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So Cute!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Thursday, March 27, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 27, 2014


Anonymous said...

Awe; how absolutely adorable!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is cute but it's old.

Vicki in Ohio said...

Great picture! Sure will miss Adam on Glee. He really added excitement to the show. Wonderful opportunity for him and he did a fantastic job.

Anonymous said...

blank space no picture :(

Anonymous said...

4:58, it is the pic of Adam with his Glee puppet.

Anonymous said...

Little Elliott is cupping Adams cheek very tenderly.

Anonymous said...

This pic has been posted before - GORGEOUS!

Anonymous said...

This is a great look for him. Wish we could freeze it because this is why a lot of us became fans. Not only the voice but good looks. He did a wonderful acting job on Glee too.

leilani aloha said...

Love this pic of Adam!!!
Reminds me of old Hollywood movie STARRR!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:48, how shallow to want to freeze that look because that is what made you a fan. Time for you to move on to some other Hollywood star as shallow as you.

HK fan said...

Sorry, but don't like this pic....Adam looks a bit gormless in it.

Anonymous said...

Now even the tagged people are insulting Adam. Gormless means stupid or foolish. What kind of fan feels the need to say that?

Anonymous said...

I-ve seen HK fan´s posts quite a long time, I´m sure there was no insult in mind. I think more, that HK fan meant by it as silly = foolish. Not meaning so serious.

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan......JAK here......I know what you mean...I think!
I believe in the UK the word is also used to describe a 'wide-eyed innocent' least I've heard it used that way.
. I know you have lived away from the UK for a long period of time, do you go back occasionally? I feel I could live anywhere in the UK or Ireland and my heart would be content. Unfortunately my arthritis would kill me!.....sigh
I have reluctantly accepted the fact that a semi tropic climate is necessary. So I guess it's Florida forever!

Anonymous said...

HK said she didn't like the pic so I doubt she meant gormless in a complimentary way.

Anonymous said...

It isn't necessary to like every picture of Adam - I hope!
Because occasionally I see one I don't care for at all.
Is that going to mean I'm not a "true fan?"

Anonymous said...

3:25, just because you don't like it doesn't mean you need to add something insulting to your comment.

Anonymous said...

TommyJoeRatliff: So, I'm selling some prints on :) photos by twink6…

Anonymous said...

Talented goofy ADAM!!!