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RyanSeacrest - ROUND 1: Vote For Adam Lambert Favorite ‘American Idol’ Contestant Of All-Time!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, April 7, 2014

Posted at : Monday, April 07, 2014


Anonymous said...

I voted already today but if you can vote everyday I will vote tomorrow.

Adamluv said...

Of course I recognize Adam, and David A. as well, but is the woman Carrie U? Sure doesnt look like her but dont know who else it could be? . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Just went to the site and realized that I really dont know who the young woman is but that she isnt Carrie. Does someone here know who it is? Thanks. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The young woman on the pic is Lauren Alaina. She was runner-up to Scottie (Mcreery?) a few years ago. I am surprised to not see a few bigger names on the voting roster. How about Kellie Clarkson, or Carrie U., or Scottie Mc..., or Phillip Phillips? I voted anyways, for Adam of course, but I think the poll is a bit silly and incomplete. I will vote again tomorrow as it can't hurt.

Anonymous said...

The list has only non winners. Daughtry and Hudson are on the list. I voted already today. I'll try again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Adam, of course. But I do find it odd that they didn't include some of the big stars from AI, like Carrie and Kellie, etc. Guess it will be less competition for Adam tho. I'll vote again tomorrow.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You can vote repeatedly. Just click "Return to the Poll".

Anonymous said...

Adam just posted a gorgeous new pic.

Anonymous said...

Whomever came up with the pics and vids is a little cray cray. Old pic of Adam who didn't even look like that during AI and WWFM with the caption "I'm a freak." Oh bro. Adam is the best contestant ever no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Photo by Lee Cherry:

Don't forget to 'like' them. Love!

Anonymous said...

Come on
get your vote in
we know you love BB 24/7

Anonymous said...

I couldn't vote!! I don't know is it my Nexus or is it only for people in the US?

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why the "Im a Freak" under Adam's picture. American Idol, are you trying to skew these results? Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you do the captcher on the next page or your vote doesn't count and you can vote more than once. If you are on twitter or facebook click on the here and you share. It shares to your page and he gets more votes.

Anonymous said...

@4:46 Because that is what he is singing in that GIF

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why anyone would be voting in those useless american idol polls only created to be getting hits. It was 5 years ago and I think Adam has moved beyond that now.

Anonymous said...

I just voted again. It seems it's only once a day voting. It takes only few seconds to do it. Ryan Seacrest isn't desperate for getting hits. It's an internet marketing tool for popularity.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I love the pic Adam just posted. Handsome handsome handsome.

As for the poll, I voted yesterday, no problem. I just tried this morning and I can't find the captcha thingy. It came up yesterday just fine. I want to vote for Adam each day. Where's the captcha?

Someone posted in the comments that this first round is non-winners. The next round is the winners of each year. I still think Adam has a good chance to win if we get out and vote in force. I know the more recent contestants get big votes because they're still fresh in people's minds. But Adam is eternal!!

I know some people think that these polls are silly, but they do show that a singer has a strong, loyal fanbase. It gives the singer more visibility and cred. That's a good thing. I say VOTE!


Anonymous said...

@6:52 AM Because American Idol put Adam in the public eye. It is a major part of his "roots" and will never be kicked aside as irrelevant to his life path. Embrace it because it is a part of his history.

Anonymous said...

4:41 AM
I don't live in America and I voted successfully.

Anonymous said...

@DRG when you click to vote, the poll takes your vote to the next page and captcha is right above Adam's WWFM pic. gif. You enter the number then you post your vote. It's only once a day vote and it takes few seconds to do it.

glitzylady said...

I wonder if it is a one-in-every-24-hours thing.. Meaning that you must wait at least 24 hours before voting again. (I know it's once a day, but it may not allow another vote until a full 24 hours has elapsed.) Try again later and see if the "captcha" box comes up then..

Adam is always my favorite :))))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

they just wants a hits , not gonna have it from me , it's been 5 yrs !!

Anonymous said...

7:45, it shows Adam still has an active and interested fan base. If there's a chance it gets the few programming directors to see there is interest in Adam I'm going to vote every day.

Anonymous said...

IMO. These polls, these results are seen only by the circle of fans whose avid fandom make them think they are helping the object of their affection. The only ones interested are the fan base. All of our interest in Adam and his last album did not have any effect. We are inconsequential - except by buying tickets to performances and his albums. I doubt any programmer ever says "Let's see how Adam Lambert is doing on the fan polls?"
Money alone talks. That's the world we live in. Polls are just to keep us busy and get sites hits.

Anonymous said...

I see no down side to voting.

Anonymous said...

For those who enjoy Fan Wars I guess it's entertainment.

Anonymous said...

9:07 me either.

Anonymous said...

Voted again problem with the captcha. Scroll all the way down below the "Vote" button.


Anonymous said...

Seacrest has over one million subscribers for his website. He isn't desperate for hits. Polls conducted by Seacrest, radio stations, or legit. popular industry publications are marketing tools to measure popularity and fanbase of an artist. This poll is only to vote once a day and it takes only few second to cast your vote.

Anonymous said...

I have voted several times a day. Just hit return to poll and vote again.

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is one of the pretty pictures of Adam.

Androgyny. Perfect.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

okay , how many Polls we had won so far ? maybe more than a hundred , did that change anything ? no
did that make Adam more famous ? no
it's probably the same group of fans who vote , it's useless polls anyway .
save your energy for something important , like an Awards nominations that Requires votes or something.

