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Michael Orland, Idol Vocal Coach & Friends: Watching Favorite Adam Lambert Idol Moments & Eating Kale :))

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, May 25, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, May 25, 2014

From Michael Orland, American Idol Vocal Coach, AND staunch Adam Lambert Fan/Glambert: Reminiscing with friends about Adam Lambert's time on Idol.. and eating Kale :)))

Michael Orland's twitter:


Anonymous said...

Adam loves Kale. My brother always makes Kale salad for holiday dinners. They also make Kale Chips. Those are great.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's hilarious! Michael Orland, lovin' Adam and lovin' Kale!

I'm not so fond of Kale....I tried it because Adam seems to rave about it but it's not for me :(


Anonymous said...

Frozen kale from Trader Joes is pretty good in omelets. Kale chips are easy to make and are good. Also in shakes with almond milk.

Anonymous said...

I love kale in my salad with Balsamic vinegrette and extra virgin olive oil. Sometimes fresh lime and olive oil

Anonymous said...

I just love the fact that Michael loves Adam as a friend and performer and LOVES to watch his performances. Kale is ok, too~


Anonymous said...

I wish I could join in with this group watching Adam's great moments on Idol and hear all their comments.
I just love how Michael Orland loves Adam.

Anonymous said...

Once you get to know Adam; it seems resistance is futile! Seriously, I think that Adam and Michael have a deep respect and friendship for each other.

Anonymous said...

Michael Orland has never been shy about the admiration that he has for Adam and his never ending talents. Michael is certainly one of the good guys. I aways liked him!

Anonymous said...

Not to long ago Michael played piano for Adam at a charity event; it was nice seeing them back together; sorta like old time.

Anonymous said...

The best of the best is kale smoothie for Whole Foods. Some of my friends hate kale but they like this smoothie. Just mix apple, banana, strawberry, kale, water and orange juice. For the nice green color add few spirulina(sea grass) tablets. It make this drink look great and even more healthy. And you can't taste kale in this smoothie! At all!
By the way, Adam's favorite kale chips from Whole Foods little bit expensive but the cheesy one taste AWESOME!

daydreamin said...

Great tips and recipes here! Thanks everyone! I had a great kale salad awhile back from California Pizza Kitchen:)

Anonymous said...

Michael Orland officially earned himself the status of a real Glambert now!!!

I always think of Adam when I make Kale. I like it best sauteed with Garlic and olive oil, or baked crisp in the oven sprinkled with sea salt and parmesan.

Anonymous said...

Kale chips def taste like something healthy.....:-(((
Personally, I'd rather die young.......JAK

Anonymous said...

If you love Adam, how can you not love Michael Orland.

Anonymous said...

I have all of Adam's moments
downloaded from YouTube
It's my background music while I'm working
Love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey a happy post all about a man and a vegetable!

Anonymous said...

Hey a happy post and comments all about a man and a vegetable!! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's music is the only music I have on in my car CD player; kinda like having him singing along with me; ha ha. Until the radio DJ's start playing his music; I will not be listening to them, especially when I can play his music any time I wish; which is very often!!

Anonymous said...

Michael Orland is A-OK. I think he enjoys letting Adam's fans know how he feels about Adam. Nice that fans let's him know how they feel about him! He is so nice.

Vicki in Ohio said...

I love all of the happy and friendly posts on here today! You gotta love anyone who loves and admires Adam! The kale smoothie sounds wonderful, I will be giving that a try.