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New Adam Lambert facebook post!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Friday, March 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, March 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Will do,Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we will hear all about it here! : )

Anonymous said...

Waiting for my email Adam!


Anonymous said...

They seem to be using his Facebook again. Interesting that is starting now. Maybe much more to come with his new album.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Baloney. So much news that my friends who don't care about Adam are actually telling me they have seen about Adam and Queen and how about that? He's actually been in the newspapers, on TV ads, you name it.

Anonymous said...

Self promoting with a good purpose is smart to do!!!:)

You don't harm anyone of doing that!!!:)

Self confidence......


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Queen for their offer and Generosity , without them Adam will be still buried in his own small world .

Anonymous said...

poor lol, so overwhelmed by Adam's many good news, :)

Anonymous said...

You know we try to box Adam in . . wishing he could get the radio play, get sales like Justin and GAGA . . but at the end of the day Adam is Adam . . he's one of the most talented entertainer out there . .anyone that works with him or hears him sing (that knows music) adores him . . yes I would like that "hit" and the big bucks for him . . but being Adam (with that voice) and personality is what I love about HIM

Anonymous said...

Adam's management handles his Facebook. Adam said that in an interview. Adam didn't write that post, his management did.

Anonymous said...

The resident debbie downer's grammar is suspect. I do think not from US!!
Pathetic person.

Anonymous said...

Every time a celebrity, at whatever level, goes on a radio show or a TV talk show, or tweets or posts news on Facebook, etc., it's self-promotion. That's what performers of all kinds must do in some way or another. Adam is no different. He takes good opportunities as they come. His chance with Queen is a chance of a lifetime. Who would turn it down? Self-promotion is the name of the game for all performers. It's a good thing, not a bad thing. If their management handles some of it, that's fine, too. Go, Adam!


Anonymous said...

@1:28 AM & @3:48 AM
@ Other like minded folks:

As long as he is not buried in the small minded world that you live in; he will be fine!! By the way, every smart artist helps to promote themselves; that's the name of the game if you want to get anywhere in the business; ask any successful artist!

Actually; he must not have been buried to deep, because his over two million fans are able to follow him on twitter daily; and his fans in every state and Country are clamoring for Adam Lambert by name to come to their destination. Adam is exciting; when he speaks; people listen. When he sings, they are mesmerized; just ask the Glee actors and producers. Brian May and Rodger Taylor can tell you why they picked the man with the voice they call one in a billion.

The list is too long to mention all the many famous people that have stated their admiration for our worldwide, Grammy nominated
super star!!

The Queen concerts are just icing on this unique artist's cake. Brian said on the GMAC news conference at Madison Square Garden, with Adam and Roger last week at the televised announcement of their upcoming summer mini tour; for all the world to hear, that Adam Lambert was the only one that would be able to fill this guest front man spot with them. This is a mutual admiration society between Adam and Queen. Together, probably from an equal amount of fans from both; they will slay it. The Queen plus Adam concerts will no doubt, be the concerts of the

Adam even attracts the likes of those such as yourself, stalking around the internet trying to discredit him; to no avail. Perhaps if you learn to accept the truth about Adam; it will set you free from your jealousy and bitterness of this wonderful, talented, beautiful man with the generous heart and lovely soul!!

Anonymous said...

i'm not saying Adam's management handling his public Facebook is a bad thing. Most major artists do the same thing. I was merely commenting to those who are implying that Adam sat down and wrote that post, which i guarantee you he didn't. Not being a debbie downer, just stating a fact. There's no drama or any reason to be upset or make a big deal out of nothing.

Adam has nearly 5 million Facebook followers. Whenever

It is necessary that management uses this platform to promote Adam.

Anonymous said...

6 57
Do you have any idea how ridiculous you are?

Anonymous said...

Promote Adam any way we can . . .

Anonymous said...

5 32

you idiots think about ten different people are lol.

Vicki in Ohio said...

@6:57. BRAVO! Couldn't have said it better. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I think the trolls and haters finally outnumber the fans left at this site.

Anonymous said...

