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Adam Lambert honored with Hope of LA award! One year ago now - 3rd ANNUAL LGBT HERITAGE MONTH!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 30, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 30, 2014


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed all the hoopla that went with that award.e

Anonymous said...

A great honor for Adam! Has it already been one year?

Anonymous said...

And yet Adam has said he's not into politics; Mmm, he might one day be a governor/mayor of sorts even without actually trying. He was inaugurated Hope of LA just by being himself! See the power of just being oneself, no need to kick and rave for position/title. They will come when one is ready; in fact, self proclamation actually makes matters worse. Adam simply sailed through as Hope of LA. Congratulations Adam on your one-year anniversary reign as Hope of LA.
Ahh you bought a landed property since that that to me is tangible real difference. I'm not a title believer but I think Hope of LA is prestigious. Titles/positions are just that. It's the tangibles that actually count; you might say I'm materialistic...perhaps, but tangibles mean a lot of sweat, blood and tears went into things becoming reality. I don't view the house as just bricks and actually boils down to sheer grit, for Adam to come this far in mere 5 years. I think perhaps one fine day, the currents of time/tide might push him along like they have always, to hold high office. I wonder if his alien ancestors, you know those who frequently come to invite him to Planet Fierce, are using special telescopes to track him lol!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

??????????? I think the only high office Adam would aspire to hold would be a spokesman/model for a famous fashion designer. Sorry Lammy, but I'm pretty sure you might be the one with alien ancestors. lol
It's a fun premise to play with.

Anonymous said...

No no no...Adam is no spokesman for anybody, famous or not; he is and always will be spokesman for himself, director/president of his own company, one fine day; is that high office enough...
Finally I can agree with someone who addresses me in a suspicious manner; lol! Yes, I may also be tracked by alien ancestors. lol! Sometimes after writing something that dropped out from my alien ancestors' realm, I laugh, quite surprised at what I had written; signs of an alien brain abduction. lol! But everybody knows Adam is the glittery alien from Planet Fierce. My alien ancestry harkens from Saturn, weird and austere; you know the one with the rings of gases. So beware, lest one of them is not happy by your treatment of one of their kind. lol!


Anonymous said...

Actually. I like to think of myself as a child of the survivors of Atlantis! : )

Anonymous said...

What I loved best about this award is simply that out of all the hard-working people who lead the way for LGBT causes, Adam was selected. He does have influence by just being himself, honest and proud. It's amazing how powerful that is. Many non-celebrities work tirelessly for LGBT causes behind the scenes, but Adam's celebrity and ability to bring attention to these issues is important, too. Hope Adam stays active in this arena.


Anonymous said...

I believe Adam will stay active by mostly just being himself; and that is being the most meaningful activist of all!

Adam is a good and honest human being first and formost. His sexual orientation should not even be an issue, but this is the real world; and unfortunately, it still is!!

So glad that Adam is out and very, very proud, as he should be.
After all, Adam is one of the most talented, intelligent and charitable young entertainers in the business today!!!

Anonymous said...

I think all Glamberts have some weird alien blood in us!!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe it's required for membership!......JAK