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Dr. Brian May Blog Post for May 29, 2014: "We Had A Great First Day Of Rehearsal Today"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Thursday, May 29, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 29, 2014

From Dr. Brian May's Blog today: 

**Note** I am not posting the entire blog here, as he requests that it not be posted without permission.. However we'll post a few (tantalizing) sentences, and the link to the blog post.. 

"First Full Day Rehearsal--TV Interview For Australia"

"We had a great first full day of rehearsal today (May 29th) for our imminent Queen and Adam Lambert Tour." 

"We have some new mountains to climb but it sounds pretty good so far!!!"............... 

"So we were ready for Adam today, and he's in great form and great voice...."...

"We also did a lengthy (and probably quite interesting) interview for Australia..."...

Continued here:

Pictures from 2012 Queen + Adam Lambert rehearsals:

This is the only thing so far from Queen + Adam Lambert 2014 Rehearsals, tweeted by Adam's publicist, Shoshanna Stone..


Anonymous said...

Ugh, why 2012 pics and with that title? I got all excited for a second :(

Anonymous said...

Could there be a better collaboration?!

I'm sure Adam is learning so much from his time with Queen ... and Queen is learning a lot from Adam. Adam has a unique way of going at music and I bet Roger and Brian are all eyes and ears. Pharell even said he looked at music differently after working with Adam.

Adam has so much to offer on music, inspiration, life. Glad he's working with super talented musicians that can appreciate it!

xo laura

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:52 PM
We don't have any pictures of the new rehearsals yet.. Sorry you were disappointed.. Believe me, I'm as excited as you are :)))

As soon as we have anything new in the way of pictures, they'll be here ASAP!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:52
Try reading all the caption texts before you post... It is stated there very clearly that the pics are from 2012!
Saves you trouble of complaining for nothing and others reading your good for nothing complaints... js.

Anonymous said...

YAY so happy for them :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here......Oh, a clue.....early Queen albums, well I can check those songs out! ..... I was hoping for something other than the usual classics .....yippee!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics :)

Anonymous said...

6:16 PM, try reading the title yourself. 2014 is in the title, not 2012.

You see the title and see pics as it dawns on you the title says 2014 and is a quote from today but then recognize pics aren't from today, they are old. Then you read the body of the post where it confirms the pics are from 2012.

Maybe if you read the title and my comment that said "got excited for a SECOND" you wouldn't need to type your complaint and expose readers to your good for nothing complaint too.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what color and style Adam has his hair NOW;at first,I thought these were new pix,too,but I SEE now they aren't;didn't even notice,at first-no tats on his rt arm like now--darn;hope some new pix will be posted soon.I did like BB'S hair color and style that it was in 2012( for the concerts w/Queen)

Anonymous said...

We are too quick on the trigger on this site. Anonymity makes it easy to be insulting. If we were facing each other I doubt we'd be so rude. Most of us have better manners. I say, we, because I have also been rude on occasion knowing that I'm invisible. It's not nice and I'm trying to reform........JAK

Anonymous said...

Peeps. Thin skin is for onions. Group hug, yes?

Anonymous said...

You can tell this is an old picture because we don't see the tattoos down Adam's right arm and his hair style, color is dfferent here. Even Dr. Bri's hair is a bit darker in that pic from 2012. Just a few clues as we wait to see pics of the new rehearsals.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit it was disappointing to realize they weren't new pics.

Magiclady said...

I was excited for a minute too ,because I thought Adam had his hair dark again and he was letting it grow!

glitzylady said...

So, would you like me to remove the pictures from 2012, so we could just put this whole thing to rest??


Anonymous said...

Don't let them rock ur boat Glitzy.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, I love the pics! Didn't get a chance to see these first time around. Always love a glimpse into Adam's working style. Thanks!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Geez, such nitpicking fans here. Take your grumbles elsewhere because they're not wanted here!

Anonymous said...

No, let's see how many more people are disappointed.

Anonymous said...

9:22 PM
Disappointed my ar$e. You sound so entitled and Adam doesn't like entitlement. As he has said "Entitlement aint sexy" so stamp your feet somewhere else.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

On the article, Dr. Brian May wrote that John Deacon is invited but he is involved indirectly. Hope Adam gets to meet him. And video of that little boy singing Beatle song with his dad is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Dr. May's blog is so refreshing. Love him really more than Freddie.

Anonymous said...

You can feel the excitement in the air even with old pictures.

Anonymous said...

Rational person reads the whole thing and "gets" why there are pics from 2012...
- cause there are no pics from their first rehearsal 2014 (or they are not revealed yet)
- related pics (old or new) are attached to news threads to enliven the news
- and it's always wonderful to see pics of Queen guys and Adam together
- plus surely there are peeps on this site who have not seen those pics before...

Anonymous said...

I love this pic.... I remembered it from 2012, love the look on Adam's face and the pencil behind the ear priceless . Glad u choose it .:)... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Anyone whose visits this blog on even a casual basis knows that the head lines, the pictures and the facts are rarely going to mesh. I got sucked in by the pics on this one, too.

Anonymous said...

I hope they will not take Adam's ideas too seriously, though. His vision may not coincide with the Queen fanbase wishes.

Anonymous said...

4:49 oh boo hoo hoo, cry me a river.

Anonymous said...


Don't bother to listen for the whiners, they are only constipated!!:)))) You rock!!:)


Anonymous said...

