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New GLEE TWEET from Adam

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, February 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, February 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this episode of Glee this week. Adam looks so good in this clip; I like him better witout the facial hair. He fits right in there with the rest of the cast and I am glad that Ryan Murphy took a chance by giving him the role of Elliott on the show. I don't know how much Adam's appearance on Glee will help with the ratings depending the time it is on and what is opposite the show. But if all the Glamberts tune it, there should be a large viewing audience that night.

Magiclady said...

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Redux !

Anonymous said...

I know so many of us are waiting for new music from Adam,, but until then we have his appearances on Glee to boost our morale. I need something to recuperate from the cold, snow and ice we have had here in northeast NJ over the last several months. More snow supposedly on Wed. So just watching this clip of Elliott with Kurt looks like the episode will be lively and entertaining. Any time I get to see Adam performing or as a guest on a talk show is a better day for me.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to focus on his own music. The fact that he's dumbed himself down to do a show like glee really highlights the fact that his recording career has failed. So sad

Anonymous said...

Squee can't wait for this. Glee has had many great guest stars over the years and Adam gets to add his name to that list. Squee again.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:42 PM
I respectfully disagree with your comment. I posted a comment on a previous thread earlier today and for the sake of not having to reiterate (and retype) my opinion on this subject, here it is again:

I think Adam is VERY VERY wise to take whatever opportunities he has come his way in TV and music. GLEE gives him massive exposure even though it is not as popular as it once was. I've had people tell me they saw him on Glee and they thought he was fantastic. Many young people watch Glee (as do other age groups..). And he's attracted a number of new fans as a result. I suspect these next few episodes of Glee will win him even more new fans. It's all about exposure.

Same with the potential Queen concerts this year. I would really hope that the media would pick up on the fact that Queen are touring (assuming they do) and that Adam is the front man.. Some TV interviews would be nice.. some magazine articles in People, etc.. etc.. Hoping for some really nice things for Adam to come out of it.. So that when Adam has his own new music come out, people will be interested in hearing it.. And radio will pick up on that interest. Because the reality of it is, radio wants to play music that people are interested in. It's money in their pockets... And we know that money speaks in radio....

Adam has the potential to be "rediscovered" by the masses this year. Every little bit helps in the whole scheme of things. The new music will certainly come. He's working on it from the looks of things. Other artists work on multiple projects simultaneously and manage to pull it off. I certainly expect to see some new music this year, sooner or later. And I'm HOPING to to see Adam debut a new single on Idol toward the end of the season this spring. Perfect for him, perfect for us too. :))) Because like everyone else here, I'm DYING to hear what's next for him, musically AND otherwise.. So exciting!

As Adam said earlier "Intense forward motion" in 2014. I have no doubt he meant it...

Anonymous said...

Where is Adam now? LA, Sweden, London? Would be nice if he was in London now practicing with Queen. Heheeehe

Anonymous said...

2 42
And I would say that he needs to be looking for other opportunities like glee and forget about new music. Because that ship has sailed.

Anyone thinking he is going to be rediscovered is just not looking at the realities of all the failed idols who have gone before adam.

Anonymous said...

Ok Adam I watched that video a couple of times and will watch a few more.c

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Chris and Adam sing The Darkness song. Justin Hawkins, the Darkness' singer wrote Music Again for FYE. Small world.

Anonymous said...

re glitzylady - 1. wise? more like desperate 2. glee fans are not going to turn into glamberts 3. queen is just another sign that his career has failed. 4. his last 5 shows at casinos and state fairs haven't sold out. most normal people don't even know who he is anymore. back when Adam was huge on idol in 2009 and when WWFM broke as a hit single in 2010 he was much more popular. He doesn't even have a label now. I am not hating on Adam i'm just being real here.

Anonymous said...

Adam couldn't come up with a hit single when he had all the resources of rca backing him. He isn't going to be working with big names this time or getting anywhere near the promo he had in the past. He will debut his single, it will go nowhere and then he will finally move on and find a theater job.

