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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 14, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 14, 2014

VIA emmanuelzidor

Me and @adamlambert LOVE THIS GUY


Anonymous said...

I'll say it

We All Love This Guy!!!

Vicki in Ohio said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Did he make it through? I remember seeing him, but not sure.

Anonymous said...

Yes he made it thru!

Anonymous said...

That's great. I'm sure they all loved him.

Anonymous said...

So, I have a question. Why are they making such a big deal out of Noblette "coming out" on camera? Isn't it extremely obvious that this guy is too? Another question: who cares? Does one's orientation have any bearing whatsoever on their talent? Isn't this a talent show? Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is AI is trying to make a point. Otherwise I can't see a reason to pick this guy as one of the top 15 and let some crazy-talented guys go home last night. I just don't think he's that good of a singer compared to some of the others we got to hear....please don't think I'm trying to knock him down; that's not my intent. The gay girl on the other hand was a pretty good singer. What say the rest of you?

Anonymous said...

I think this guy is gross! And he is such a f.... drama queen. I can't understand why he is in top 15n

Anonymous said...

The judges are going to eliminate five girls and five guys on Wed. and Thurs. night. I am not real fond of Noblette but some people grow on me.

Anonymous said...

He's flaming gay! I love him! Hope he makes it this week on idol! :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

@8:58 PM I don't care if he gay or straight. He is annoying and overrated. They sent home few singers who are much more talented than this guy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We've been hit by a troll again. Please do not respond!

Anonymous said...

9:36 don't drop your pearls. Clutch them tightly.

glitzylady said...

Just a warning: don't open the link that @Anon 9:02 PM posted.... I'm no "pearl clutcher" but that doesn't need to be here. IMO...

***I know **some** people don't like me to announce this, but the blog Administrator of 24/7 has been notified, as of right now. And if anyone has a problem with me "announcing" that, too bad..

Anonymous said...

Couldn't care less to look it up anyway, waste of my time.
Don't even watch any celebrity news show,
I'm just here for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Troll is crazy and that 9:02 should be deleted as well as discriminatory comments above it. Please Admin.

Anonymous said...

Adam Always attracted to this kind of scum
and yes 9:02 should be deleted

9:58 you should have some pearls At least since you like EVERYTHING

Anonymous said...

Call me naive, but I made the mistake of opening the link @9:02 pm provided and wasn't expecting that. And not in a good way. My opinion of the contestant just went down even more. The fact that someone is gay or not matters not to me, but that was something I'd expect to see on a gay porn film, not on someone's Twitter.

Anonymous said...

What kind of person goes back 7 months on a twitter acct to find something and then posts it here? A troll. Probably because nobody was biting at their earlier troll attempts to stir up trouble with some of the comments from 8:00 on.

Anonymous said...

yes please delete the twitter pic,,,,made the mistake of going there...not a prude but yuck

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady...JAK here...Thanx for the warning. Though I am curious, I trust your judgement and I really don't want to see anything vulgar (which I assume this is) sometimes "Ignorance IS Bliss."

Anonymous said...

Today is the day I have decided it means nothing to me to be called a pearl clutcher. I didn't open the link and I thank those who are reporting what it's like. I don't have to look at or like everything people throw out there. My standards are mine and I own them.

Anonymous said...

For the curious who don't want to open it, it is explicit porn.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a very poor singer...why did they keep him and send home that tall handsome black guy with braids and guitar real singer ....sorry don't remember his name. Is AI trying to make some statement...

Anonymous said...

@6:50 Was that the guy with the dark-rimmed glasses? If yes, he was one of the ones I was surprised they sent home. Hope he tries out again next year. I do think AI is trying to make some kind of statement.....that mediocrity is preferred if you are in a certain demographic.

Anonymous said...

@JAK Hi sweetie! If you don't want to see anything vulgar, it's good you don't go there. It's definitely vulgar.

Anonymous said...

Emmanuel has only posted about 20 pics on twitter. It doesn't take more then 10 seconds to scroll thru them. The idea that I went thru 7000 tweets to find that pic is ridiculous. Emmanuel posted the pic. I don't see what the big deal is. Some of you on here just can't stand to see or hear the truth about anyone including Adam. Smh

Anonymous said...