Anonymous said...

I think we were posting at the same time, 10:25am. To my way of thinking, every little bit helps!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, You're probably right. I first voted last evening, so I may have to wait till tonight to do it again. Thanks for the heads-up! I think fan voting on a pretty high-profile media person's site is a positive thing for the artist. It certainly can't do any harm to keep Adam's name active and in the forefront. Sure, sales are the bottom line. But opportunities do arise sometimes, due to visibility and a strong following. I'll keep on voting.


Anonymous said...

@DRG Love your comment. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

@DRG - surely it does not harm but also gains nothing other then hits to the site and stupid fanwars. Or does anyone really believe it changes the perception people have? Interesting for TPTB are casual fans like he gained with GLEE and the overwhelming reactions he got.
And yes, Idol might have been Adams platform but he has moved on now - or has anyone really any interest in reading "former Idol contestant" on every article about him?

Anonymous said...

Hi 11:21am... I think probably the biggest bonus for Adam is being on Ryan Seacrest's website. Ryan is a big deal in the entertainment industry and has plenty of money to back him. It's wonderful that he and Adam like each other so much and Ryan keeps finding ways to include Adam in polls, interviews, etc.

I didn't know these polls caused "fanwars", though. Hope everyone stays friendly. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest is on the Clear Channel network. Its good to keep up Adam's visibility there.

Ryan has a lot going on in the music, radio and TV industry. Can't hurt to continue to show interest in Adam on Ryan's site.

Anonymous said...

Someone said it was a big deal being on Ryan's website and that he and Adam are friends. It's just a shame that Ryan and his radio show could not have done more with Adam and last album. I don't really know how much influence Ryan has in the music industry, but hopefully he will give Adam a better reception when the third album is released. At least get that first single out there for the listeners. And if you are on this blogsite now, of course, you will vote for Adam as your favorite. And even though Adam has moved on from Idol, that was the show that opened the door for him to a recording contract and to the listening audience many of whom became loyal fans. If it weren' for Idol, who know where Adam would be now in his music career. I don't think he would be performing with Queen in a series of almost sold old concerts this summer either.

Anonymous said...

I only voted once. Ryan is ok, but these polls are every year. Glee was a good thing.

Anonymous said...

12:13pm ... yes, Adam himself has said he wouldn't be anywhere without the launching pad of Idol. It's been an amazing journey for him!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Idol was a good thing for Adam too. I was just thinking about this poll.

Anonymous said...

Adam was a good thing for Idol, as well. He was discovered on Idol and will be the frontman for Queen. that's a BIG deal.

Anonymous said...

Who in the heck made up this list? Sanjaya for God's sake? He was a total joke, as were most of the people on this "vote". Not exactly exalted company. He should win by a major landslide.

Anonymous said...

Would we rather have Adam NOT be on any polls? That would be worse.

Anonymous said...

It's probably petty of me but I've felt Ryan says one thing about Adam but doesn't make any effort to help him along his way. Ryan isn't just on the Clear Channel network, he's in business with them. Clear Channel Communications owns more radio stations than any in the country, these stations do not include Adam in the programming of 99% of those stations.

Clear has a minority stake (300 million dollars) in Ryan Seacrest Media. You'd think that would give Ryan a little clout if he wants to promote Adam. As I said, perhaps I'm petty, but still not sold on Ryan's sincerity.

Anonymous said...

Apparently this is round one of the poll. Non-winters. I heard there is a next round with probably winners on it. Hope Adam wins this one and competes in the next one. I agree that it's better he in polls that might seem silly than to not be included in them at all.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I give up. I go to the poll and click on Adam's name on the list. Then I click on the VOTE thing at the bottom of the list. Then I scroll to the top and the box says that the voting requires captcha. Where the heck is the captcha? If I could find it, I'd do it. Any ideas?

glitzylady said...

The "captcha" is the little box that pops up on your screen right after you vote for Adam initially (ie "check" the Adam Lambert box on the poll).

A "captcha" is just reading the letters in the outlined box and then typing them into the other box below it... It keeps automatic voting programs from spamming votes for one contestant... It's just like the ones that Ticketmaster uses when you're ordering tickets on their website.. to be sure you are a human being, not a computer program...

Then you actually get to click on "Vote"... and your vote is counted...

glitzylady said...

My personal feeling is this: As much major clout as Ryan Seacrest has in the music biz, he is also a Top 40 DJ. And Top 40 radio plays just exactly that: songs in the current Top 40, with some older Top 40 tunes played on occasion. They also play songs that fit their "demographic".. Which is what Top 40 plays... Top 40 has an approved playlist and request list.. If your song isn't on one of those, no play. Period. By anyone. I've heard that said privately by more than one DJ around the country (USA). They liked the music but were not allowed to play it.. It is what it is.. Apparently Adam's "Trespassing" singles weren't deemed top 40 material.. ie no play, and no chance of play. I don't think Ryan had much say in that, even though he clearly likes Adam very much.. And even though you would think he could override the powers that be...

Onward to Era Three, coming soon!!!!

Also heard some **interesting** news..... coming soon also.. :))

Anonymous said...

I did captcha the first time just fine. I know how. Just can't find it at all this time. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I can't find captcha either. Clicked on Adam's name, then looked for captcha. Nowhere on the screen. "vote" box at top says you need it to complete the vote, but can't find it to complete it.