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Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" Official Music Video 2 Year Anniversary

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, May 29, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 29, 2014

Revisiting Adam Lambert's Official Music Video for "Never Close Our Eyes"!!

19,962,646 views & counting! Can we make it 20 million??

Scenes from the video:

And one more: Adam singing "Never Close Our Eyes" on American Idol on May 17, 2012



Anonymous said...

Almost 20 MILLION views for "Never Close Our Eyes"?!! Such a clever and Fantastacial video - it deserves it!
The closing dance scenario is to die for.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Still good.

Anonymous said...

The closing dance scenario is definitely my favorite part ;)

Adamluv said...

Loved the entire video but agree about the last part being the best! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

at 12:57 PM

Not current back then, not now either but Adam is pretty as usual. I seriously hope Adam will be able to produce somthing more interesting to go with his new music. You can do amazing things on a computer. There really is no need to hire an army of dancers or pay for pompous props.

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute here. I like his hair like this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this album going to very different from anything Adams done. Think his first video will be quite amazing and current as you put it. Never close our eyes video was very inventive and very good see nothing not current about it Sci Fi type thing. Seems like people just want sex, and more sex in videos what seems to sale. Ad very sexy without being overtly sexy. He can stand there look at you and he sexy. Sure he has many new ideas in mine . Sure they will differ from anything we have seen yet. Such a talented man. That was Adam not Ad.

Anonymous said...

@1:40 I like NCOE. Not all current songs become classics. I think Fever is the most old-fashioned song. It's tempo is not pop music, imo. I also don't like banjos in edm.

Anonymous said...

I must be getting selfish I only like to promote songs co written by Adam.

Anonymous said...

My suggestion for Adam's next video/single release: He needs to capitalize on what makes him so desirable. This may come across as very shallow but I would like him to flaunt his looks and natural sexiness more to make the music video more eye candy and irresistible to watch. I don't mean it to be overtly sexual or vulgar, but a more sensual and sexy vibe would likely drive those Youtube views up which likely helps with getting music played on the radio. I am imagining something between FYE and WWFM. Js.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Never Close Our Eyes - the song more than the video.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Adam's label made him release NCOEs, because it was written by Bruno Mars. IMHO there were a few other songs that I liked better. Did anyone else ever feel that way. If Pharrell had started his comeback sooner, one of his callobs may have been released ?? Peace out

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Adam's label made him release NCOEs, because it was written by Bruno Mars. IMHO there were a few other songs that I liked better. Did anyone else ever feel that way. If Pharrell had started his comeback sooner, one of his callobs may have been released ?? Peace out

Anonymous said...

Aghhh so hot :)

Anonymous said...

@5:51 I wonder the same thing on both counts.

Anonymous said...

I thought TP should have been the first single but it was nixed because of the Travon tragedy. JMO and I could have the timing all wrong.

choons said...

@5:34 - yes, my thoughts exactly - FYE was so hot - hope he just goes for it and doesn't worry too much about pleasing everyone and all ages - just be his sexy self.

Anonymous said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

@5:51 I don't believe that theory at all. Adam was the executive producer, remember. He told that he has a say on everything. If the label had any power he would have had better backing band, instead of friends. I think that some fans just didn't like the pop album. Those fans just want to stay in the GNT era forever. I don't.

Anonymous said...

Everything Adam has recorded solo (FYE, TP) belongs under the broad umbrella of pop/pop rock.There are strong influences of various genres on both records but all 'n all they are pop/pop rock...

Anonymous said...

Not sure about who in his backing band are friends except for Monte. Tommy auditioned,

Anonymous said...

I agree that I'd love to see Adam do another video that is sexier and shows off his looks and sensuality. The song would enhance his attributes. Eye candy is not a bad thing!


Anonymous said...

Adam is so sexy to me he gotten even more sexy. He just a hunk sexy to me right now. I love his look lately. I to hope he gives some sexy to the new stuff videos. He does certainly not have to go over board like many to be hot and sexy. It will not take much for him to achieve that right touch of sexy because he just is. Sue

glitzylady said...

You are absolutely correct! Adam can just walk into a room and knock everyone dead...seriously!!

But then again, a little more "sexy" in a music video works for me :))))

Anonymous said...

Adams "band" did not play on his recordings.

Anonymous said...

FYE was HOT and after that I saw other artist kinda copied the style of this video

He looks good in all his videos