Even Adam tried to clear all his accounts of pictures before idol and someone was still able to find old pictures. (Sad he felt he had to) Adam believed as most of us that it is a singing competition. He competed by omission never stating out loud one way or the other. He wanted to be judged on his voice alone. If you are a great talent you should be there. But don't just ride on the fact that you state you are gay, homeless, or a struggling single parent. I know the back story is to give you an edge so your remembered. Adam was remembered because he amazed us with his charisma and OMG voice.(sorry for any (sp))

Anonymous said...

If Admin. doesn't delete some of the comments on this thread, I'll do everything in my power to bring this site down. I can't take all the mud smearing comments against Adam on a fansite that uses his full name to get hits for money. This isn't a gossip site. It's a fansite that uses Adam's full name. Admin. monitor comments as you PROMISED or you won't see a light of this website anymore.

Anonymous said...

@7:20am. You are mentally a sick obsessed person. Go find better things to do with your life instead of finding stuff from someone Adam took picture with. Hope he doesn't take any picture or have any contact with you, a mentally deranged person.

Anonymous said...

7:20 what is your big deal to expose the real Adam to us? Oh lol You spend way to much time on here sad boy.

Anonymous said...

Right on @7:23 appreciated your comment on all this

Anonymous said...

Admin just needs to prevent people from posting anonymous comments. Make everyone log in to a google account before commenting. The most sane comments are always from people with registered accounts.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:39 AM
I'm NOT speaking for Admin here, but I hope you'll give Admin time to see my email to her about the comment at 9:02 PM... It's still early West Coast time...

@Anon 7:20 AM
Regardless of the fact that the pic was posted on his twitter page, it doesn't belong HERE. I don't have a problem "seeing the truth" about anyone, including this Idol contestant, or Adam for that matter (whatever the hell you meant by that I'm not sure...), but porn doesn't belong here, plain and simple. If you don't see "what the big deal is" with posting that here, then I'm letting you know right now: porn in inappropriate on this fan site. Feel free to disagree, but that's MY opinion..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:11 AM
Adam was posing with this guy solely because he is one of the Idol contestants that Adam and Chris Daughtry were mentoring and will be shown with next week on Idol's Randy Jackson Boot Camp segments. It had nothing to to with Adam being "attracted to" anyone.

Anonymous said...

Now Adam is a bad person cause he took a picture with someone that this individual posted something on his twitter last year. So before Adam taking any pictures with anyone he should do a background check. How stupid is that?

Anonymous said...

Omg wait til after Glee and Idol next week cray crays will be on this site like sh#t on toilet paper. Lol

Anonymous said...

Out of no where, comments went down hill this morning. Leave Adam alone please. He is being his usual friendly self and posing with a fan period.

Thanks Adam for that beautiful video posted on your twitter account. The song and dance performance was so beautiful and uplifting!


Anonymous said...

8:17 yes I really enjoyed that video Adam posted this time.

Anonymous said...

8 22, I agree with you. Many other talented guys were turned down, they have to have diversity in the show, thats the way of the world now.
Make a statement, but make a statement with good talent, not just for being different than the majority.

Anonymous said...

The judges suck and don't know talent. JLo can't even sing...lthis is a big joke. The boot camp may be hopeful, as I think the 3 guys have some insight.

Anonymous said...

@7:52 AM That would be a good way to bring down this site.

Anonymous said...

And the homophobic fans are showing themselves.

Anonymous said...

The homophobic fans aren't fans

Anonymous said...

7:20, you must have thought it was a big deal if you posted it here. Why did you post it here? This isn't an Idol fan site. The only reason I can see you posted it here is because you are a troll.

jt said...

hope people read this before it goes away.
Just read this research report today regarding Internet Trolls.
Trolls are narcisistic, machiavellian, psychpathic and sadistic.
They enjoy their behaviour.
Feel glee at distress of others.
Its a fun game for them.
The more you talk back to them the more enjoyment and glee they get back.

