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NEW GLEE PICTURES: Elliott meets up with Kurt in the "New New York" episode of GLEE

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 17, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 17, 2014

This episode airs on April 1, 2014.


Anonymous said...

Kelliot! StarKurt! So sexy together! UNF! Can we get a pic of them both shirtless together ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm going to miss Elliott. Hope they keep a door open in the storyline for him to come back.

So cute in that first picture.

Anonymous said...

Darren is a total Glambert he praises Adam so much in this interview. Awesome!

How will ex high schooler Blaine adapt to living in The Big Apple? Plus, pop singer Adam Lambert stirs things up again.

Anonymous said...

Chris looks like maybe 15-17 years old and Adam 35-40, so I would not like a shirtless photos of them together, no, no!

Anonymous said...

I want them to be together in real life. They look so cute as a couple. Best Hollywood couple it would be. Love!

leilani aloha said...

Can't wait for April 1 :):):)

Anonymous said...

@11:02 PM
So you want that Chris and his boyfriend break up b/c of Adam? They are a cute couple and look great and happy together. And seem to be same age. Adam will find someone who is better for him, and hopefully free, so that he does not break anyone's relationship. IMO Chris looks too young for Adam, but I know that he likes his boyfriends to be young, though.

Anonymous said...

@11:02 PM
In my opinion Adam looks like he is Chris's dad or at least big brother. I think Adam needs someone who is a bit more fiercer and sexier. Chris looks like a sweet school boy.

Anonymous said...

11:02 PM
HaHa! Agree.

Anonymous said...

Adam would look younger without his facial fluff.

Anonymous said...

12:14 AM I don't agree. Adam would suffocate Chris with his fierceness. And I want Chris to be happy with Will Sherrod. They are a lovely couple

Anonymous said...

11:02 PM I think Chris Golfer and Will Sherrod are the Best Hollywood couple. But maybe Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka or Elton John and David Furnish come close. They all seem to be so balanced and content with each other.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a gorgeous and charismatic human being!:) No wonder he is love by millions of his adoring fans around the world!!:)

He is the truth and the love!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

The person that said that Adam looks 35 40 years old must be about 13 years old. Adam does not look a day over 25; and 30 would even be pushing it a bit. The fabulous facial hair just makes him look like a young man with facial hair. An adult can tell the difference.

It would be wise to stop trying to pick people for Adam. He can do that for himself. Might be time to work on your own relationship; or those that seek your help; good luck with that!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam suffocates no one.

Chris Colfer is a strong man with a huge sense of self. No one is going to suffocate him.

Anonymous said...

The mustache and beard make Adam look a lot older than 32, and I'm a lot older than that.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, this pic is pure GOLD!!! Youthful Adam again. :)

Anonymous said...

Nowadays it is difficult to judge someone's age. To any teenager, someone in their thirties is probably old. I could never see Chris and Adam as a "couple". They just seem to be totally different personalities with different interests. I am going to miss seeing Adam on Glee; the show is just not the same without him.

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST March 17 at 10:27PM

Thanks so much for the Darren Criss interview link. I never would have come across it myself, rushing through Adam-land, thanks. It was a real gem!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam's previous boyfriend Bridger Clements had a very strong influence on him. He had this kind of moustache and Adam has had it after the day (night) they met, the 1st of May. He has shaved them off only occasionally for the first Glee -parts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just watched the Darren Criss interview. He is REALLY a Glambert! Talk about gushing over Adam! Darren really "gets it." I love how he senses Adam's incredible presence whenever he enters a room. He just has a aura of cool personality and beauty. And Darren really is in awe of Adam's voice. Sure would love to see Elliot be a recurring character from time to time. He really lights up the screen. Just ask Darren.

BTW, there is no way in the world that Adam looks old, even with the facial hair. No way.


Anonymous said...

