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This is Cute! Adam Lambert Horoscopes Collection

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 20, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, February 20, 2014


Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous .... love it. :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These horoscope representations are so cute. Pisces, mine, is appropriately depicted; I eat rice with fish every other day. lol! The chopsticks are so tiny. Pisces is often portrayed in The Last Supper depiction in the form of 2 fish; also mentioned in the Bible...Jesus fed the multitudes with 2 fish and 5 loaves of interpreted by some astrologists. The Age of Pisces from BC to AD to date, is one helluva long Age...25,000 years according to astrologists. It's phasing out and Age of Aquarius is inching its way in and they form the Cusp...Pisces overlapping Aquarius. There are 2 schools of thought. Some astrologists say it takes another 70 years before Pisces finally calls it a day. Another school says Age of Aquarius has dawned. Take your pick. I instinctively feel Age of Pisces is not over but Aquarius is very close-by in terms of cosmic time and space, whatever that may be. lwl! Mmm perhaps that's why I have such great affinity with Adam. The Aquarius boy soaking in the bathtub with the rubber duckie, fits Adam, always having a good time. lol! Aquarius is also reflected Biblically; Jesus told his disciples to follow a man carrying a pitcher of water, and prepare a room for them to rest.


Anonymous said...

So clever and beautifully done! Adam says he enjoys astrology. I bet he'd love this.


Anonymous said...

Hi DRG and CT
In a previous thread, I was listing out some of my great pals that I have come to know here on this site and I forgot to include you and CT. Yes it's been a really pleasant ride with you, DRG and CT on this long stimulating Adam we always say, from Mama!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lam-my. You are a joy to have on this site. So many of us feel like true friends, and we are! I always look forward to sharing my love for Adam with you.


glitzylady said...

This is the cutest thing ever!!!! Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this horoscope. Very creative and adorable! Adam would really get a kick out of this!!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....The drawings of Adam are charming. I am not a horoscope - Zodiac - astrology type of person......but I always find it amusing when I see my December birth month, Saggitarius - the Archer.

Archery is the only sport I participated in that I didn't get seriously hurt. Baseball, tennis, basketball, bicycling and volleyball all left me with numerous scars and many broken bones. But I competed for 3 years in archery and didn't wound anyone or myself! Maybe The Archer protected me! : ))

Anonymous said...

Okay, I spelled that wrong....Sagittarius...that looks better!