One thing to realize is that they could care less about the person they are attacking (ie Adam).
Just want to make fans who love him feel distress and hurt.
So in a nut shell you have to be srong and just IGNORE.
Trolls will also write back to themselves (this we have figured out). Disagreeing with things they have written just to stir the pot a bit more.
Reason I wrote this is because I never had the correct words to explain what they are and now we have it.

Anonymous said...

10:18, you are totally right. Trolls only want a reaction. That is why I keep saying do not respond to them.

Anonymous said...

I think we have our answer. Admin doesn't care if there are trolls posting porn here.

This is very sad to me. I hate what this place has become. It's time for me to move on.

Anonymous said...

10:18 whoa thanks for the report on trolls . They are weirder than I imagined.

Anonymous said...

@3:11 AM

So do you think that Adam would be attracted to scum like you? What's make you think that you are better?

Might be like the snow calling the cotton white!! Only, this young man is probably not a bitter hateful person as you seem to be.

Anonymous said...

@10:18 AM

Thank you; They are hateful cases of crap. Glad you explained this.

Because, I think it is important that people don't, think, as is said sometimes; that these people are mentally ill. That is not true, mental illness is a disease and should be treated as such. Millions of wonderful people have some sort of mental illness; and is nothing to be ashamed of. Most are kind and gentle and loving people.

As you said these trolls are just scum of the earth mean and hateful people; and your descriptions are right on!

Anonymous said...

I saw the porn pic on that guy's twitter page before I was warned not to go there.I can't believe that anybody would ever post such a discusting pic on their twitter account!!The more people that see that,the more it it will hurt that Idol contestant.I hope admin. deletes the link on this thread asap!The guy( don't remember his name) must have forgotten that that pic is still on his twitter account.I'd advise him to delete it,too.I agree that some other guy singers were better than he was.

Anonymous said...

I think Admin likes troll and hateful comments. Look at all the hits she got. Disgusting that this is allowed on such a public "fan" site with Adam's name on it.

Anonymous said...

I DO NOT think admin.wants these dirty porn links,and troll remarks.etc,on here.Nobody has checked recently from what it looks like to me;sure hope the dirty link will be deleted VERY SOON!

Anonymous said...

Admin doesn't delete the trolls and people here respond to the trolls.

There are also plenty of comments that are negative and insulting about Adam that should be deleted and aren't.

Anonymous said...

you just as scum as this guy
if you really like him that much bc
his Disgusting pic go follow him and leave this site
no one well miss you

Anonymous said...

I don't get why someone posted a nasty picture on his twitter account a year ago his nasty year old picture should be posted on this fansite!? Totally rediculous and irrelevant!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Admin is the troll to make money off of Adam's name. We know all the owners of all other Adam's fansites except this one. Has the creator of this website using Adam's name been to any Adam's concert? I've never read anything from owner of this website going to Adam's concerts.

Anonymous said...

12:09 PM

I didn't say how I felt about this young man, one way or the other; I don't know him. I did not see the picture; since he did not post it, and neither did the Admin. I Think I have a feeling who did, very interesting!! I chose not to look at any pictures posted by a troll, in an attempt to harm someone's reputation.

You are the one that seem so free to use the word scum, in your stupid and slanderous statement that Adam Lambert is attracted to scum. So why are you here on Adam blog fan site if you feel that way about him??

Apparently, you are the one who does not belong here. Instead of telling someone else to leave, use your own suggedstion and just go. You certainly won't be missed with your disgusting mouth, and crazy actions!

Anonymous said...

I'm munching on popcorn right now. Keep up the ridiculous comments everybody. Better then a movie. Haha

Anonymous said...

7:59 am/glitzylady, how much time are we supposed to give Admin? Another thread gone to garbage.

Anonymous said...

@12:44 PM

Ok troll! Ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

So what ?
He posted a nasty pic on public , and you defending him and when i didn't liked it you call me scum ! !
And yes I will judge him , people don't post a gross stuff like that online unless they had no respect for them self and please consider my suggestion again and go away

Anonymous said...


You probably sit back now, after posting all your garbage; not fooling anyone.

Anonymous said...