9:58 -- I personally think him being on the show for a few episodes only is absolutely perfect. Adam has left an indelible mark on that show. Always best to leave when you're on top. Kudos to Murphy for casting him at this point of the show (New York phase). It was brilliant.

OT: Adam exudes happiness and confidence in these Glee pics. Now moving on to QUEEN shows and then the release of his album. Such a great, great year for Adam Lambert already! And, it's not over yet.

Anonymous said...

Chris looks so young in these pics. :=)

Anonymous said...

Chis looks younger looking than his age; and Adam looks his age with his fabulous facial hair; and a maybe a little younger than his age with out it. They are both young men; both great guys.

I wonder If Chris has some fans, or so called fans who are always judging him because of his own personal choices? I hope not. Just glad Adam says he ignores this stuff.

So those who wish to compare Adam with every living man on earth; just continue to talk among yourself, Adam does not care. He won't change a hair for you; so to speak. Ha, ha.
Have a nice day. Off to work; with Adam on my car cd player. Yea!!!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for this interview,
and all the information that you continue to give us. There is so much we would miss without you bringing it to our attention.

Adam is so fortunate to have such a devoted fan. Please keep the information coming!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, Adam on Glee. He brings so much excitement to the show. He seems to be loved by everyone on the show. Just like in real life; to know Adam is to love him!

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the nicest young entertainers I have ever seen. He just radiates goodness and kindness. He has such a generous nature. I have never, in all the years following him, from the beginning, heard him say anything negative about anyone. Just love him so.

Adam is finally getting many of the wonderful opportunities
and acknowledgements which he truly deserves and has worked so hard for.
The good part is, the year has just started, and this is just the beginning; of all the good things to come, for our wonderful young international superstar.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam in a mature and private relationship, and yes, he could date guys in other profession like a lawyer, doctor, not guys who are jostling for fame and using him to get it ( 5 mins fame).
@lambertlust, this is an innocent question, are you paid by Adam's management to do all stuff for Adam? If you aren't, i commend you! You are a devoted and loyal fan, well done!

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to get use to facial hair on my own boys. I have not seen there faces since they got out of high school. I miss seeing the dimples. But they are two handsome men, but they are still just by boys. They will probably keep it until the first sign of gray appears!!
Sorry for sharing personal memories on here but think of it every time there is a comment about Adam.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam is singing in this episode? If do what song.

Anonymous said...

@7:55 AM

Your concern seems heartfelt; but I am pretty sure we don't have to worry about Adam being used; he addressed that matter once, when being asked in an interview, about people who wanted to be friends because of his fame. He said he can spot those kind of people and addresses them accordingly, I am not quoting him exactly.

Fortunately, Adam is no fool, he is very mature; and will choose the person he feels is right for him as a partner; not based on what anyone else thinks. Meantime, he is a very busy young man and is hopefully enjoying the companionships he wants, when he wants, of his choice; and his alone.

Since none of us really know what is going on in his private life; thank goodness. We don't really know what his relationship status is. I hope it stays that way as long as possible!

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for all you do; I am a grateful fan. There is so much I would not see; if not for you. Please keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Kath @7:56 AM

Thank you so much for your cute and charming post about your sons. I think your story is right on at this time.

The facial hair is a person's on personal choice. Just as Adam is the same beautiful young man with or without his facial hair; just like your young sons. Thanks again for this beautiful story that should be a lesson learned by many.

Anonymous said...


should be: a person's (own) personal choice

Anonymous said...

@8:16 AM That's what I've been wondering. I haven't heard so much as a small hint about him singing. I'm worried.

Anonymous said...


Loved the video of Darren Criss just so excited in talking about Adam; says he is a true fan and buddy. He hopes Adam can come on when time permits from his real life of being a Rock Star; thought that was so cute. Loved it; going to listen and view again. Apparently, they all just love and admire Adam on Glee.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam sings on Glee on the next episode; but, if not; it will be nice just seeing him on again. Wondering how they are going to handle his departure, maybe temporary?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Elliot will have to leave NYC because he got some new opportunity somewhere else. Or may be stay in NYC but get another job somewhere nearby where he can visit from time to time. Funny that we haven't heard about the songs for his last episode. I can't believe that he won't be singing at least one song. Tonight's episode is the 100th. They're having Gwyneth P. and some other former cast members on tonight. Can't wait for April 1!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lambertlust! I love your devotion and your continuing efforts to bring news to us. That's what true fan does.

