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Adam Lambert's Favorite Diva - Lady Gaga's New Music Video - G.U.Y. - An ARTPOP Film

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014

What do you think of her new music video?


Anonymous said...

This video is so incredible!!!!! Love love love!!!!!! wish Adam had this kind of budget to make a music video

Anonymous said...

Gaga crams 4 songs from her album into one video. It's like a super fabulous 11 minute long commercial for ARTPOP

Anonymous said...

Adam hasn't said anything about this vid yet so why is it here?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear Adam's take on this video. He always has interesting insight. He attended her concert in LA on her last tour and as we all know he worked with her in the studio on the track 'Fever' for his album For Your Entertainment.

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget Adam did a phenomenal cover of her song 'Marry The Night' as his debut performance for Glee. He's always admired her. Great video. Thanks for posting! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL almost half of it is credits. What are the Housewives doing there? Gaga is so overrated.

Anonymous said...

Get this fucking shit off of here!!! Oh so now other artists are hijacking fan websites to promote their crap? Booooo

Anonymous said...

Oh and also their fans or themselves are now leaving comments in Adam's comments areas as if Adam fans care about this freak show?!?! Go away! I hate her soooo much and could care less about her "ART". No one cares! She isn' t even discussed ever anymore. All of these clowns from the past 5 years who used vulgar "shock" "music" and videos are thankfully not big news anymore cuz they've always sucked...Gaga, Bieber, Minaj. YUK!

Anonymous said...

not one poster said, almost half dedicated to credits....really??? it took that many people to produce this overrated stuff???

Anonymous said...

This is really stupid TBH. It is kinda ridiculous actually. Can't believe I wasted my time on this crap.

Anonymous said...

LAMBERTLUST who are you kidding? If Adam says anything positive about this video it will definitely be him just being too nice as always.

Anonymous said...

why gaga's video is here ? i'm not interested in her stuff and it's trashy anyway

Anonymous said...

Who posted this garbage!?

Anonymous said...

The beginning showing Gaga as a kind of winged being shot by an arrow, creates a rather impressive visual effect; so I thought ahh something imaginative and rather thought-provoking. Then it took a nosedive, back to the usual hyped scenario. I feel Gaga should have explored that wounded being idea deeper instead of lapsing into the usual...swimming-pool, similar dance moves etc. Voice wise and musical input/arrangement, pretty mono tone, repetitive. Too many things being squashed into this video, transitioning rather haphazardly. So many credits, is it a case of everyone wants to throw in their bits and pieces; as in too many cooks spoil the broth.


Anonymous said...

mostly same ole,same ole stuff from GaGa to me.

Anonymous said...

It started out ok, but then became annoying with all the change ups. Why can't she just sing the song ? Also it seems I've heard a lot of this before. She needs to be normal for once cause her music is too full from crap. Too bad as I think she is talented.

Anonymous said...

So many nasty Glamberts on this site.

Anonymous said...

The only thing disgusting here are the nasty commenters. Your not gonna change anything by complaining. You are only embarrassing yourself. And you haven't learned anything from Adam's message of love and acceptance. Go follow another artist and spread your venomous hate there. Ok. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It was ok.i see why her album flop

Anonymous said...

The haters on here aren't Adam fans. They are just miserable internet trolls with no life. Get some help for yourself. There's an anger management, group therapy and lots of other ways to get through whatever is troubling you.

Anonymous said...

AWFUL video... so over GaGA

Anonymous said...

5:08, what? I am an Adam fan. Doesn't mean I need to be a Gaga fan just because Adam is.

Anonymous said...

Lots of cute and sexy and funny gifs of Adam here:

Anonymous said...

