You Go. I was able to view it on YouTube. It's I guess a fan make video which is a combo of Adam's other videos. The Glamberts truly are a family, amazing how you all got back to me so quickly:)). Great song!

Anonymous said...

Judas's kiss on the what I see. Adam finally gets a chance to play Judas on the small screen for now. He'll play it on the big stage or in a movie one day. Hello....Jesus Christ Superstar, by the way just happens to be my favorite musical. No romance in that peck on the cheek. It's all about deceit and betrayal.....Elliott aka Starchild aka Judas.....Kurt better watch his back..."Frenemies" My point of view.

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

3:44, maybe you should wait to see the whole episode before coming to that conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Glee is a just a TV show and not real life. Just proves Adam is a great actor!lol

Anonymous said...

Sure getting a lot of hits. It's over 105,0000.

Is it Tuesday yet?

Anonymous said...

There is nothing romantic about that kiss. Adam is just teasing Kurt by getting his camera. It's funny cute.

Anonymous said...

I burst out laughing everytime I hear Chris say that, Curt feels like Elliot may take away some of the spotlight; and Adam matter of factually, says, "I am", then Curt says something. I have watched this so many times; and when it gets to that part I just start cracking up. Adam is such a natural, and they really compliment each other. I just love Adam on Glee!!

Anonymous said...

@Tall Tree ... I like your theory about the Judas kiss... Being an avid Glee fan, I know how usually the bosses play with the emotions of the glee fans and also how they make the Glee characters flawed.. We haven't really seen any flaws yet with Starchild... so that kiss may be one... It is still not clear whether Starchild is gay or not...

And as Anonymous February 22, 2014 at 11:43 AM said, I have actually seen on youtube some footage of Tommy Joe giving a brotherly kiss to Adam (not on the mouth though) just before a performance...

Anonymous said...

@Tall Tree.. sorry I forgot, I am Axel.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal When I first heard the words Adam and stripper pole together, I too didn't think I could take it! From the promo clip it sounds like Kurt will be the one using it though. :( oh well, maybe it's for the best....don't think I could survive the sexiness otherwise.

Anonymous said...


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your wonderful insightful comment! You understood my comment. I was trying to generate discussion to get others to think outside the box about the peck on the cheek. Whenever Adam is seen with a guy, the discussion is always about sex and boyfriend. It's an insult to him because he's more than a sex object of some fans fantasies. Nothing wrong with a good stimulating discussion now and then. Thanks!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Remember Adam kissed Matt (name?????) . He was in the final three on Idol, and when he was eliminated Adam kissed him on the cheek. Think he may have also kissed Krs Allen on the cheek. It's endearing not sexual.

Anonymous said...

Matt Giraud.

Anonymous said...

Can't have someone else's name as the last comment on an AL fan site thread... sooo :
ADAM, ADAM, ADAM - LOVE you so freakin much! There. That's better. :)))))

Anonymous said...

People, do you really believe that Adam planted a kiss on Chris' cheek on a whim? Have you ever heard of a script? The kiss, song, etc., are all part of the plot!

Anonymous said...

oK.... Did anyone say it was a whim. I'm sure it was scripted.