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Caleb Johnson on Instagram: "Yo, It's Adam Lambert!!"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, May 26, 2014

Posted at : Monday, May 26, 2014

Posted on American Idol's Caleb Johnson's Instagram today... 

Link to Caleb Johnson's Instagram:


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love so much Caleb Johnson!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Look at the t-shirt, it is his heart t-shirt! :)

Anonymous said...

I quess comments like 10:29 a.m. are suppose to be funny but I find them to be very distasteful.Adam can't have his picture with any one with out some sleezy remark.Adam does not deserve that.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! your stil here.

Anonymous said...

10:23 Your post is plain stupid

Anonymous said...

That's Adam's actual heart scanned and reproduced as an exact picture copy

Anonymous said...

Congrats Caleb and good luck in your future.

Anonymous said...

10:29 comment needs erased too.

Anonymous said...

Why is the the first post stupid? There are always lots of shipping posts whenever Adam is seen with someone.

Do you have something against overweight people? Adam used to be one, remember?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you administration for removing thoss comments we love Adam & respect very much

Anonymous said...

Admin does not like obese people, and looks like s/he is not a proponent of safe sex, either. ;)

Anonymous said...

10:47 and 10:48 need their comments removed too. It is the same person.

Anonymous said...

Basement Betty is really bored today. Lol

Anonymous said...

at 10:57 AM

Why at 10:47?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Caleb on AI I hope he does well.

Anonymous said...

a persons weight has nothing to do with it you are the only one that even said any thing about it so you must have the problem no one else does.

Anonymous said...

10:43 You wrote:

"That's Adam's actual heart scanned and reproduced as an exact picture copy"

If in fact that was 'an exact picture copy' and Adam's heart was that huge, he'd have many medical problems. Enlarged heart is very dangerous and that one is very enlarged. The healthy human heart can be held in one hand - the picture cannot be.

You've earned an A for effort on that factoid and possibly fooled a lot of low intelligence people.

Anonymous said...

I liked Caleb on Idol. He was actually the first contestant after Adam that I could get somewhat interested in. Of course he's no Adam, but there are some similarities. Nice picture!

Anonymous said...

Love the t-shirt!!

Anonymous said...

No similarities with Adam what so ever! Nada! Zip! Zilch! Zero!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have recognized Adam!

Anonymous said...

two badasses right there. the best contestants EVER from American Idol. they can wail their face off.

Anonymous said...

Caleb loves a mean biscuit and gravy. I don't blame him. The best idol WINNER.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson is the best ever American Idol WINNER.

Anonymous said...

Justin G should have beat Kelly C. she hasn't really made it worldwide. Carrie U. is sounding repetitive and needs a change. Where's Daughtry at??? I think Caleb has a better voice than all the past winners. I think he would have a great live show. The past winners should take note.

Anonymous said...

Caleb won me over when he sang "in the still of the night" One of the best rock songs ever made. He killed it that night. He had great momentum in the competition. I think he could have a great career.

Anonymous said...

Somebody @Adamtopia called Caleb Baby Meatloaf.
Finally it dawned on me why Caleb looked so familiar... (not out to call mayhem, there is a resemblence, he could be Meatloaf's son or longlost cousin...)

Anonymous said...

Who is Justin G???

Anonymous said...

Justin Guarini. The second runner up to Kelly Clarkson. He has a great voice just not the drive like the rest. He could have made great music. Carrie Underwood better step up her game, or she is going to be left in the rear view. That song with Miranda lambert is hideous. Phillip Phillips is doing well for himself. Caleb could make great music.