She had a "vomit artist" at her concert...saw it on E!....some girl was putting her finger down her throat and vomiting blue-green all over Gaga.....she defended her "art" as portraying the pain in the song......has to be the lowest form of entertainment I have ever seen.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. Love the gifs.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....where to start...I agree with bits and pieces of almost every comment. Gaga is talented, she's imaginative, has a passable monotone voice and occasional songwriting skill. Parts of her videos are clever and interesting....BUT....there are only flashes of a good idea that isn't pursued and ends up in the same old, same old dance numbers video after video. She spends lavishly to dazzle and the dancers are very good, the settings are imaginative but in every song there is that section that sounds so familiar.....what was it in this one?
Bad Romance? I'm not sure, but I know I've heard it before.

She puzzles me...I can understand why she has a huge following, she is the epitome of POP MUSIC.
Which I do not care for personally. Madonna, Beyonce, Britney, Beiber, etc. I don't like production numbers.....I like my singers with a mic and a band.
Nothing happening around them.

I much preferred the Trespassing mini tour to the GlamNation song and dance show. To my eyes and ears it's the singer and the song I want to see and hear. Don't get me wrong, I love dancers, from ballet to a flash mob, but I prefer my singers solo and performing live.

For several years now I have thought that Gaga hasn't quite found her niche in show business.....maybe someday as a producer or director, she's very young and may surprise us all when she gets thru trying to dazzle.

Anonymous said...

I honestly didn't really care for the songs themselves except for the last one called Manicure -- liked her voice on that one.

Anonymous said...

5:36, you are welcome :)

Anonymous said...

Why is this wench on Adam's site????

Anonymous said...

If you are an Adam fan, you should have learned something about love and acceptance by now.

You don't need to be a fan of Gaga or anyone else, but not to be hateful or rude in your commenting on ANYONE that is discussed on Adam's fan site could be something worth striving for... provided you truly are an Adam fan!

Anonymous said...

@1:59 AM that's right

Anonymous said...

@5:57 AM you and lambertlust take your Lady GaGa love to her site. Then you won't see and rude comments. Simply put, get out!

Anonymous said...

Who decided Lady GaGa is Adam's favorite Diva? Adam never said that.

Anonymous said...

6:04 AM
You are so nasty to Adam's fans. Nasty people aren't welcome on this site.

Anonymous said...

I loved the Glam Nation concerts and I preferred them to the Trespassing mini concerts. The dancers weren't necessary at the Glam Nation concerts but Adam wanted them there and they performed well. I felt there were too many people on stage at the Trespassing mini concerts. Adam doesn't need dancers, nor does he need back-up singers crowding him. I much prefer him to sing solo with the band but it seems Adam likes more people than that on stage with him.

Anonymous said...

6:05, I was tying to remember if Adam has ever said who is his favorite diva. I know he likes Gaga but I don't remember him saying she is his favorite.

Anonymous said...

Who posted this on Adam's sight? I never go to Gaga's sight so please don't get pissed if I think this vdeo sucks. Obviously Adam didn't post this, if he had, out of respect I would make no comment. But please don't throw things in our face and then be mad if we make negative comments.

Anonymous said...

This video doesn't suck. It's not to my taste but I'm not going to be negative/nasty about it.

Anonymous said...

@6:42 AM Back at ya!

Anonymous said...

I liked the beginning of the video and wondered where it was going with that scenario but soon lost interest. I didn't like the lyrics of G.U.Y. The visuals in GaGa's videos are always amazing though.

Adam never picks "favorites" when it comes to artists and always says "don't ask me to pick a favorite". I've heard him say that many times when interviewed.


Anonymous said...

Adam has just tweeted re Lady Gaga.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder how many ticket buys are expecting to see Adam Levine singing at the Queen concerts.

Anonymous said...

The video is very Gaga. To me, a little of her goes a long way. I basically like her, though. She's very talented and creative.

I LOVE LOVE the pic of Adam in Sweden. That hat and coat are so sexy and sophisticated. Can't wait for all that great new music!


Anonymous said...

7:34, Haha! Good one!

Anonymous said...

@7:34 AM,

Good morning to you!

