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Pictures of Adam on American Idol Tonight

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Anonymous said...

Chris's joke about being photographed with
Adam should have included Ryan and Randy. They are short, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I love you always with all my heart, Adam Lambert. ♥

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to sound negative or trolly but once again, Adam with a big gig & was not shown in his best light. He was a little aggressive, appeared to give some bad advice (from looking at stage performances after he met w some of the girls) & was short-changed on time. So was Chris really. He seemed a little out of place as well. The whole show was kind of weird. I thought all of the girls were not great.

Anonymous said...

Adam makes me feel so happy and proud of my Rock God!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing Adam and Chris. This is selfish maybe, but I wish it had been just Adam and Chris instead of Randy Jackson using up so much of airtime. But, just glad Adam was on. Liked it much better when Adam mentored alone! At least contestants saw them much more than we did it seems. So that was good. Just wish America could have seen more of Adam speaking. Well answered my own question, I am selfish for Adam, yes!!

Anonymous said...

I thought what we saw of Adam was perfect. Just wish there had been more. He looked so cute when coaching the female rocker; you could see how excited he got. Adam seemed so at home.

Seemed as though they had an over abundance of mentors, coaches, etc. So much information was probably confusing for the contestants. Should have been just Adam and Chris.

Anonymous said...

I thought some of the contestants were very, very good. Never could understand how they had to have all the young people there when they knew from the beginning who they were going to pick. Ten out of fifteen. Must be a better way!

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam gave very good advice.
All the mentors can do is give advice, they can't make the contestants take it. Everything was so rushed for them. But, thought Adam and Chris both did a very good job. Adam seemed to really be enjoying his time with the contestants and really giving them a lot of his time, that was unfortunately shown on air.

Anonymous said...

@7:26 PM IMO Adam and Chris were there for extra interest and publicity. 'Mentors' just happened to be a convenient reason.

Anonymous said...

Some people always see the glass half empty it seems!

Anonymous said...

7:19 it's called editing so blame producers if you want. you saw a few seconds of interactions, it's what producers choose to show. and yes, too much randy

Anonymous said...

Phew my tweeting finger is sore and we have tomorrow to do it again. #AdamonIdol was trending.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would be good by his self mentoring.there was so many giving advice the poor kids would be totally confused.

Anonymous said...

Many people were tweeting how good Adam looked since the last time thet saw him.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam and Chris did a great job. I'm sure they contributed a lot more that never got shown. Too much time spent on the Dawg. They should have shown more of their guest mentors - we can see Randy any time. Of course, we'll get to see more of Adam and Chris tomorrow with the boys.

Anonymous said...

7:34 I agree there was probably hours of material in this workshop but Idol uses what they want to make it an interesting show.

Anonymous said...

I felt bad for the 5 girls who didn't get picked. They went thru Boot Camp and practiced their performance all week, while the judges knew full well they weren't going to let them sing. Seems so cruel.

tess4ADAM said...

I can't see how Harry C. & Keith U. were 'qualified' to critique the rocker girls. What do either of them know about Rock? Isn't that why ADAM & Chris were there? They told them one thing & the two male judges none of whom are 'rockers' completely tore them down ... IMO. I was yelling at the TV but alas ... it did no good. Well ... I must confess I did Vote tonite for the 1st time since season 8!!
Certainly can't wait until tomorrow night to see ADAM again. My ONLY reason for watching again ... after that goodbye AI 13.

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the program, thought Harry came across kind pervy quizzing the girl about those lyrics.

donnaw said...

I've got mixed feeling on tonights show.

I loved seeing Adam but knowing how they edit i think they cut away a LOT of his constructive advice.

Other times he's been on the show he seemed to get his advice across a bit better than he did tonight. I really don't like how they edited his air time.....

glitzylady said...

Here's Michail Ausilio's take on this episode: Basically, too much Randy Jackson, not enough Adam and Chris.. Read this for some insight into the episode.. (I haven't watched it yet..but will be soon. Seems like Michael agrees with some of your comments here..):

***Contains some results info so SPOILER ALERT..for those who want to watch the show...

American Idol Top 10 Girls Performance Recap: I'm Sorry, Mr. Jackson, Are You for Real?

An excerpt:

"Even more distressing was the fact that the show cut one-third of Season 13′s Top 15 girls — before they’d sung a single note — based in large part on footage of Randy’s pre-season workshop (which, mercifully, was heavy on footage of glowing, talented Idol grads Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry)."

Anonymous said...

Adam and Chris had nothing to do with the song choice. That was chosen ahead of working with them. When HCJ said who told chose roar for that girl. They worked with what they had. I thought Adam gave good advise. Much of it was not shown. Just bits and pieces. But what was shown was on point.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Chris spent two full days at the Boot Camp. They must have had loads of video of each of them. I question what they chose to show. They could have used more interesting exchanges with the contestants. I'm sure they gave them some good concrete advice. Oh, well, at least Adam and Chris probably got some nice pay checks

Anonymous said...

