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Adam Lambert Liked 2 Photos On Instagram!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam is friends with the Semi Precious guys. Love the pics of them posted not long ago. And Adam loves his leather. He can wear anything and I'm happy, or actually he cld wear nothing and I'd be even happier ;)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps there's something lacking in my 'curiosity quotient'...but, I don't particularly care to know what anyone 'likes' on instagram........JAK

Anne Marie said...

I like it when Adam likes Sauli's pics.

Anonymous said...

Yes we need more Saulibert!

Anonymous said...

Again, still don't get why this is news.

Anonymous said...

If you don't get it, why say it out loud, lol!?

glitzylady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Instagram. Twitter, Facebook don't interest me . . I will click on links sometimes but that's about it . . . too much social media . . .

glitzylady said...

I liked seeing Adam's "like" of the "winter" and "summer" outfits:

"Summer Outfit
-Black Pants
-Black Sweater
-Leather Jacket"

"Winter Outfit
-Black Pants
-Black Sweater
-Leather Jacket
But like with the
sleeves rolled up
a bit"


Vicki in Ohio said...

Always enjoy any news about Adam including his Instagram likes! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Adam's IG likes are an interesting peek into his brain. Always cool to see what perks his interest :)

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust always posts Adam's "likes" and who Adam is following. It's none of our business.

Anonymous said...

We are living in the era of social media and experiencing the "Liked/Not liked", "Thumb Up/Thumb Down" culture... Soon people forget how to speak and write, it's just click this, click

But still I agree with you @5:06; cool to see what Adam's interested in! And I'm sure Adam knows this, he's the social media wizard!

Adamluv said...

I like knowing what Adam is interested in so keep on posting his "likes". Thanks! . . . Adamluv