Anonymous said...

I think Justin Hawkins tweeted Adam he was proud to be sharing the stage with him at the Sonisphere Festival before it was cancelled.

Anonymous said...

2:42 is a troll and 3:14 is our resident rude and argumentative know-it-all. Both are just looking for trouble and attention and to be disruptive. Don't encourage them with a response.

Anonymous said...

3:38 I think I remember Justin tweeting that to Adam. I can't wait to see this episode of Glee. How many times do you think the trolls will write the same comments on here? Oh lol do tell.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 3.36pm. Its not about working with the biggest and the best, which I agree he has done.
Just look at our Lourde a young inexperienced girl and Joel Little an ex band member and songwriter and it all just clicked into place people got on board and the fact that I can mention her name and you all know who I mean says a lot. She is big here there and everywhere.
As I say its about the stars aligning, everything teeing up to get THAT song that captures everyones attention.
Adam can still do it, I have faith.
He will not let it go he will take every opportunity that comes his way.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, look at what happens when you respond to a troll. This happens all the time. Please stop responding to them. They can't be reasoned with. They just want a reaction and to argue.

Anonymous said...

3:45 don't leave out 3:35 and 3:36. Lol

Anonymous said...

3:51, I got interrupted while typing and look what happened in those few minutes. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I watched this Frenemies video several times and I am so excited for this episode. Adam is so gorgeous. So thrilled for him. I love all aspects of this Adam Lambert journey. Love Adam unconditionally!

Anonymous said...

3 49
the chance of getting that special song that hits big is very small. And there is excitement about someone new like Lourdes, while adam is old news at this point.

Obviously he will have a career and be able to support himself, but not as a mainstream pop artist that gets radio play or tours.

Anonymous said...

Hey did any of you trolls read about the recent research they did on you? help is only a phone call way just reach out. Quit fretting over Adam and take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a sensational talent! Every opportunity is just now opening up to him! The world is his oyster!

Anonymous said...

Looks like things are shaping up quite nicely for Adam. I think he's lucky to have opportunities like Glee to keep his name and gorgeous face out there until he's ready to share new music that big audiences can hopefully connect with. Additionally, I have a feeling that some Gleeks and other new fans will start checking out his first two albums. After a bit of a break I listened to FYE again and oh boy, so many good songs on it!

Anonymous said...

Ignore the trolls. They were showing their distasteful comments at different sites and they were warned by moderators. They are not even fans of Adam. They are butt hurt jealous trolls and they show their hate every time good things comes Adam's way. As if success of an artist is only tied up to radio play. How ignorant one can be to state that artists' works is determined by radio. News for you, hardly anyone these days listen to radio. Have you heard of internet, smart devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, tablets, etc.? That's where people play and get their music. Radio is only 30% of artists success. The rest of 70% comes from internet streaming and concerts.

Anonymous said...

@4:05 PM Do something nice. Spend you time following Lourdes. Quit following Adam's fans. You serve no purpose whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

One thing that I would suggest to Adam....figure out what kind of an artist you are and what established as well as newly gained fans see in you, and then release music that you can connect with by not losing your artistic integrity!

Anonymous said...

I upgraded my TV to satellite and I can watch Glee here in west coast at east coast time. YAY! Can't wait until Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

@4:05 PM One thing I suggest to you. Get your own life and follow your own suggestions.

Anonymous said...

@4:45 PM One thing I suggest to you. Get your own life and follow your own suggestions. In other words, Mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

@4:05 at your prior comment, you said that nobody knows who Adam is then you said next that Adam is old news. So then people know him and if they don't know him then it means he can have hit radio like Lourdes or others cause as you stated nobody knows him!?! Your statements most of the time are false statements.

Anonymous said...