Just Think we get to do this all over again tomorrow night. What a good time I have had following Adam.

Anonymous said...

@8:22PM The "Roar" was perfect choice for this girl and Adam gave her great advice. But HCJ is an idiot. He thinks that he is smart. However, he is nothing but snobby, disrespectful person, very boring musician with poor vocals.

Anonymous said...

This is 8.22 I thought Roar was a good choice as well. But those songs were chosen ahead of Randy, Adam and Chris working with them. HCJ had no right to call out anyone because ultimately no one forced her to sing it she had last choice pretty sure. Some can suggest but she chose it.
I also think she did a good job of it. Seems like he goes more for the crooner songs that's what he is. Adam advise what we heard of it was right.

Anonymous said...

We knew we were just going to get tidbits of Adam. I'm happy we got that.

For the person saying cruel to put 5 girls through boot camp and not let them sing, I say they are lucky they got all that advice. If they had been cut earlier they never would have gotten all that advice that can help them continue to pursue their dreams.

Anonymous said...

I think h did great!

Anonymous said...

Adam gave great advice about slowing down or making that part softer. Too bad they weren't able to translate that advice well.

Loved seeing the parts with Adam and can't wait for more of him tomorrow!

glitzylady said...

I personally thought the girls did a great job for the most part. My hubby and I watched and have our favorites.. And we LOVED seeing Adam :)))))))))))))))) Of course... Can hardly wait until tomorrow for part two of Rush Week with Adam! (And some other people...:)))

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I thought in the tiny bit we saw of Adam he gave good advice....slowing the one girl down and helping the other to infuse a ROCK presentation.

But.....I was astounded by Harry Connick! I have not watched a full Idol since the Crystal Bowersox year, whenever that was! But I saw a clip of Harry mentoring last year and quizzing a young girl as to whether she knew the back story of the lyricist who wrote My Funny Valentine for a musical in 1937!.....why would she?

I thought he was rude tonight in quizzing the 18 yr. old about the lyrics to the rock song she sang.....they were a little shady, but is he there to censor morals or judge her voice? She's not one of his daughters!

I think he is an excellent and knowledgable jazz musician and a good actor, but tend to agree with part of @8:47 PM's comment above.....He's snobby!
Not nice Harry!

Anonymous said...

The 1st pic here is nice but it's taken at an angle that makes it look unreal.

Anonymous said...

To me Harry is the Simon of the show ;) When he was on the show before and pushed the girl who didn't know what the Funny Valentine lyrics meant, she sang the song much better afterwards.

I was surprised Emily said she still wanted to sing the same song as her audition knowing what Harry thought about it. Kind of naïve of her to say she doesn't care what the song says. I think it was expected for Harry to ask her about the song considering what happened in the audition and she defended her choice and Harry seemed OK with that.

glitzylady said...

I agree with what you said about Harry C. Jr.. re his odd comments to Emily... seemed as if he was trying to create controversy where there was none.. I thought her song was cute, enthusiastic, fun, and fabulous. She may have just turned 18 but she isn't 12 years old.. The song choice was fine and appropriate for her.. Big difference in just a few years of age.. My hubby and I really liked her, AND her song choice. Adam was great in his suggestions to her. (And I'm not just saying that because it was Adam either...)...

Anonymous said...

That was a lot packed into a two hour show. I do wish we had seen more of the mentoring process but that may be because I want to see more Adam :)

All 15 girls did perform in rehearsals so even if they didn't get picked to perform they surely got a lot out of the mentoring and rehearsal process.

I like Harry's attitude. It is good to have a judge challenge them on their choices. I hated previous judges being all "great job, beautiful" for every performance.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I couldn't even watch it. Recorded it so I can skip through the judges bullshit. First time watching, so does JLo do the long walk at the beginning of each show so everyone can see what she's wearing. I know this is off topic, but she's so egocentric and her comments are Blah! Blah! Blah! Looking forward to scanning for the Adam and Chris parts. Sorry to be so negative, but I used to really love that show, and now it's ruined.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched the show yet since we were out but recorded it and I'm excited to see Adam.
About Harry, this is what my husband has muttered about him, "That shitty judge, is a piece of junk. So ignorant I think he is dumb."
Since I have come to know Harry more these days I am more inclined to agree with my husband.
Harry tries so hard to be funny but fails, tries so hard to impress of his knowledge about music but comes off so annoying.
He doesn't know the right timing what or when to say or stop or not to comment, when to agree or disagree.
That to me makes him dumb.

Anonymous said...

This site has become nothing but complaining and trashing others.

