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Adam Lambert Posted New Instagram Picture: "Dionysus"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 18, 2014

VIA adamlambert


Anonymous said...

As I said before, Adam likes his men naked, ha ha. Must be sight seeing.

Anonymous said...

My husband's favorite of all the gods on Mt. Olympus !
The god of wine.

Who was the god/goddess of shopping?..........JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, must be Venus, has arm broken off. Punishment for too much shopping.

Anonymous said...

who is this ?

Anonymous said...

Patron god of the art of theater, and god of wine

Anonymous said...

he will prob get a tatoo of this on left arm...

Anonymous said...

@12:54 PM

Great idea! Ha ha. Glad he is getting in some historical site seeing. He said this is something he loves to do when going to different Countries; but, during tours don't always have the chance. Good for him.

Anonymous said...

What's with the snarky attitudes here?

Anonymous said...

What snarky attitude? Everyone seems to be happy but you.

Anonymous said...

If adam is in Paris he must have a fuck buddy he goes to visit on his days off.

Anonymous said...

1:49, so you think only Paris has statues? Shows how stupid you really are.

Anonymous said...

1 53
I know that particular statue is in the Louvre. as any intelligent person would. Which obviously leaves you out.

Anonymous said...

Here is this very famous statue for you ignorant people

Anonymous said...

Maybe I need to explain to you where the Louvre is next.

Anonymous said...

1:59/2:04, I see you found the photo from the Dionysus page at Wikipedia. LOL. You are so rude and condescending.

Anonymous said...

2:12, OMG, what is wrong with you?

Anonymous said...

It is possible Adam took the picture when he was in Paris a couple of weeks ago and is just sharing it now.

Anonymous said...

This should be a nice thread, please. Adam tweeted a work of art that he likes. And if it's related to the theater and wine, so much the better. Play nice.

Anonymous said...

He took that picture maybe when he was in Paris couple of weeks ago. Adam is heading back to LA:

This is def @adamlambert I see on @delta flight 1076. #CanIGetYourAutograph?

@Dillurn_Gurvurn pic or it didn't happen

@GlambertOnBoard I'll try to get a better pic lol

Anonymous said...

Someone getting tired of sappy people here ,, don't blame him / her though .

Anonymous said...

2:12 Please explain to us where Louvre is. We would like to benefit from your knowledge. I assume you are from Europe.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick and tired of how rude and mean 2:12/2:04 is. What happened to Admin deleting that kind of thing?

Anonymous said...

Naughty, naughty. There are many replicas of the statues in The Louvre in various far flung parts of the world. This photo may be from Budapest or Akron, Ohio!

If it's the statue from The Louvre in Paris it's located on the Rue de Rivoli!

We really can make a fight of anything, can't we :-) ?

Anonymous said...

Naughty, naughty. There are many replicas of the statues in The Louvre in various far flung parts of the world. This photo may be from Budapest or Akron, Ohio!

If it's the statue from The Louvre in Paris it's located on the Rue de Rivoli!

We really can make a fight of anything, can't we :-) ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a new crush perhaps;;::))))

Anonymous said...

what nasty comments on here today..people posting cannot possibly be fans of our Adam...please..just cut it out!!!

Anonymous said...

Admin.,PLEASE DELETE ANOM.@ 1:49PM!!!so rude and crude!!This is an Adam Lambert FAN site.Such language is unacceptable! All of the arguing about the statue is stupid,too,but I guess some people have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

3:56 Adam has fuck buddies everywhere. It's no big deal. ;)

Anonymous said...

Get ready, as Adam's popularity and fame rises so will the level of venom towards him and his fans! Will have to just counter it with all the wonderful things that are happening to Adam; like they don't even exist; whenever humanly possible.

Anonymous said...


You are a very troubled person. Must be hard to take all the good things that are happening, and are about to happen in Adam's life.

I see you are coming along for the ride. It would be alright if you would watch your filthy mouth and stop obsessing about Adam's sex life.

Anonymous said...

I think it's just that one crazed male or female that is overly obsessed with Adam!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3.56 its rude, nasty and uncalled for. This same troll says this same kind of stuff all the time because it gets away with it where any other Adam site or his twitter account would have barred it and sure it has. This is the only place to go to leave this utter crap BS. This kind of stuff would be removed and after three times the person will be blocked from posting and even viewing comments. Please admin follow through with what you yourself posted. No other site would put up with it ever! Why do we have to unfair. 1.49 referring to. Part of being an administrator is filtering out the nasty awful comments. This is just one of many that should have been blocked long ago and they are usually always from same few crappy trolls.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful piece of art. Adam loves art. He also said in an interview, that when he has time when touring; he tries to get in as many historic sites as possible. But, said it was not always possible.

Anonymous said...

4.08 mother please get your crazy 12 year old off the computer. I say six year old because that out old this person sounds hopefully no six year old talks like that! What a stalking creep this one is.

Anonymous said...

Great things coming and already happening for this fantastic talent Adam Lambert. Always a fan always proud of this great sweet guy.

Anonymous said...