4 42

Lol. Trespassing failed because it didnt get radio play. Without hit songs there is no tour. Radio is interested in what appeals to the young which is usually the next new thing, not some reality show runner up who hasn't been heard from in five years. Things move quickly in the entertainment world and you don't keep getting more opportunities once you have failed. You need to educate yourself.

If adam was a real artist he would have been back in the studio a year ago instead of pissing away his time. He has gotten so many chances it is absolutely tragic the way he has blown it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Trolls! Don't worry about Adam and Glamberts. Seek out help. One suggestion to you haters, Monday morning call to get help or if your delusions are sever call emergency.

Anonymous said...

First of all; it is only one troll at
2:42 PM, 3:14, 3:35, 3:36 PM. This is the same old troll; rehashing the same old stuff every other day. The person is certainly not fooling me. He or she is not a fan of Adam's; just coming on his threads to spread this garbage. Same person from a few weeks ago who was bragging about all the other idols and condemming Adam.
Oh, they love answering themselves!

They are sick. Just one person folks!! Don't let the Adam hater fool you. They donot care about Adam.
One crazy troll!

Anonymous said...

I love a troll frenzy i!! Adam must be doing something right. Trolls frothing and flopping away.

Anonymous said...

@5:04 PM is the same crazy Troll posting again! He or she can't take all these great things that are happening to Adam; I am afraid they are now going off the deep end. Very sad!

Anonymous said...

@5:04 you respond to my comment confirms that you are not a fan of Adam. I'm 34 and I don't listen to radio to listen to my favorite music. Same goes for my friends and other younger kids I have class with on weekends. Have you heard of Pandora, iTunes Radio, Spotify, YouTube, vevo, and bunch of other online music streams? That's where we listen to our music. Do you know Macklemore & Lewis won four Grammys and they are indie artists? The old system of corporate model is crumbling to the ground. WE THE PEOPLE are taking control of the wheel. I want to give most of money to my favorite artist instead of him being controlled by corporate greed and get only 15% of money.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....just throwing my 2 cents about not talking to or about the troll? Just step over them as you would a steaming cow pie and talk around them to each other.

Anonymous said...

I agree; just one crazy troll. Wasting so much time posting over and over again and not fooling anyone. All these great things happening to our Globetrotting International Worldwide Superstar is going to make this person's head explode!

Somebody get the Crazy Train ready to roll; we have a real live Cuckoo canidate here!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop watching that video with Chris and Adam. Everywhere Adam goes there is excitement; and everyone just seems to love this man. It's almost as if they don't want him to leave Glee!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Adam isn't just limiting himself to just singing. He is such an all around entertainer. As long as I can see him somewhere; I am satisfied. He can just take his time and when he is ready to release his next album, that will be fine with me. In the meantime; we have his first two fabulous albums, which I never get tired of. Now Glee; soon Queen, and Judge on the RuPaul show.

Our man is so busy. Just love him. You can't rush perfection!!!

Anonymous said...

All my friends are talking about what a great mentor Adam was on Glee. Two of them said they were going to start following him now. So he just got 2 new twitter followers. They will definitely be watching Glee on Tuesday.

Adam is so full of surprises. He just pops up somewhere in the world at any given time!

Anonymous said...

So cute Adam tweeted this and we have already be drowing ourselves in it. His Glamberts are already enjoying this by the thousands!

glitzylady said...

What a shame that I posted a comment, made the mistake of mentioning someone above me, and suddenly I'm the bad guy. Thanks. Guess it negates everything I had to say. Oh well.

In my opinion, way too much time is spent here pointing out/labeling the "trolls" which simply draws more attention to them.


Anonymous said...


"Steaming cow pie"; good discription for the old inhouse troll who keeps posting and answering his or herself. So funny, laughing my head off!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - @5:48 PM

I am just going to say this; what you said was great; both times I saw it. I hope you post it often.

Just so you will know @3:35 and @2:42 is the same inhouse troll you were responding to. No reasoning with this Adam hater.