Really a shame that that is the accepted standard here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with JAK and glitzy lady's comments. I felt Adam's advice to the contestants we saw him work with was spot on. Adam is known for his wonderful interpretations of a song and making it his own. I think the suggestions he made to Emily were great and she learned a lot from him.

HCJ came off kind of arrogant and "know it all" attitude which I didn't like. It really put the girls on the spot but Emily stood up for herself....good job Emily.

I'm glad we got to see Adam as much as we did although I would have like much more (sorry I'm greedy when it comes to Adam).

Chris gave good advice to the contestants also and seemed relaxed. It was good to see him again.


Anonymous said...

They're here. Lol

glitzylady said...

By the way, my critique of Harry is specific to his comments re Emily. I like him for the most part, and I think the judges, all three, are doing a decent job. I've watched Idol almost religiously since Season 7, the year before Adam was on Season 8 (my favorite season by far for obvious reasons..Actually for ONE particular reason, which is Adam Lambert..). Last season was the absolute bottom of the barrel for me. My husband couldn't stand to watch because of the dynamics, or lack thereof, of the judging panel. This year is much better so far, again, in my opinion. If you haven't watched this season, give it a shot. :)))

Anonymous said...

It was great to get a few glimpses of Adam (and Daughtry) as "mentors" but little did we know that they were there only to create some hype. Very disappointing overall. I think it was just too much and the girls seemed more confused than guided which showed in those mediocre performances. I guess that's what happens when too many people want a slice of the cake but then again, mentoring can only do so much if real superstar qualities aren't there.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this show yet but I'm glad Harry C doesn't sugarcoat his comments. The contestants need someone who'll tell them as it really is instead of pandering to them. I wish Simon had never left. At least he made Idol worth watching.

Anonymous said...

For the girls, MK was the best. Emily was ok. Her song choice wasn't right for her. Adam mentored her really well. But she did her own thing on stage. She didn't make the song dynamic as Adam told her to do. The girl who sang Roar butchered the song as well. Adam told her to sing it softer and she didn't. I liked Majesty Rose performance of Happy by Pharrell Williams. Pharrell performed it live on NBA All Star last weekend and MR did a good rendition of the song. MK stole the show IMO. Hope she makes it to the final.

Anonymous said...

BTW did you guys hear FYE right at the end of Randy Jackson's introduction or before judges picking the girls to perform?

Anonymous said...

11:27, I did hear that! :)

Anonymous said...

Harry also asked one contestant what "Paint It Black" was about. Her answer: darkness. LOL. It's a reasonable question but probably of more help before they perform than after. Lyrics are obviously important to Harry. The contestants would be wise to realize that and think about it.

Looking forward to a couple of clips of Adam tomorrow night.

glitzylady said...

LOVED this article's author's comment about Adam :)))))

From Entertainment Weekly:

"'American Idol' recap: Randy's Cruel and Unusual Dawghouse"

Excerpt: (And I quote):

".."Randy's Workshop" (like Santa's but instead of toys it produces colorful beaded pins) modeled itself after the Greek system's rush week with multiple stations manned by Chris Daughtry and *MAJOR HUNK ALERT* ADAM LAMBERT..."

Anonymous said...

I think the contestants are nervous enough without having to worry about a third degree from Harry. It's the audience who vote. Perhaps Harry is in the wrong seat.
Maybe he should have been a mentor, a stern one, instead of a judge/inquisitor/executioner.

Anonymous said...

I think producers of the show want HC to be more like Simon and from the comments here and other blogs I assume AI succeeded at that. I don't like him either.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched AI in a long time, with the exception of any night that Adam appears. With the exception of Adam, Chris Daughtry, and Harry Connick, I thought tonight's show was boring. I guess I'm jaded since Season 8.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam and Chris had equal air time. It was short but to the point with good advices from both Adam and Chris. Wished they showed more of them cause we know they both spent two full days from morning until evening with these contestants. We only know or saw AI edited version. Still it was nice to see Adam on my TV.

Anonymous said...

Harry simply tries so hard, the result is on the negative instead of all around positive.
His likeability factor is diminishing so fast it's almost gone on to hating on him now.

Anonymous said...

11:46, Harry was doing his job as a judge. They all give advice. Hopefully the contestants listen and learn from the judges' advice before they fail to get enough votes to stay and win.

Anonymous said...

HCJ may be very knowledgable but I find him consistently annoying and often confusing. He just tries too hard. If he has the need to be in the spotlight all the time he should find a different gig. He will never be a Simon Cowell. That guy was an original and I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Roar was awful. Doesn't matter who helped her with song choice or arrangement or the advice Adam gave her, she did a horrible job with it when she got on the stage.

donnaw said...

I have to stick up for HCJ, it seems like he's getting the bums rush here.....