Good post; although, I do believe you are responding to a resident troll.

Anonymous said...

@1:05 PM - Poster #1

Anytime you try and degrade Adam Lambert on his own fansite. Yes you are scum; so don't try and justify yourself. If you feel that way about Adam; go the hell away. Have you no shame?

Anonymous said...

Adam looked so beautiful on Idol in his mentoring role. I bet everyone had a lot of fun. Also, I think that they really learned a lot from Adam. If he was my mentor; I probably couldn't keep my eyes off of him.
Ha ha.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:59 PM
It's been deleted...

Anonymous said...

Too little too late....

Anonymous said...


I am not @12:59 PM, but, thanks for the information; maybe the trolls will disappear also, one or two of them are going strong today.

Anonymous said...


Better late than never...

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome on all the pictures on site today. Can this man get anymore beautiful?

Anonymous said...

Oh happy days, whenever Adam M. Lambert graces my Television screen.
This is a great month for Adam and my television: Idol, Glee, Judge on Ru Paul's Drag Race. So excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:35, the trolls aren't going to go away unless people stop responding to them or admin deletes them and blocks them. Neither seems likely to happen.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard if Adam and Chris D.
might entertain on day number
3/results? I sure hope so.

Anonymous said...

@1:43 PM

Sadly, you are probably right. Well this is about Adam and his mentorship; and we can smother them out with positives about Adam and pretend they are not here. Because, really they aren't.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam was mentoring before; I enjoyed him so much. It gives people a chance to see him in another role besides just singing. Also, he really is good it being a mentor.

Anonymous said...

1:46, leave all the positive comments you want, Admin should be ashamed she lets this go on.

Anonymous said...

Go to hell you creepy old lady're downer than scum I'm a fan of Adam and I will stay here ether you like it or not , don't talk to me again

Anonymous said...

@1:58 PM & your post @3:11 AM

I bet I am a hell of a lot younger than you, at any rate that is not important. What is important, is that now you are against old people too.

You can not hide the fact that you accused Adam Lambert of being,"always attracted to this kind of scum", in your original crazy post at @3:11 AM, it's still there for everyone to see. You can run away from the scum you have been posting all over this thread; but you can't hide from it. I am not talking to you; you must be hearing words in your head. I am responding to someone who seems to have a problem in calling everyone scum; including the beautiful and gracious Adam M. Lambert; Don't you ever refer to Adam as being attracted to scum again, or the creepy old ladies you have in your head may really be after you!!!

Anonymous said...

@1:58 PM

Sounds like a nut case!

Anonymous said...


You sound like a creepy person, not
@1:17 PM. Go away troll.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gorgeous; let's celebrate this gorgeous man. Can't wait to see him.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe there is anyway to block someone who makes anonymous comments. You can't block ther email because they don't need one to post comments. And I don't think ther is any way to block someone's IP address because this is a google based blogger site. The only thing the admin can do is delete comments. Unless the admin changes the settings so that only registered users can comment. That would be the only way. But even then it is incredibly easy to just create another google account to troll with, that happens on twitter all the time, you block a troll and they just create another trolling account. Or the admin could make every comment require approval before they are posted, but I really doubt the admin will want to sit around approving hundreds of comments each day.

Anonymous said...

2:36, if it is that hard to block trolls then Admin needs to either go through daily and delete the troll comments and comments trashing Adam or move the blog to a site that has adequate moderation. While holding all comments for moderation would be tedious and time consuming the trolls would eventually give up.

Anonymous said...

It's probably only 100 comments per day without the troll and bickering comments. Totally doable.

Anonymous said...

We'll you sound like a grandma
And now you said that I'm again old people too? No , just you
bc you're a horny old lady who like a nasty young guy pic
How creepy is that !
And yes I love Adam even if I criticize him

Anonymous said...

Admin. can delegate one or two fans to moderate the comments or at least change the website name to something else; not having Adam Lambert. It should be illegal to use someone's name for a website in order for bunch of strangers to smear the person's name used as a stamp for a website. It's unethical just because Adam is a public figure for someone to use his name for hits to make money and others to throw him under the bus.

