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New fan art!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Sunday, April 6, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, April 06, 2014


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A little odd looking but this is great!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmm.The original pic is so straight on and not flattering to him.I like the other pic on Adam's Twitter page better.This look IS a little scary,so it's not really the fan's fault.

Anonymous said...

Do I see anger his eyes? Mostly the left one ??!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is quite good. But the eyes are a bit scary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@11:46 AM
Why what? If you mean scary looking eyes. Watch them! What do you think?

Anonymous said...

It's the artist's perception of what they see; and how they can relay it to the canvass; not an easy job. I think this person did a great job. I am sure it's no easy task.

The effort should be appreciated not criticized. Anyone feel that can do better; bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't even look like Adam.

Anonymous said...

The original didn't look that much like Adam's normal pictures either; I think the fan did a great interpreting what he or she saw; considering the look Adam had on the original picture. Like the previous post indicated; if anyone thinks they can do better, nothing is stopping you!

Anonymous said...

Post art publicly and you get criticism. Part of the way it goes.

This isn't very good.

Anonymous said...

If you were brave enough you'd say you didn't like the Lee Cherry's photo either. I hope Adam is not stuck with Lee, so that he can't have other photographers just as he can't have other guitarist. At least every once in awhile. I think the glamily loyalty has gone too far.

Anonymous said...

oh brother!

Anonymous said...

omg. not good. I really dislike fan art.

Anonymous said...

@2:06 pm

Says who? That's crazy! There is no rule that says you have to be mean and critical when a fan posts a piece of art work about Adam. You were not asked your opinion; it was posted here in honor of Adam. I really don't think Adam Lambert would appreciate a fan's efforts being treated in such a mean spirited way!

In your unsolicited opinion; you said the fan's art work is not very good. Well, in my unsolicited opinion; you are not very nice!

Anonymous said...

3:18, aww did your feelings get hurt?

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't take someone brave to criticize another's artistic efforts; as a matter of fact just the opposite of brave!!

Anonymous said...

3:22pm #1

Looks like he or she got your number; they must have hit the nail on your mean spirited head, so to speak!!!!

Anonymous said...

@3 22 No.1

Are you in grade school. Grow up.

Anonymous said...


I appreciate what you had to say, very nice post!

Anonymous said...

So now anyone who has an opinion that this is not good is not a nice person? That is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

3:18 pm, the internet says if you post art they will critique it. Happens every place art is posted online. Can't take the heat? Then don't post your art.

Anonymous said...

@3:45 PM

Who is broadly talking abut internet rules? This is just about a fan that was kind enough to post their art work of a picture of Adam. I agree with the poster a 3:18pm.

Why is it so important to criticize the works of another? Does it make you feel better? Don't you have better things to do? Sometimes, silence is really golden!!

Anonymous said...

3 41PM

Stop trying to twist things around. You are the ridiculous one. Feeling guilty? You should be; and you should apologize to this artist for being so thoughtless; now go ahead and be that nice person!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a beautiful piece of art work. What a talented fan.
Thank you for your work. I know that Adam would be proud.

Anonymous said...

If, in portrait art, you are trying to present a "copy" of the work, the first rule is perportion. The second rule is perportion and the third rule is perportion. This artist, unfortunately, got the three rules totally wrong. Forehead too long, ears and chin too short. I could go on, but life's too short. :)

Anonymous said...

4:38 - I wouldn't call you out on this..except you spelled it wrong 3 is proportion....

Anonymous said...

Creepy and not good.

Anonymous said...

Oh good the Adam loving troll is here . . big surprise . .Love and Light Adam loving troll. :) :)

Anonymous said...

Omg lol this picture is hilariously bad!

Anonymous said...

I do portrait work for four and 5 figures $$$$$ and I wouldn't ever post mine on the internet!!

Anonymous said...

Most of us could not even get close to the quality of this likeness of Adam. It's not a photo; it's a drawing, and it's quite well-done, IMO. You don't have to like it. It was done to share the beauty and love of Adam. It should be taken in the spirit in which it was given. A shared gift.


Anonymous said...

why it's scary ?

Anonymous said...

hey ! it's not the fan's fault , the original pic is scary so what did you expect ?

Anonymous said...

yup , working with friends never been a good idea

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM
i pet he rolls his eyes so hard at some of these stuff

Anonymous said...

This fan art looks like the original pic but one eye looks scary and there's something not quite right about his mustache/top lip.

Anonymous said...

Trollbert the art critic

Troll just can't stay away

Loves Adam too much

Love and Light troll

Anonymous said...

2:53 am, please stop calling everybody a troll. Art is subjective and people can have opinions about it without being trolls.

Your comment on every thread calling everything you disagree with as being a troll is annoying and not helping the situation.

Anonymous said...

When artwork is displayed that you don't appreciate, the best and kindest thing to do is say nothing at all.

I personally don't find any copies of a photo that interesting. You already have the original, just print another.
It is, however, a good exercise for amateur artists.

Anonymous said...

It's not Lee Cherrys fault the photo is unattractive, thats what the camera recorded. This is not a good look for Adam....which apparently many agree on.
Now that there are millions of guys with this same look, I wish Adam would move on to a fresh face. The terrorist look is overdone IMO .

Anonymous said...

"The terrorist look" is an interesting description.

Anonymous said...

great artistic skills.

donnaw said...

Horrible, i also hate fan art.

Anonymous said...

This fan art captures the original picture well and even more scary.

Anonymous said...

Agree, not everybody is a troll, but if you're a newcomer on this site, it's almost impossible to call very many people here Adam fans based on their postings. And that's just awful!

(I am not 2:53, have not posted on this thread before)

Anonymous said...

Well, this turned out to be a fun thread! Not.

Anonymous said...

Haha! ScaryBert.

Anonymous said...

The fan art is fine except for the mouth.

Anonymous said...

@4:33 AM
I agree it is. It is not a nice description. But I must admit that this word comes sometimes also to my mind when I watch Adam's current pics (when he is not smiling or making faces). (Sorry folks I know so many like this look.)

Anonymous said...

@3:48 Adam is not unattractive to me. I just don't prefer the pretty boy look on him anymore. I think he has grown out of it. There are tons of photographers like Lee Cherry. So far Adam is Lee's only merit. I saw a comment where someone said that Lee is the TJR of photography. I think so too.

Anonymous said...

Fans should get over GNT already. The tour ended 4 years ago. Move on to new era.

Anonymous said...

The featured pic is like a passport photo, imo. Many look like terrorist in their passport photos, because smiling is not allowed.

Anonymous said...

People are throwing the terrorist word around pretty free and easy.

Anonymous said...

Yea, as if a moustache is a mark of a terrorist.

Anonymous said...

Good Grief, "terrorist" is a word that would never even enter my mind in reference to Adam's looks! All I see is handsome, pretty, beautiful or goofy.

"Terrorist". Wow.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Have you people no shame!!??
Using the T word is very careless, thoughtless, rude and stupid and may get you in to trouble. You'll never know who checks your posts... And to use that word when you write about Adam... don't even know what to say. Gives me the hives.

Anonymous said...

Just by using that word, this whole website is now part of NSA's database. Great! How dumb some trolls can be?

Anonymous said...

Adam is breathtakingly handsome and sexy.

Anonymous said...

7:29 p.m. I doubt the NSA is interested in Glamberts.
Or was interested before your calling their attention to us.