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So Sexy!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 17, 2014

Posted at : Monday, February 17, 2014


Anonymous said... comment on the comment board :/

Anonymous said...

Admin, seriously? You that desperate for clicks?

Anonymous said...

OMG - Nuff Said !!

Anonymous said...

2:58 - Seriously?!
It's just Adam goofin. Most probably a pic from GN Tour. What's your problem?
Tonguebert! YAY!!!

Magiclady said...

Such a sexy boy, and he knows it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mmm I could think of a few fun things to do with that tongue ;)

Anonymous said...

If you don't get why that's borderline - explaining would do no good.

Anonymous said...

3:07, seriously, can't you read? Adam was singing. I'm not sure what the tweeter is doing.

Anonymous said...

Borderline, my ass!
Oh, for pete's sake don't start this again. Adam is SEXY, always has been and will be that in the future, too! He oozes sex & sensuality, whether it's a pic of his eyes, his nose, his mouth/lips, his neck, his hair, his shoulders, his arms, his hands, his low riders & the GB (yes, I said it and I love it!), his thighs/legs, his back, his ass, his feet/toes etc. Let us (who love his VOICE and all this PLUS more!!!) just enjoy the man in all his gorgeousness!

Some of you really try to take away all the fun from this fandom! Why can't you just skip the threads you don't approve or tolerate? Plenty of different kind of threads every day.

Anonymous said...

I pray this thread doesn't disintegrate into a storm of negativity. If you like the picture, say so and enjoy it with those here. If you don't, let it go. Just let it go.

Jadam NZ said...

Yup I agree. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Love it... and he loves that I love it, believe that!!

Anonymous said...

In this pic above Adam singing?!
At the exact moment of this pic he was definitely not singing... lol.

Anonymous said...

So now we don't need to wait for the troll to leave a nasty comment, the tweet comes with it's own nasty comment.

It's not the pic that is the problem it is the comment in the tweet. Which I am starting to think neither Admin nor some commenters here actually read.

Anonymous said...

6:23. I agree 100% !

Anonymous said...

I like the picture, I don't like the tweet.

Anonymous said...

6:00 pm - can't you read?

Anonymous said...

Why am I reading tweets like this here???

Anonymous said...

There are much better pictures around than this one.

HK fan said...

Don't like this pic...not because of the tongue, just because its not a good pic...

Anonymous said...

Sorry. That pictures is NOT sexy. There are many sexy pictures of Adam, but that's not one of them.

Anonymous said...

The pic isn't the problem, the tweet comment is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Some (I believe younger and raunchier) fans just foolin around, their evening passtime, fanfiction whatever...Wish this site could lighten up a bit and not make such drama about anything related to sexiness... js

Anonymous said...

This is a chat board. As such, people are entitled to their own opinions. There is nothing in the board regulations that says people have to agree with the "blind devotionists" on everything. AND if you don't like the picture because it is not flattering, that doesn't mean you're a so called troll or that you are a prude about tongues or whatever. Some of you need to get over yourselves. You sound like some obsessed, crazed, irrational teens, which I KNOW most of you are not. In fact, far from it. And DON'T CALL ME A TROLL BECAUSE I SPEAK MY MIND. I am and always have been an Adam fan. Saying I don't think the picture is sexy is not tantamount to treason.

Anonymous said...

@8:04 - you hit the nail on the head..why is it that some people get so huffy and upset when a poster has an opinion that doesn't mesh with theirs?? Every thing Adam Lambert wears, including his hair (face and head), or where he pierces/tatoos himself is open to comments and opinions by anyone who chooses to do so...Adam is not perfect in any sense of the word..and I say this with an enormous love for him..I'm just hoping for new music and more love for him is unconditional, but I do like certain "looks" more than others, and by God, I am allowed to state my opinion...I wish the BS could be eliminated from this site..but I know full well that it never will be..oh, and btw..I love his tongue and it is SEXY..I mean if you can't see that Adam Lambert is a sex god, then you don't need to be on a site about him..

Anonymous said...

9:04, nice response to yourself at 8:04. Try to stay on topic next time.

Anonymous said...

12:56 You're seriously delusional. I already said what I wanted to say at 8:04. Too bad you can't accept that other people have opinions that don't possibly match yours. You can check my IP if you know how, to figure out who posted what. Are you so thin skinned that you can't deal with anything other than YOUR viewpoint?