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Gorgeous Adam & Queen picture on ABC

Filed Under (, ) by Adam Lambert on Saturday, March 22, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Lord, help me please! Love the beautiful, playful pictures of Adam with Brian and Roger ... Some of the best advertising for the concerts, for sure!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

So beautiful. So much admiration and respect for each other. A lot of brotherly type love between the three of them; Adam, Brian and Roger.
I just love seeing them together. They seem so happy. This is going to be the best concert tour ever!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pic.

Anonymous said...

This gorgeous picture says everything about the beautiful relationship between Adam and Queen!

Anonymous said...

As a fan of both, Adam and Queen, I'm especially happy and moved seeing Brian smile so much! And of course it's all "ADAM's fault!" :)))))

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I'm becoming a weepy woman. This photo is very touching to me. I know that Brian and Roger care for and admire Adam for himself, but I also think he has reawakened their youth, the memories of their early days when everything was still before them. Adam's years are still ahead of him, but right now, at this time, their years are overlapping.

They are sharing the present and benefiting both professionally and personally. The affection is evident when the three of them are together....sniff sniff, where's a tissue?

Anonymous said...

Such an uplifting, positive, and inspiring picture! Bring it on, guys!

Anonymous said...

That voice and smile made me want to listen to music again just like the song says.

Anonymous said...

JAK, What you said was so eloquently put. And I'm sure it's true. I'm not sure Brian and Roger would have ventured into another tour if they didn't think they had exactly the right vocalist to front them. They know Adam is the only one. The one that can do them justice. They know the time is right to take full advantage of Adam's incredible talent. You're so right. It's a good thing on both sides. Brian and Roger look very happy to be with Adam.


Anonymous said...

Nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower......

Anonymous said...

@7:36PM- nothing can bring back that hour of splendor and glory..but having Adam performing with Queen will certainly come as close to it as you can get. I agree with JAK's comments about Adam having reawakened their youth and that the years ahead are waning for them, but Adam will revitalize, reinvigorate their love of music and performing some of the best songs from rock n roll history. There is such love, respect and admiration among the three of them and age really makes no difference here at all. This concert series will be the best of the summer and maybe one of the best ever.

funbunn40 said...

@ Jak, You echoed my sentiments exactly. You can sense the excitement between these magnificent artists and the admiration, respect and genuine "like" is so apparent. It warms my heart every time I see these genuine displays of affection between them.

Anonymous said...

The only time I've since Adam floored!!! Incredible moment!

Magiclady said...

Adam was so cute when Brian said he was the only one that could front the band. He kind of ducked his head back and forth. He reminded me of a little boy.
It is unbelievable how there can be so much cuteness and sexiness all wrapped up in one package!

Anonymous said...

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, it's loveliness increases; it shall never pass into nothingness.... (Keats)

Anonymous said...

Very nice 9:06 PM - credit to the author Keats.
7:36 PM - credit to Wordsworth.

Anonymous said...

What's between these two is something authentic and genuine.

Anonymous said...

This pic definitely shows something extremely special between Adam and Brian. It's so evident when they're on stage together that the chemistry between them is palpable. I think Brian and Roger adore Adam (and who wouldn't?). Obviously, Adam adores them too and is honored to share the stage with them. A match made in heaven and i consider myself extremely lucky to witness this partnership between my idol, Adam, and my very favorite rock band, Queen. What a summer this is going to be....Whew! Cannot wait <33333


Anonymous said...

Thank you for you beautiful, teary eyed post, so agreeing with you and your sentiments.

Wishing that kind of sharing and 'years overlapping' happened more in "real life" (among us non-celebrities, lol), professional and private, benefiting from each other in creating something here and now!

Thankful for the poem quotes as well!


Anonymous said...

As a retired high school English teacher, I found that "years overlapping" often happened in the classroom during so many discussions. These young people opened my eyes and mind to so much in their world as I tried to expand their minds about the importance of understanding, respect and acceptance in today's world. They kept me on my toes with their questions and comments through so many discussions.Even after all those years in the classroom, I still maintain a friendship with a number of former students who often want to hear my thoughts and opinions about what is happening in society today. They probably would be shocked to know I was a fan of Queen and Adam Lambert's music,although I have mentioned it at some time in our talks. There does not always have to be a disconnect between generations and I am certainly very current as to what is happening in the pop culture world and what is trending in addition to the latest on the news front. This is a wonderful picture of Adam and Queen and we all know they will make amazing music together this summer.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Yes, isn't it nice to know Adam doesn't avoid the company of "elders", that he isn't afraid being seen with them will ruin his career, that he actually admires and states that he enjoys their company.

What a concept! Sharing good times and a common passion with people twice his age! WOW!.......

Anonymous said...

@ 5:02 AM......JAK here....thank you...only the Keats quote was my contribution.

As for the "overlapping" I think it happens more frequently than we know. My 16 year old niece, her 39 year old mother, her 61 year old grandmother and 83 year old great grandmother are traveling from St, Louis to Chicago this summer to go to Adam + Queen's concert.

Four generations who all agree Adam is "yummy"...

Arleen said...

Haha!... That's me peeking in the window wearing the white earmuffs!