"Grammy nominated "!! since when ? a hundred year ago ? it's a shameful to mention it as an achievement anymore ,, keep beating that dead horse .haha

Anonymous said...

you said "I do think not from US" and yet you question someone else grammar ?
you idiot !! LAMO

Anonymous said...

This troll is very hateful and a bully . .I wonder what the problem is . .
Oh who cares . . that's their problem
I just care I get to see Adam.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

let me remind everyone that Adam has no record label right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam on another song on Glee!

Rockstar (Glee Cast Version feat. Adam Lambert)
Don’t Sleep in the Subway (Glee Cast Version feat. Adam Lambert)

Anonymous said...

New pic of Adam in a beanie. So cute.

SAME NEW PIC via Justin Andersson
@adamlambert came by the barber shop today to get a haircut . He's A very nice guy

Anonymous said...

you're saying this just because you have no answer to what the troll as you called (him/her) said ..

Anonymous said...

A Grammy nom is very coveted forever. It's a feather in any singer's cap. The honor of it never goes away. No reason to diminish it.

To say for sure that Adam doesn't have a label is ridiculous. You don't know for a fact that that is true. It's more likely that he does have one at this point. He's got some major recording work in progress.

6:57, you nailed it.

Anonymous said...

7:59 glad to hear about the other Glee song. April 1st will be here too fast, I will miss Adam on Glee. It was nice to get to know the other cast members and Gleeksters.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:23 AM. - To a large portion of the world - not being from the USA is a plus. We are not rated all that high as one of the best countries to live in. Or, as is obvious, the best educated.

Anonymous said...

you sound cocky and dumb, even when you live in the US and have a good Education system you still more ignorant than those who never have any way to learn except there own Personal efforts .

Anonymous said...

7:17am aka 7:34am

The poster at 6:57 AM, is right on; and he or she has got your number; and shamed your ridiculous self with the truth.

Apparently you can't handle the truth; but you sure like to dish out the stupid anti Adam lies all over this thread. Don't you ever get tired of making a complete fool out of yourself???

Anonymous said...

All the Countries are beautiful ok!
Adam loves all of his fans all over the world; and appreciates them all.

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the subject at hand;
I cannot wait until Monday to find out this new exciting news. Never a dull moment in the Adam Lambert Fandom; something going on all the time.

Be still my heart, from all of this current excitement; especially looking at his handsome pictures being posted lately from Sweden!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until Adam is on Glee again on April first. Thanks so much for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

@7:34 AM

The "dead horse", stupid phrase; that you are calling Adam's Grammy nomination is very alive and well; and to use a phrase of my own; no matter how hard you try, that bell cannot be un rung.

Most of the time, when Adam is written about in articles and introduced on talk show and radio interviews; they introduce him as the Grammy nominated Mr. Adam Lambert. Adam's Grammy nomination is a great achievement and probably the first of many more to come!!

So apparently, the only thing that appears dead around here; is the thinking part of your brain!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

7:28 ha,ha, I think you are right and what a dreadful boring bunch they are.

Anonymous said...

11 09
No, almost always he is referred to as American idol runner up adam lambert. That all people remember.

Anonymous said...

you're the one who make fool of yourself , you think it's the same person posts these comments ? how naive are you

Anonymous said...

no ma'am ! you're the dead horse for sure

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:57 - Oy - how many effusive testimonials must be given?
We get it and agree, Adam's great. No argument.
We don't need constant reminding.

It would be so refreshing to hear something original.

Anonymous said...

1:37, ok, you go first.

Anonymous said...

1:37 at your service. - Okey dokey, let's see. One or two of these may have slipped in somewhere during the past 5 years but I don't recall.

Adam Lambert is a stellar, unparalleled, consummate, unsurpassed, peerless, unrivaled, matchless, transcendent entertainer.

He is a man of comely visage and benevolent demeanor.

Will that do?

Anonymous said...

You are ALL called lol, equally ridiculous and laughable.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

@4:46 Stupendous job!

Anonymous said...


I was considering lapsing into Chaucer's Middle English, but I thought that would be tacky!