Anonymous said...

3:39 there are many other sites that do the same thing this one does for Adam. And also for many other celebs. It is not illegal or unethical.

Anonymous said...

If this site didn't have Adam's name I probably never would've found it. The blogs come up under google news searching. And big fucking deal the admin makes a few dollars off of ad revenue. I really doubt it's very much. You have to get millions of hits to make any real money off of google AdSense.

Anonymous said...

3:47 Gossip sites yes. Haven't seen these type of comments on any fansites. I mentioned there should be laws and regulations for these type of nastiness against using celeb. names.

Anonymous said...

3:47, it is illegal to use a celebrity's name an/or likeness without their permission. Just depends on if that celebrity wants to pursue and shut down people doing that.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect I think you are/were overreacting. On this thread there is only one comment disrespecting (or mudsmearing) Adam and that's @3:11, and that comment is still there. All the rest of the posts are fans, regular shit stirrers & resident evils bickerin back and forth. The same thing happens here in almost every thread. Not acceptable, but I think threatening Admin the way you did (openly in front of everybody here) is just bullying and appointing yourself as the judge & the jury. Why didn't you just e-mail @Admin?!

And no porn has been posted on this thread or this site, ever! The shit stirrer @9:02 (now deleted) posted a (harmless looking) link to a twitter account. There are several comments with links on every thread, how could anyone guess that this one would be... All I'm saying WE ALL HERE could take better care of this site and help Admin (and ourselves) to make this place a TRUE fan site again. The minute ANYONE here sees there's something xrated, harmful etc, notify Admin and alert people not to open the link & why (or enter at your own risk). Let's all take better care of this place and of each other, and let's support & help Admin who has provided us this Adam Homebase for the last 4-5 years.

Lastly (and this is jmo), I hope some 'realness' according to Adam Lambert could enter this site, too --- without it causing a havoc every time. Adam is a grown man, a gay man living his life as he sees fit, he makes his own decisions both in his professional and especially in his private life. Let's all respect that.

Anonymous said...

The right of publicity is the right of a person to control and make money from the commercial use of his or her identity. A plaintiff that sues you for interfering with that right generally must show that you used his or her name or likeness for a commercial purpose. This ordinarily means using the plaintiff's name or likeness in advertising or promoting your goods or services, or placing the plaintiff's name or likeness on or in products or services you sell to the public. Therefore, it is a bad idea to create an advertisement suggesting that a celebrity -- or anyone for that matter -- endorses your website or blog.

It is equally unwise to use someone else's name as the title of your website or blog, especially if you host advertisements. You can be liable even without creating a false sense that the person in question endorses your product or service; the key is that you are exploiting the plaintiff's identity to drive traffic or obtain some other commercial benefit.

Anonymous said...

The admin is not going to change the name of this site. Give it a rest you uptight pearl clutching haters.

HK fan said...

Haven't read this thread...can tell by the numbers its going to be full of crap.

But I am watching Idol this year, and have seen Emmanuel sing several times....and my opinion is, he seems like a nice guy, but in no way should he have made it this far...he still comes across as a bit of a joke contestant to me a la Zoanette last year.

p.s. love that he loves Adam though

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutching

The loss of novelty isn’t the only problem with the phrase. While the mental image is amusing, the use of the phrase has degenerated into accusatory shorthand, particularly in blog comments. People—particularly women—lob the charge at one another to accuse them of not being liberal, or feminist, or open-minded enough; not infrequently, it prompts tedious semantic debates about whether something is “pearl clutching” or a legitimate concern.

We are such a bitchy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Please, for the 1000000th time, and for PEACE's sake STOP using "WE" in your posts, unless you are the appointed president of all the Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

One hundred and one!!

Anonymous said...

101 comments - no need to read since it'll be another butchered thread. Not reading any comments on any threads anymore.

Anonymous said...

Not being snarky (really!), but your coming all the way here to tell this, why? And who cares? You're an Anon, just like me, no one 'knows' you here (unless you happen to have a VERY recognizable writing style...), no one knows or cares if you/any Anon stops reading or writing comments...The "tag" Anon will not be missed... js