If you've watched this show THIS SEASON you'd know what a great sense of humor he has and what a great judge he is......such a turnaround from the judging the past few seasons. He really is very good and very constructive.

I can see how if you only watched last nights show you might think he was a bit short with the girls but honestly, i think he's a wonderful judge!

Anonymous said...

Once again American Idol has turned into a mess. Randy is pompous and full of himself. Harry is a snarky geezer and JLo, who I was really beginning to like and seemed pro contestants came strutting on stage with her breasts on display.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:32 AM
I've been watching AI this season. I like Harry C. but felt his critique of Emily last night was off base. Other than that he's just fine for the most part. None of us ever will agree with each judge each time, that's for sure!!! Just like we don't always agree with each other here on 24/7 :))))))))))))

@Anon 6:43 AM
I disagree that AI is a mess this season. Last season it definitely was just that, in my opinion.. .

Anonymous said...

Just watched the clips of the Adam sections. Don't have time to watch my whole vid right now. I thought Adam did a really good job. I know he and Chris spent lots more time with the contestants, and we only saw a few clips. But it was fun to see Adam. Love seeing him and Michael Orland side by side again. I imagine the show tonight with the guys will be similar, with just short edited clips of what they did with the contestants. I think the workshop was The Randy Jackson Show anyway. LOL.

As for HCJ, I like him as a singer, and as a guest on talk shows, etc., he is very entertaining. He probably connects very well with viewers who have known about him for years. He's very knowledgeable and usually has a good sense of humor. I know it's a long season, and each week can have a different tone.

I'm VERY excited about Glee next week! We'll really get to see Adam on screen then. And two more episodes after that. So cool to see him on TV.


donnaw said...

I totally agree with glizylady......HCJ was totally off base cutting down Emily's song choice. She's a young girl and kids today probably don't even give a glance to what the lyrics of a song mean.....(i'm not saying this is right)
Plus i agree that last season was a TOTAL mess.....i could barely watch it......this year has been a delight...great interaction between the judges with respect, humor and knowledge of talent. So far, so good!

Anonymous said...

11:46 I agree. That's what the judges are there critique. Of all the judges, Harry is the most qualified. He's a musician, a vocalist, and an interpreter of songs. He gave comments that needed to be said. You don't judge by telling everyone they are wonderful. That's what Paula Abdul was there for. Harry's been a musician since he was a young child and has been involved in the music business all his life. And no, he is NOT Simon Cowell, who was cruel, sarcastic, and arrogant. Harry knows how to be honest without insulting someone.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I was replying to 12:20, not 11:46. Go Harry. Go Adam. Go Chris.

Anonymous said...

OT: I wonder if Ricky Minor was hired by again as the permanant Musical Director, now that Jay Leno is no longer on the air. The show with Jimmy Fallon has his on band now; and the show is now located in New York.

Love Ricky Minor and his team. They were there when Adam was there; and they loved him, and he them; and said how much he appreciated Ricky Minor and Michael Orland. Rickey M. and Michael O., always had so many good things to say about Adam; even after the show. I hope they keep him and his band!

Anonymous said...

@9:27 AM HERE/correction

Should be wonder if RM was hired by "Idol" again-

Sorry about that.

Anonymous said...

@7:50 AM

I think one of the reasons that the Judges get along so well, just my opinion; is that there is one female and two males. Probably requested by JLo, the producers abided by because of last season.

It was reported that was what MC requested last year, but they brought in NM, and 4 judges; I think it was set up to fail; everyone was talking about the pending problems and the excitement; I think it was a setup and very unfair.

I think they brought Randy back; so it would not look so bad!! My opinion only.

Anonymous said...

Why don't they just hire
Adam M. Lambert to do all the Mentoring and "BAM; an award winning show with lots of viewers! Won't get any better than that!!!

Anonymous said...

There's something about Harry. . . a character flaw. Self- Love!
He should stop thinking about himself, stop trying hard to impress and start caring for the contestants. He absolutely loves himself too much.
Forget about yourself, Harry! Care about the show and stop being so negative. Be productive.

Anonymous said...

Ricky Minor is back on Idol and Ray Chew is out.

Anonymous said...

They did play FYE when showing Adam and Chris.

Anonymous said...

6:32 AM, you are correct but you can't tell most of the people here anything. They come in with preconceived notions and don't give them up.

Anonymous said...

People seem to be missing the point of what the judges were saying to Emily. They were asking her if she can really pull off the sexy rocker chick. She couldn't.

Anonymous said...

8:57 am. I'm a little puzzled by your remark, Harry is best qualified. Have you ever heard Keith play the guitar, he can make it sing or catch on fire. He has a voice that can sing a ballad that chokes you up or sing an up tempo song that makes you smile and have to dance.