4:26 pm, you are totally right, Admin has a responsibility to monitor the comments and delete the ones that are offensive. This is supposed to be a fan site. I wonder what Admin would have to say to Adam if he read the comments here and asked her why she doesn't moderate the comments.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... But this statue is in The National Museum of the Prado. It is not in The Louvre. I know I 'm spanish. Velázquez bought it in Italy, it is in Madrid since 1623 and it belongs to The Royal Collection

Anonymous said...

Beautiful statue or not, I hope it wasn't carved to scale. Model is lacking in one of the good things of life.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure does a great job keeping us busy!

Anonymous said...

@JAK enlightened us that replica of this statue is in many places. I saw this statue in Louvre back in 2000. I assume Adam either took this picture when he was in Paris couple of weeks ago and posted it on his IG while waiting for his flight back here in LA or right now he is in Paris. Either way thanks Adam for sharing it publicly.

Anonymous said...

Really!!! Fighting over statues??? Go somewhere else. You're ruining this thread. Any idiot can google a pic of a statue.

Anonymous said...

@6:21pm. Nobody's fighting over this picture of statue. Only one crazy person writing nasty comments and couple of fans responding in civil manner to this person and others writing about significant of this statue. Chill out!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't Adam on that flight. Update with pic:

Dillon Gover✌ ‏@Dillurn_Gurvurn · 17m
@GlambertOnBoard idk if it's for sure him anymore. I talked to him and he said he isn't him. But they're friends.

Anonymous said...

Not Adam; not interested!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so exciting. His beautiful soul and spirit is wonderful to have in this world.
A beacon of light to many. Adam is such a loving sincere person; he is really someone to admire!

Anonymous said...

Although that poster could have worded it better, they are right. And the rest of you are delusional if you think Adam doesn't have booty calls everywhere.

Anonymous said...

@8:06 PM

One thing is for sure he won't be calling on yours. I guess that is your problem; and just why you are so butt hurt!! If that isn't down right delusional, I don't know what is?

I guess the fact that Adam wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole irritates you to your sick delusional core!

By the way; we all know that you are that poster; so stop pretending there are two of your sick little self posting on here.

Anonymous said...

So happy to have Adam in my life. He makes everything sound so beautiful; especially when he's singing a song. Even Adam's interviews are interesting. I could listen to that man talk all day. Now Queen; I am going to see that too. Life is good!!

Anonymous said...

If someone doesn't like something posted here, there are those who say the poster is a troll and should be removed from this site. There is absolutely no need to be nasty and make the threads unpleasant. Stamping your feet achieves nothing except it makes you and this site look bad.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful piece of art. Adam has such good taste in art. Just bought my tickets for Queen today; and I am over the moon with happiness. Now I know why everyone was so excited after they got theirs. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

@8:29: lol. Adam would make me butt hurt:p

Anonymous said...

Feeding Frenzy. The leftovers stink too.

Anonymous said...


See no feet stomping, only posters expressing their opinions as they wish; and, as civilized as they can be to an unreasonable nasty mouthed Adam hater.

These fans are adults, and can express themselves as they wish. I don't think the fans can make this site look any worse, than the person that you say some fams are calling a troll; has already done!

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a beautiful talented worldwide superstar. So happy that he is being given this opportunity to front the Queen Band. Just love the fact that Roger and Brian are so happy to have Adam accompany them. Adam seems so happy; I am very happy for him. Pretty soon Adam Lambert will be a household name. Adam deserves all the good things that are happening to him.

Have a good evening; off to read some other posts before I turn in.

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter where the statueis. Adam posted it because he likes it that's all. What really matters is that Adam will be on tour with QUEEN and will soon release his new album. That's what unites us. I go to sleep, it is 7:15 in the morning and I've been working all night long. Do not argue! Please!

Anonymous said...

8:36 PM, the trolls and the haters and Admin not moderating makes this site look bad.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that was just a hint that he is at Dionysos -restaurang in Stockholm?

Anonymous said...

Oh lord, people mad at the word 'fuck buddy'
he isnt married, he isn't one of the born again christian type and VERY few people can actually abstain from casual sex..
Its not an insult, it happens and the poster who keeps posting that 'phrase' won't stop until you all ignore him /her and accept the truth here...

Anonymous said...

Abstaining from CASUAL sex is wise.

Anonymous said...

Those who attack the trolls are as an annoying as the trolls.

Anonymous said...

People that defend nasty trolls and haters are beyond offensive and most likely one their own self. People who respect Adam have a right to defend him and themselves from the nasty people period!

Anonymous said...

Back to the statue. Since it is 6th century but only excavated in 1888 from Ikarion and restored then placed in the Louvre, It can't be the statue our friend from Spain believes is in the Prado in Madrid since the 17th century.
There is a reclining Bacchus (Dionysus) in the Prado and Velazquez (a painter) did a renowned painting of a drunken Bacchus in the 17th century.
This statue has only seen the light of day for less than 200 years after a long long sleep.
I'm sure that a better term than "fuck buddy" could be found, possibly "lover".

Anonymous said...