Thank you for your post, I loved reading it. Should be a must read.
Everytime you think someone needs to hear it; please post it!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so professional in his Glee acting stint. He is really, really good. I hope this is the start of many TV parts. Adam can do it all. I just hope he continues to get many more opportunites in all avenues. Would love to also one day see him on Broadway. In that case, New York here I come!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a living doll! That is all!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:58 PM
Thank you :))

I wasn't trying to reason with whoever posted that comment above me.. Obviously those commenters have their own agendas. And I'll leave it at that... :))

HK fan said...

Whilst you're waiting for new music from Adam..... you do have the Glee songs to keep you going, They are available on itunes. The new Darkness one will be available to buy on monday I think.

Love the video, Adam looks gorgeous, and it looks like it will be a really good episode. How can exposing yourself to a new demographic of fans been seen as a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

While it's true Adam did work with great people while with RCA, example 2 songs with Pharrell, and one with Nile Rogers , they were never released as singles. I'm not sure whose fault that is. I've heard a lot of artists say their label wouldn't allow them to do the music they wanted or disagreed with which songs would be released. Is it possible tat his former label was responsible for those tracs never seeing the light of day, except for his loyal fans. I think Adam is a good businessman and he knows what he's doing. His talent is never ending, and I've never heard one person who has worked with him have any negative comments. I think Adam is doing just fine.

Anonymous said...

Just wish he would let his hair grow in and shave

Anonymous said...

Good thing Adam has glee cuz his recording career is dead and no label wants him. That's why he's doing Queen & Glee cuz no one buys his own music.

Anonymous said...

Cow pie

Anonymous said...

@8:07 I know what you mean. Doesn't everyone get to appear in several episodes of a prime time TV show? And doesn't everyone get to sing with one of the greatest rock bands in history? Big deal! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that they pull "I Believe In Thing Called Love" for Adam/Cris duet! This song and MV is parody on Freddie Mercury's "This Thing Called Love"! Yes, I just read it on YouTube! This is cruel!

Anonymous said...

Remind me again what record label Adam is currently signed to? Oh yeah that's right he doesn't have a label because he can't sell records. What a shame that is. So sad for Adam :(

Anonymous said...

@9:58PM Kris Allen plans to release new album this year. What do you think about his albums sales? Adam has great support from the biggest celebrities in Music Industry. I'm sure they can help him to find the record label.

Anonymous said...

Why bother responding to the haters like the one at 9:58? It just makes them laugh. Ignore them.

Anonymous said...

5:48, if you don't want to draw attention to them then don't respond to them.

Anonymous said...

@10:28PM I just have fun and few extra minutes of my busy night to respond to these idiots:) They never laugh, they are angry!Always!:)

Anonymous said...

10:33, no they are laughing to themselves that they got you to respond. Have you seen the links provided here about what trolls want and why they do it? The trolls upset many readers here and we repeatedly ask people to stop responding. Your fun just feeds the troll and causes more trouble and upsets the real fans. Please think of the real fans you are affecting with your "fun" and please stop feeding the trolls.

Anonymous said...

@10:37pm it would be fine IMO not more than one or two fans respond to the haters since they bash Adam on this website that uses his name. Gush they are total pain in a neck. Wished Admin could delete their repetitive comments.

Anonymous said...

11:24, she can delete them she just chooses not to.

Very sad that this is allowed to happen on a fan site. I've never seen that on any other fan site for anybody I have been a fan of.

Anonymous said...

Re: trolls.
My suggestion not to dignify them with any kind of acknowledgment at all.
Then let @glitzylady cut and paste her reply in every thread where trolls post.
This is to negate whatever the trolls are saying and mainly just for the sole purpose of those new fans who come here and reading them.
But let no one ever acknowledge them again or even mention the word "TROLL".

Anonymous said...

12:06, that is such a bogus excuse to say something needs to be posted for new fans. That still gives the troll the response they are looking for. If on the rare chance a new fan comes here one troll comment isn't going to make a difference. They are obvious as trolls. What it would show is that trolls will be ignored.