Nice try but old joke in the bucket!!:)

I hope to see you at Adam Lambert and Queen concert though he!he!


Anonymous said...

@ 6:04 am - FU

Anonymous said...


I agree totally with your observance. I rather wait and hear and view Adam's actual picks.
Why give other entertainers publicity that does not do the same for him. Why not wait until he gives the red light.

Anonymous said...

7:45 ---- ah, how revealing. Vindictive and unable to think for yourself.

Anonymous said...


Lambertlust should stay; he is a loyal fan. But, I agree with you about Lady Gaga; until, if and when Adam tweets it. Until then; it is not fair in my opinion to make assumptions on Adam's part.

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Our crazy guy .....

Anonymous said...

@7:48 AM

Vindictive, because someone expressed an opinion; and apparently agreed with someone you vehemently disagreed with?

Sorry to say; but you seemed quite closed minded to this poster. Just grow up and stop being so rude. Perhaps you would not be so childish if you let someone else do your thinking!

glitzylady said...

Adam's "say" on the matter:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 1h
Get it Gurl! @ladygaga

Seems he likes it. :)))

Anonymous said...

Get it gurl is supportive but doesn't mean he likes the vid. He has said specifically when he likes videos and includes links to them.

Anonymous said...

7:48, what is your problem? People agree with each other here all the time.

Anonymous said...

We can safely assume Adam is referring to Gaga's new video in this tweet! Take that haters!!!
@adamlambert: Get it Gurl! @ladygaga

Anonymous said...

The lyrics:

Greetings from Eros
God of sexual desire, son of Aphrodite
Lay back, and feast as this audio guides you through new and exciting positions

I wanna be the Girl Under You (oh yeah)
I wanna be your G.U.Y (yeah)
I wanna be the grave and earth you (oh yeah)
Our sexes tell us no lies

I'm gonna wear the towel, the power to leave you
I'm aiming for full control of this love (of this love)
Touch me, Touch me, Don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry

I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
The Girl Under you (GUY)

I'm gonna say the word
And own you
You'll be my (G.I.R.L)
Guy, I'm romance and love's to hold you
Know, you wear my make-up well

I'm gonna wear the towel, the power to leave you
I'm aiming for full control of this love (of this love)
Touch me, Touch me, Don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retweet
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry

I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
I wanna be that guy (G.U.Y.)
The Girl Under you (GUY)

I don’t need to be on top
To know what it does him strong enough to know the truth
I just wanted to be hot
Because I’m best when I’m in Love, and I’m in love with you
Guy, Why? (touch me touch me)
Guy, Why? (touch me touch me)
Guy, Why? (on top of me)
Guy, Why?

Touch me touch me, don’t be shy
I’m in charge like a G.U.Y
I lay down face up this time


Anonymous said...

Haha Adam likes Gaga's video now!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that Adam's tweet wasn't a thumbs up to Gaga's video is a fucking moron.

Anonymous said...

Adam usually tweets a link to the vid. I wonder why he didn't this time.

Anonymous said...

Adam can like it. I don't and find Gaga pretentious.

Anonymous said...

You all should really watch the video! It's incredible!

Anonymous said...

This is 5:57 (my only post in this thread before this) - your post is 6:04 is both awfully rude and making wrong assumptions! Where in my post did I say I'm a Gaga fan? I'm a long time Adam fan, period. But I never diss other performers the way some calling themselves Adam fans do on this site! And I ain't going nowhere.

Where is the love and acceptance in your posts?!!?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows anything about Adam knows that he's a huge fan of Gaga and has praised her continuously since day one!

Anonymous said...

Not being judgmental, and I respect everything Adam does, but I hope he never Makes a video like this. He doesn't need all the bells and whistles. IMHO

Anonymous said...

i completely disagree Adam would love to have a budget to do a video like this! That would be seriously incredible!

Anonymous said...

