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WoW! Adam Lambet For Your Entertainment was on the back of one of the scenes in Korea's TV Series, Secret Garden!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, May 25, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, May 25, 2014


Anonymous said...

Ha ha very cute the one girl looks like she has on TP colors.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone wearing black and yellow. We can't automatically it's for Trespassing

Anonymous said...

11:11 I bet you don't get accused of having a sense of humor very much.

Anonymous said...

Cool! I kinda freaked out when i saw it in Pitch Perfect as well :)

Anonymous said...

Ha 2:24pm! Good one.

I always think it's amazing to see Adam in unexpected places on TV or in a movie. This kind of staging is well thought out so it does say something great about Adam.

xo laura