Responding to the trolls just results in more trolls and arguing with trolls and now arguing over not responding to trolls. The way to end this is to stop responding to trolls.

What is more likely to affect new fans is the constant bickering and whining. The complaining about how Adam's hair, beard, tattoos and nose ring is far more detrimental. I have never seen "fans" treat their idol so poorly.

If Admin won't deal with the trolls our only hope of getting rid of them is to ignore them. It is the recomnended and accepted procedure across the internet. Why do you think we have so many trolls and haters? Because Admin won't delete and readers won't ignore.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are disturbed individuals. I don't know why anyone would interact with them.

Maybe if people see it as supporting Adam to ignore a troublemaker they can find the will power to ignore .

Try this. Every time a troll/hater/troublemaker is ignored Adam gets a new pair of shoes or new jacket or new episode of Glee :)

Anonymous said...

Old play boring music for the trolls again he!he! Just take it all in!!!:)

As long as they here, we don't have to worry folks. Adam is still interesting and valuable for the trolls who always complains:)


Anonymous said...

Not all criticism comes from 'trolls'
its safe to say Adam's career isnt too fantastic now,(admit it or deny it, whatever) but we should realise that the music industry isn't a stable one, one min you are up, the next you are old news...erm Lady gaga.
Adam is a talented dude, all he needs now is get a good label that TRUST him to deliver, create radio friendly music and keep up with his clean Image, hopefully Glamberts will buy and support the third album.( if we really do).
Someone wrote something about artiste intergrity, yeah...i love my Adam and would like to see him on my TV, but he should carve niche for himself! I do hope there is a 3rd era tour ( with NEW songs) coming.
Before you label some1 a troll, please read through some would be surprised in the truth in them.
And to the actual 'trolls' you are here because of Adam, so he is relevant whether u admit it or not!

Anonymous said...

@6:04AM- I agree with your comments overall. Maybe Adam did not achieve the kind of recognition and success we as fans wanted for him with his music career, but there is no denying that he is an extremely talented vocalist and has an amazing stage presence. Right now he seems to be taking advantage of several opportunities that have been offered to him(GLEE, Idol mentor, RuPaul judge). New music will come eventually. The music business is very unpredictable and Adam will find his place in it. I think he will have longevity in the entertainment field because he so multi-talented and can branch out into other areas as an artist/performer/designer,etc. He seems to be well liked and respected by so many in the music and entertainment world and that speaks volumes about the kind of person he is.

Anonymous said...

The truth? The truth is out there (lol!) but it's not in the comments of nay sayers, negative nellies/nicks, snarky realists or trolls, nor is it in your comment either!
Why is it so hard to trust Adam & his 'crew' to take care of his career?! And NOT to make any judgements re his career at this point?! Every artist is different, every artist works in their own pace along their own path, they need 'creative breaks', face trouble & unexpected difficulties, burn out or worse... and they go on, come back etc. Let Adam (the artists) be the LEADER (leaders) of HIS life (their lives).
This (or any) fandom is ONLY responsible for SUPPORTING ADAM (their object of admiration) in any POSITIVE way possible, and every REAL fan knows what that means. That does NOT mean constant criticizing, putting down, slandering, even making evil lies about the artist you claim to be fan of!!! The whole concept of some "fans" that they (think they) KNOW everything he does, has done and should do, is RIDICULOUS!
Saying that you're a fan also means that each and every one is responsible for the atmosphere here and on every Adam fan site!
So how about being real fans and less 'know it all managers' of Adam's life and business?

Anonymous said...

@6:51 AM,

Spat on Dear!!!:)... These ceatures pretending they are fans and not a troll but keeps on complaining and being negative about Adam's career.

Adam will not be successful without his amazing and supporting fans. If we believe and trust his instinct, he will achieve and more success upon him!!:)

I don't care what happens, I'm a fan and Adam will prevail from these negativity indeed!!:)


Anonymous said...

