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"Adam Lambert, Rockstar"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Anonymous said...

If Adam looked at me like that, I'd be frozen in place for time with my jaw dropped and the sound 'gawwww' coming out forever.

Anonymous said...

#Queen #BrianMay

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the source of this picture is? He is looking fine!!!

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam, Lambert SCAN From Rolling Stone! "Queen Hit the Arenas With an Idol on Vocals"

Anonymous said...

10:02 LifeBall

Anonymous said...

10:01 That was my exact thought!!! Look at me like that and I wouldn't be able to speak! Sooo handsome!

Anonymous said...

Adam is goiNg to be such a hit after this tour with Queen. Finally so many will understand what we've been talking about! #HAPPY

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam, if you ever look at me like that do it at your own risk!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! A Rockstar he sure is!! I hope his new album comes out this spring! I miss him being interviewed, i miss hearing him speek to us!

Anonymous said...

This would be a nice look for tour.

Anonymous said...

he is getting his flirt on.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This only proves when one talks with Adam, he makes you feel you are the only one in the room, he is engaged in you.

Anonymous said...

thump....out cold. This one is in a league with the gorgeous Red Carpet Strut video. Never done a Meet & Greet for this very reason .....I think breathing is required.