Adam is a grown up young man with a healthy sexual appetite and no slim pickings. Let the man live his life as he wishes. No need to discuss his love life here (none of us knows anything about it!) but so tired of the stifled atmosphere here re sexuality. Straight women of mature age (very few straight men here) should learn a thing or two about the real world out there where Adam mingles... js

Anonymous said...

Prehaps he took the picture just to bug the heck out of most of the fans on the thread who are slinging at each other right now!
If you love Adam you'll show some class.

Anonymous said...

2:57, oh really, you know the world where Adam mingles and what decisions he makes. Sure you do. Roll eyes.

Some people are obsessed with Adam's private life and obsessed with wanting him to be promiscuous. Go back to your fan fictions.

Anonymous said...

Do I sense some homophobic remarks? That 'gay' issue never goes away and it's about bloody time it did.

Anonymous said...

Waoh! Many folks here need to chillax. Having a 'lover' or 'sex buddy' won't affect his creative juices from can say stuff about his career, but you really can't be sure about how he runs his private life. Many 'truths' are 'lies' and many 'lies' are actually 'true' happens.
But then, if the age group of the people posting here is considered, i'm not shocked at some comments here, please roll over, its 2014!
Yeah, safe sex is wise and shows maturity.

Anonymous said...

I have a close friend who is gay and a couple of years older than Adam. He can't stop laughing when I tell him about the attitude here that gay men have frequent sex. At least he isn't insulted. He'll be getting another laugh out of the ignorance and fantasy in this thread.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I don't think vulgar language has anything to do with age. I'm in my late 20's and lover sounds a lot better to me than fuck buddy. Some people just have a gross limited vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

@3:53 It's back to 'educating'

Anonymous said...

4:15 AM
Thanks for the link to the Swedish restaurant called Dionysus. Perhaps this is what Adam was referring to when he posted a pic of Dionysus. Then again, he may be getting another tattoo in the form of Dionysus. WTH knows?!! lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5 22
Well lover and fuck buddy are two very different things. It's not like the words are interchangeable.

Anonymous said...

3 53
Talking about adam isn't talking about gay men in general. We have plenty of evidence about Adams slut ways

Anonymous said...

@7:16am plenty of evidences that your daily awful comments don't match up to facts. Why should we take your condescending comments seriously? Take care of your own relationship. That's if you have any!?!

Anonymous said...

Adam took this pic in Louvre. I think it's irrelevant when he took the pic. I believe he is in Sweden now. Bacchanalia was celebrated March 17.

Anonymous said...

7 57
You don't even listen to what adam himself says, or what the guys who have been with him say. You live in your own little world and make him into your fantasy.

Anonymous said...

say it say it, please do!

Anonymous said...

8 05
Good point, maybe that is why he posted the picture now.

Anonymous said...

Funniest comment about the pic of this statue:
It's a sure sign Adam's going to have dread locks next!

Anonymous said...

Adam goes to the louvre and he is immediately drawn to the statues of naked men. The boy has a one track mind

Anonymous said...

8:05 you sound like, reading those fanfiction really screwed up your brain. Go take a class or something. Something to think logical and live a fruitful life. Take your head out of somebody's private relationship.

Anonymous said...

10 48
Lmao you are the one who needs to stop with the nonsense. I have a feeling you are a very old lady who just doesn't understand a lot of what's going on so i will leave you alone now. I just wish you would stay off fan forums.

Anonymous said...

@10:48 You are so wrong about me. I hate fanfics!

Anonymous said...

Oops...I claimed numerous times that you have problem with reading fans' long comments. So saying you read fanfictions is out of the question. You get your enjoyment watching dirty videos and looking at dirty magazines. That's were intelligence comes from and it's evident on your daily comments. Go get a life of your own. Doctor's prescription.

Anonymous said...

This place has become feeding time in a very nasty zoo.

Anonymous said...

@3:45 You're a doctor?

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....The statues are the best things in The Louvre. Skip the thousands of religious paintings and go across the river to the Orsay Museum. Prepare to be dazzled by Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, Cezanne, Gauguin, Sisley, Manet, Degas, Matisse, Seurat, etc.

I hope Adam has been there. It's a feast of joy.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:45
yeah, the name is tonia, complained about the sh*t in the other thread, i don't read fan fictions, dont assume are the one that needs help

Anonymous said...

@JAK, thank you for your post @8:37!
Brought so many memories, not only about Paris, one of my favorite cities in the world. Nothing surprising or original, he he, but I'm sure everyone visiting it with enough time, an open curious and [art]loving mind gets an experience of a lifetime!
When I was very young I discovered and loved the works of van Gogh (my absolute favorite still today*), Gauguin, Gezanne and also Toulouse-Lautrec...back then I only watched the art work, but then read their biographies and found out that they all knew each other...I felt such joy, me young girl, not much knowledge of arts back then (or anything else, he hee) happened to have an eye for four artists who were contemporaries, shared the same passion, spent time together...Still today I carry this memory with me and love their art (and many others, too). Yeah, Paris & springtime!
Be well, Cara JAK!