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The newspaper again today The Herald Sun, Friday 30th May 2014!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 30, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 30, 2014


Anonymous said...

This is only the start of publicity that will be garnered by this Queenbert concert!

Anonymous said...

Well hello handsome!

Anonymous said...

OT: The two "Best of Adam Lambert" CD's my daughter ordered for me came to day. Raining outside and sunshine inside with my dear Adam. I was looking at the pictures of his beautiful home and listening to the voice of this beautiful man & everything just fits. He is so deserving of all of this. I am so happy for Adam. He is such a good soul; such a nice and humble man. I hope his heart is full of joy. Mine is for him!! Apparently, the best is yet to come!!!

Anonymous said...

Just got my Best Of CD yesterday. Can't wait to play it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I got mine too, but was disappointed. It's my own fault. I thought the performances of Mad World, One and Tracks of my Tears would be the whole song - Studio version!
Dumb me. It clearly said Am Idol performance. Now I have double everything I already have. I have one acquaintance who is an Adam fan, if she doesn't have it ill pass it on to her. Or stop a stranger on the street and gift them!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I have some of the tracks; this is still great because this is a nice group to play together in the car, or where. Love the way it is put together. Also, songs from Glee. Nice to hear Adam's voice. Sorta like the versions and the way they are put together. Brings back memories! My God, this man can "sang, sing, sang"!!! I wouldn't be surprised if he picked up a lot more fans from this. I have purchased and gifted to quite a few people!

Anonymous said...

I can never have too man Adam songs or Cd's; just in case they get old from too much playing; just saying! I have one in several rooms, and car.

Gabi said...

Yes, own it Adam! Love the confidence!

Magiclady said...

Love the new cd! I have all of the songs already on various cd's in my car. I drive an hour each way to work and I am always listening to Adam singing and I am singing right along with him! Nice listening to a new order of songs. Mostly since Queenbert did the concert in Kiev, I listen to that all of the time. Can't wait until I can have one of the new concerts on a cd to listen to on the way home from work!

Anonymous said...

I've got the new CD in my car on repeat...I absolutely love it. It's a great compilation of some of my favs like the AI songs, other pop songs CLYG, TFM, and having MTN also on this CD is fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Great quote of Adam's in The Herald Sun. :-)