Anonymous said...

We have known for a long time that adam and chris have a duet of the song Rockstar on this episode. It's by Great Big World. Apparently google is just beyond the abilities of you people. I'm surprised you can turn your computers on.

Anonymous said...

@10:07 No need to be tacky. Some don't stalk Adam 24/7.

Anonymous said...

DRG Maybe Elliot has to leave because he is fronting Queen. Then Starchild can sing Who Wants To Live Forever on TV.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, human decency, kindness and manners are beyond the abilities of others.

Anonymous said...

@March 18, 2014 at 10:31 AM

Very Well done my fellow Adam fan, perfectly said!

Anonymous said...


I general Google Adam all the time, but sometimes I do pose an Adam related question to fans here instead of Googling because I know that they might add extra to the answer/conversation than I might quickly glean from my Google. It really aint that deep. I would venture to guess that fans ask questions here for similar reasons... They figure they will be back, and that many here might give them a fuller picture in answering their query than what Googling pulls up, which is sometimes a lot to SIFT THROUGH. It really aint that deep and complicated dude, since you seemingly feel so confidant in your own abilities and intellect, I'm surprised you couldn't figure that out on your own, but maybe I've helped.

I had also forgotten about the Great Big World song. Real Life is keeping me busy and crazy and I totally couldn't remember, so thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

@10:12 AM

Bravo! Could not have said it better. So thankful for fans to bring other fans information. Never be afraid to ask. That's what true fans are for, to assist each other when they can; without being judgmental. Do not let anyone bully or discourage you, ask away!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:07

Anonymous said...

11 25
Lmao at you idiots trying to justify your stupidity.

Try harder!!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:28 AM - Poster #2

Look in the mirror; and you will see the true idiot, unless you are too stupid to do so.

Why don't you try harder to obtain some dignity and respect for yourself, and others!!!

Anonymous said...


My post is for the
Poster at 11:28 AM #3 / Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Bad policy to have a relationship with anyone you work with, especially if you are in the public eye. It would be chaos if you break up.

Anonymous said...

I really doubt Adam dates anyone outside the creative arts. That seems to be almost his sole interest. I can't see him dating a lawyer, contractor, doctor, accountant or city councilman.

Anonymous said...

An educated, professional man would have no interest in adam who barely graduated high school.

Anonymous said...

1:43, you seemed to have missed Adam did briefly attend college as well as missed noticing how well read and intelligent Adam is. That comes across in every interview he does. Which leads me to believe you are just a hater or a troll.

Anonymous said...

@11:28 #3

Please try NOT to react to OBVIOUS shitstirrers!!!

Anonymous said...

I also think that Adam would probably be happier with a partner in the entertainment world or the creative arts. This would be someone who understands Adam's daily life, the music business, commitments, projects, recording sessions, appearances, concerts, etc. Also, someone who likes to have fun and enjoys life without being jealous or insecure. I suppose it will happen for Adam one day because his life right now seems to be very busy. Maybe when he least expects to meet someone, there he will be. Obviously I don't know Adam personally, but I do know that I want him to find love and happiness in his life along with so much more recognition and success in his career.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So tired of reading straight mature people planning Adam's love life based on their very restricted ideas of sexual encounters, love and relationships.

Anonymous said...

1:43 From what Adam has said in interviews, he had good grades so I wouldn't say "barely" graduated. My own son is a senior right now, and his grades are horrible. If/when he graduates, I will think of it as "barely graduating". :)

I picture Adam with someone creative, no matter what shape or form that takes.