Gaga started out okay - being shot with an arrow - but then she needed to edit. Too many ideas with everything but the kitchen sink thrown in! Although I do think she's very talented, this video looks a little desperate and rehashed from past videos. I enjoyed all of Adam's videos much more (of course)!

Anonymous said...

8:01 am. - This is 7:48. I felt the commentor was vindictive because they do not want to give Gaga any good press because she does not give Adam any. That is not Adam at all, he compliments not asking for anything in return. - And they felt it was necessary to wait and see what Adam thought of the video before they could say if they did or didn't like it. What? - They can't form their own opinion?

Anonymous said...

I like the music better with out the video. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

10:47, go read that post again. You are putting words in their mouth. They never said they wanted Adam's opinion before giving their own. They wanted to wait to have videos posted after Adam had tweeted about it.

glitzylady said...

Wow! Finally got a chance to watch... O_o

Fun, campy, kitschy, sexy...... With a few "oh my!!" 's thrown in here and there.. :)

And just for the record: I'd personally vote for Adam doing a vid **something** like this... Although realistically it won't happen :))) Because for Adam, being "scantily clad" means taking off his jacket...and wearing baggy studded shorts... and bare feet (#TruFax) But a girl can dream...

I would LOVE it however if Adam one day has the budget to do a vid..or 10.. on this scale....Something truly massive, fabulously creative, artistically unique, and infinitely memorable.. perhaps innovative..

Gaga is "theatrical" just like Adam... It would make sense that he'd like the vid..

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam keeps the Housewives of whatever city out of his vids.

Anonymous said...

When an artist does a promo tour or makes a video it is eventually going to come out of their pocket, hopefully profits. The label is going to get payed back for everything they put into the artist unless it looses $. The ? Is is the label willing to take the chance of losing $.
Very recently it was said that Gaga spent so much $ on her last tour that she was broke. I doubt that but it was on network TV. I believe Adam is a smart businessman. Whether he's paying for working with Max Martin doesn't really matter.. If a label is paying for it, believe they will get their $ back before Adam sees a cent.

Anonymous said...

So are we now going to be posting every mv on here that a certain someone gets excited over?

Anonymous said...

My eyes so tired of gaga next....

Anonymous said...

This is probably one of the projects her charity monies paid for. Sad!

Anonymous said...

Oh Glitzylady! Always respected you. Now not so sure.

glitzylady said...

Do I have to be "respectable" every moment?? (that gets a little boring sometimes!) :))) Haha!

I was joking about the scantily clad thing...Gosh, I thought that was pretty clear.. (It's hard to have fun around here anymore....oh well....)...

But I WASN'T joking about hoping that perhaps Adam could someday do a music vid that is on a grand scale...

Anonymous said...

We are all allowed to voice our opinions, but how about we keep Adam the topic. Just sayin. I'm sure Gaga has plenty of her own sites.

Anonymous said...

Best not to react to posts like @1:50... You KNOW that everyone that knows you from this site, been here as long as you, GETS YOU, just like they get Adam!
During the last couple of years this place has turned into something unrecognizable (compared to first couple of years).
WHY the F humour is not 'understood' or 'allowed' on this site?!? Especially humour that has something or anything to do with Adam's 'various assets', so called 'Adam parts', he he. Or the sexiness of Adam Lambert, even though it's there for everyone to see, whether he wears the studded shorts or a taylored 5-piece-suit plus an overcoat... Adam oozes sensuality & sexuality, sparkles humour and wit... Where do all these humourless and constantly 'dead serious' posters come from... I wonder, I wo-wowwo-wo-wondeeeer! Miss the fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I took the comment at 1:50 PM as because glitzylady likes Gaga and the video and they don't. Not about any specific parts of a comment or sense of humor. Maybe they will come back and lets us know.

Anonymous said...

Don't like lady gaga video here- also showing too much skin- like the sogn a little bet that's all-

Anonymous said...

The lyrics are shite. Yes, that means what you are assuming.