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Cute baby Adam Lambert!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

how about bringing back that natural color hair. sooo so cute.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, isn't it, how nature takes us from seed to full-grown splendor. In Adam's case, love, evident in these photos, is what made this all possible. Guys, you missed my favorite baby Adam of all, hand holding Dad and wearing his boots, the root of his penchant for all manner of boots of his own? I've read somewhere that the better part of our soul is formed in the first five years of life, and if this is so, Adam was one lucky child to have been nurtured by Leila and Eber.

Anonymous said...

1:56 yes I heard that but it was the first three years. It's sort of scary thinking such a short time span. I accidentally did a pretty good job myself. :) :)

Anonymous said...

Now do we get bored so easily waiting for new pics and news from Adam that we have some post on repeat?

Anonymous said...

2:35, Don't worry. The excitement this summer will make up for it.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....That's a very good argument for free Pre-K in our country.
Not every child is nurtured at home and that is almost always a death knell for their school years. When I was a kindergarten director I fought fiercely to include a 3 and 4 year old class. Many of our 5s had been well fed, clothed and had proper medical care......their physical needs were met......but they weren't imaginative, had no sense of humor, didn't really know how to play, exhibited no curiosity, couldn't carry on a conversation. They hadn't been nurtured in a way to handle school....or life.

No teacher can cram 5 years of personal attention into
a pupil in one school year. So I wanted to start younger for the emotionally neglected ones. In my heart I felt the children had been warehoused, kept safe but empty....oh shut up JA. Sorry, but I really get emotional on this subject. You won't get my full lecture! :-)

I was a lucky one, Adam was a lucky one, I hope all of you were.

Anonymous said...

JAK, some of us weren't but have worked hard to improve ourselves. I am responsible for the happy, curious, responsible person I have become.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 3.55pm & JAK for some reason your two posts bought a lump to my throat, completely out of the blue. Your comments touched me.

Anonymous said...

I once lifted a two-year-old from a box on the floor of a dark room, not small, crying, or sick, but was surprised that her eyes were big with no expression. She was stiff as a board and it took some massaging and holding for her limbs even to bend. Her body didn't know how to be; she seemed a shell like the box where she spent her days while her mom worked the night shift and extra hours. I agree, JAK, the early childhood programs are worth their weight in gold, as some parents, like this one's, have little time, ability, or inclination for nurturing; all they can muster is to grow little bodies that are empty promises of themselves.
I too was lucky. I grew up in a small barrio, a poor but self-sufficient enclave where children were not just cared for, but valued. Our early childhood education programs consisted of the people, the community, who more or less, watched out for one another. As a child, I recall freely visiting homes of neighbors when they gave birth, married, or died; hitching rides with older kids on their way to the river; making toys out of beetles, spiders, pig bladder, and palm leaves; bobbing for snails in the streams; catching frogs; planting rice; staying up to watch a huge moon make its way across the sky, and making bonfires that attracted the bats we'd take down with arrows. Don't want to belabor the point that it's a different world and times now, but the needs of children haven't changed--the chance to explore the world through eyes of wonder and imagination. The mobility, anonymity, and struggles of modern lives dog our days as we try our best with the little children, and they mostly still flourish. This, however, can't be done from a box in a dark, empty room.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a dork Ig so funny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadam NZ !.......JAK I have a lump in my throat after reading the posts of @3:55 and 5:48 PM.
It's an epidemic.

funbunn40 said...

@JAK and 5:48, Both of your words deeply touched me. Children are such innocent beautiful gifts when they come into the world, deserving love and nurturing that can come in many wonderful ways. As a child raised in Chicago, all of the mothers in our apt. building looked out for each other's kids, reprimanding us when we deserved it, like their own and spoiling us with cookies and loving words just as often. I wish every child would be valued and loved. Adam and Neil were fortunate to be raised with loving support from Leils and Eber, becoming confident,caring , bright young men.