@glitzy lady Please push to make this a site where people that use tags are the only ones that can comment. Please!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the rehearsals and plans are very collaborative between Adam and Queen. They seem to respect each other very much. Brian and Roger probably have the final say, as it should be. But they listen to Adam, too. Sounds like a very congenial joint effort, esp. since it sounds like they'll be performing some songs they haven't done in ages. I'm excited!

BTW, if the fact that a picture doesn't exactly match a thread title really ruins my day, I'd say I have a pretty good life. Keep it in perspective. :))


Anonymous said...

Well said DRG!


Anonymous said...

Hope anyone doesn't take you seriously.
You're shooting down Adam as an idea bringer based on what? Your own lack of confidence & creativity?!

At this point ideas should run free and all fans should just trust thr true professionals Brian, Roger and Adam plus the rest of the band to know what they are doing.

Adam IS a Queen fan, those songs, their style, Freddie singing, are all in his blood from way back when... He has lived & breathed their music, learned many of his moves and poses by watchin Freddie... Plus he pumps new blood to this 'collabo' in it's planning & rehearsal stage.

I'm sure he has way more to contribute than those Adam fans who have "discovered" Queen through Adam or those Queen fans who have not moved an inch since Freddie past away.

Anonymous said...

It would be one epic historic tour if John could join them. If he does, I don't doubt livenation to take it all around Europe, South Africa, and South America. Looking up into the stars to wish it will happen.

Anonymous said...

5:10 if RCA took Adam seriously with Trespassing, he could have toured Europe in one of the cities near you. Then you wouldn't have been this bitter for past couple of years on different fansites.

Glee took Adam's ideas seriously and we had one of the best memorable performances of the season.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious about what this statement from Brian means.
"We have some new mountains to climb but it sounds pretty good so far!!!".
Mountains? I would think they would only have a few speed bumps to smooth out at this point in their relationship.

Anonymous said...

at 7:19 AM

I am so happy that IG was not around when Freddie Mercury was still with us. Obviously he would have declared his crushes to the world just like Adam seems to be doing now.

Anonymous said...

@8:23 I think he is talking about the new songs they will be doing.

Gabi said...

I never saw those pictures from 2012 and I'm glad I got to see them now! Thanks! It will be fun to compare once we get more recent ones.

Anonymous said...

Don't care what year picture was taken . . . just like to look at BB
Bought 3 Queen cd's need to get the lyrics down (sorry for the people seated near me)I can' t sing a lick

Also purchase a couple of the Best of . . even tho I have all the songs.

Anonymous said...

That's the Best of AFL

Anonymous said...

5.10 I hope no one will take your crazy comment at all serious it's ridiculous. Adam will add tons to these concerts. He always had so many wonderful ideas. Look idol his year every performance was different interesting and something to look forward to. Last great idol ever to date in my opinion. Been some good singers but just lack what Adam had and has. I hope they take his ideas very seriously he will add so much to this concert.
I hope JD has input in the concerts but even without him these concerts will be fantastic. They have one hell of a front man with a voice in a billion. Charisma like crazy and sexy has hell.

Anonymous said...

I am getting so excited for the Queen and Adam concert in Houston!!! It is getting closer!! Yaaaaaaay!!!

Anonymous said...

The old pics were a momentary disappointment. I did expect they were going to be new. Brian's comments and news that rehersal had started would have been fine without old pics. And I'll sign my name to that. Maggie.

Anonymous said...

You're a brave lady, Maggie. Good on you.

Anonymous said...

John Deacon is completely retired. He did not even participate when Queen was inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Roger has said that John has withdrawn from social contact and "is fragile". No more band days for John. But Another One Bites the Dust goes on....he wrote it! He also wrote I Want to Break Free.....and he has!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Me the photo of Adam above....back view.
I have a weakness for the nape of the neck and Adam's looks quite kissable. In a 'grandmotherly way'....smooch!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:23 AM

I can only give you my insight on what I think that Brian meant when he said, "we have new mountains to climb, but, it sounds pretty good so far". I think that he meant there is a lot more challenges as they explore new songs they may not have been finished; and also how to infuse Adams vocals in to the new songs, and things seemed to be going well so far. All sounds positive and exciting to all of them.

I think you might have been thinking that it was meant more as a negative by comparing Mountains to speed bumps in a road. That senerio would be much worse then beautiful mountains to climb and explore; so to speak.

I seriously don't think that Brian was even talking about their relationship with Adam. They have all said how comfortable they were in working with each other; also, how much they liked and respected each other, personally and professionally. Hopes that gives you some prespective of what Brian might have meant! Not to worry; they love Adam Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

Maggie who cares old pics . .new pics . . it's Adam . .I will take it!

Anonymous said...

Brian and Roger have complete confidence that Adam can handle anything that is thrown at him for this tour. That's why they want to work with him. He's a pro, just like they are. No worries about Adam's abilities.


Anonymous said...

@3:58 I am thinking along the same lines as to what Brian meant by his choice of words. Also, I'm thinking back to their interview at Madison Square Garden where Brian said they want Adam to be comfortable, yet challenged, by what they were going to do.

Anonymous said...

I get all the questions re John Deacon, as he was an original member...but I do wonder why there are never more comments about Spike....he's been with the bans for over 30 years....surely that makes him a member of Queen.

Anonymous said...

Spike and Neil are superb. Neil's bass solo on Dragon Attack was perfection.....and Rufus is a welcome addition me they are Queen....along with the two originals, Roger and Brian.......JAK
The kid they have fronting is a real 'find'...;-)))

Anonymous said...

I also think Spike, Neil, and Rufus are excellent musicians in their own right. It warms my heart that father & son play drums side-by-side.