Calling yourself a 'Fan' should not stop you from stating the obvious.
Seems lots of folks here have an ostrich way of reasoning(pardon my diction), denying something won't change the truth.
1. I would love adam be on same musical radar with Kelly, Katy P; Rihanna etc unfortunately he isn't, which isn't any fault of his, the politics and dynamics of the industry is strange.
2. I wont call Adam a flop, you know a flop when you see one, while getting the huge breakout 'might' be a tad difficult, it is not impossible, a song can change everything forever...believe me.
Now, having listed all that, as rightly penned above, the truth might not be in my comment, or anyones' the truth is out there, afterall we all have different opinion here. But having a total view from the general or popular opinion shoudn't make one a troll or negative nellies; its just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I don't get it, is there a list of accepted comments? If so, wouldn't every thread be deadly boring?
"He's gorgeous"
"He set the bar so high on Idol no one can ever meet it"
"He ruined Idol for me"
"He's an international superstar"
"He's the best vocal talent in the world"
"He's charismatic, he's smart, he's witty"
"He deserves our unconditional love"
"He was cheated out of the American Idol #1 spot."

On and on, forever and always. We've heard 4 years of this, whether one agrees with this or not, it's not a springboard to conversation . It would be the dead
end of 24/7. Without varying opinions, even disagreement (polite disagreement preferably) , occasional spats (rude maybe but not vicious) between fans who really dislike each other....without general discussion... (His hair, his clothes, his companions, and yes, his extraordinary good looks, but mostly his music and his career)....all is blandness.

I don't believe that what we say and do here has any effect on Adam's career in any way, I come here to talk about Adam, find out what's new, appreciate the photos many people unearth, see his interviews and performances, flail, joke and enjoy each others company, chat and get to know something about this assemblage of Adam admirers.

The people who vent their frustration and disappointment that Adam hasn't met their expectations don't bother me....even though they (sometimes) do it in a nasty way. The sly, vulgar, sex innuendos just cause me to say "Ick", I've sworn off having hissy fits. I do agree there are some sick individuals who come just to spill their meanness and see what reaction they can get........unfortunately they get just what they want....numerous attacks which show them how successful they are.

Whew, I'm sure (if you are still here) that's way more than enough of what I think, I promise to go away and not post least for 24 hours! It's our 57th anniversary, I think I'll go make a move on my spouse, that'll surprise him!

Anonymous said...

JAK, some of the OTT comments you listed are as crazy as the negative comments left here. There is a difference between nicely expressing a reasonable opinion and the hate and whining and complaining seen here. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground here between the hate and complaining or the OTT Adam walks on water comments.

The conversation you wish could happen won't happen here without moderation. You can't have a civil conversation without a moderator getting rid of the outrageous and hateful comments that have infected this site. They are entrenched now. It is really a shame.

The people who vent their frustration, hate and negativity and vulgar innuendo make me want to not leave a comment at all. I have left this site for months at a stretch because I can't take the hate and negativity. You know many people have left this site. Allowing this to continue will result in just you and the trolls with their hateful and vulgar innuendo comments left here.

I think we agree the trolls should be ignored but I saw you respond to one last night about Adam having a label. I don't know how to get the other readers to understand it is critical to ignore the trolls or how to get Admin to delete the trolls and hate.

This is an Adam fan site. I have never seen another fan site that allows the negative and hateful comments about Adam that are allowed here.

Hope you and your husband enjoy your anniversary. Congrats on so many happy years together and wishing you many more.

Anonymous said...

JAK, well said.
I just have one comment. I don't know why some people even think that Adam wants to have a Katy Perry- like career. Like great actors who stay away from franchise or big budget films, only to act in Indie films. Let's just sit back and enjoy what's next. Amen

Anonymous said...

@Canadian, thank you!
And OT:
Congratulations Team Canada winning the Olympic Gold Metal in Ice-Hockey!!!
