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Official Video Now Out On Vevo YouTube!!!! Avicii - Lay Me Down!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, May 22, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, May 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sooo, where's Adam? And who is the dude on the video with Avicii?

The Dark Side said...

WTF ????

Anonymous said...

Different? lights, horses, people jumping up and down. I guess its a dance party!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, danceable song! Stunning light show! Adam's voice is perfect!

The video is very type of Avicii. The singer does not usually appear in the video. I don't mind. I hope this will be a hit.

Anonymous said...

Wow would love to see one of Avicii 's shows.

Anonymous said...

Getting Adam's voice out there win-win. YAY.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Admin Fan really can't post a link without it coming from Lambertlust. Maybe Admin Fan is Mrs. Lambertlust.

Anonymous said...

This link to YT is the same one as Adam gave in his tweet. It is important for Adam's social media numbers that his tweet gets favorited and retweeted and that the video gets hits from his tweet. They keep track of these things now.

Please retweeted Adam's tweet about this rather than Lambertlust's. If Lambertlust understood how these things work he would be retweeting Adam.

I'm also having trouble understanding why this was posted here when the vid link was in Adam's tweet in the previous post made here.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounds amazing as always on this it.

Anonymous said...

Incredible song! Adam's voice soars! Love the video! Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

OT 8 young Iranians, men and women, were thrown in jail because they made this fan video using Pharrell's Happy song:

Anonymous said... still like this one better.

Anonymous said...

12:11 yes, his live version was better than recording.

Anonymous said...

Lamberlust posted this earlier where you can stream it, which helps to give it more hits. A lost of people were complaining that this video was not as nice as Wake Me Up; and that Avicii did not put time and money in it. I think that with Adam's beautiful sexy voice; that beats any story that he can tell. I like it. That beautiful horse featured and Avicii working in it, doing his thing. The wonderful happy looking young people jamming out to adam's voice and Nile's guitar playing. Adam is co-writer on the song with Nile. All is good, win, win!!

I also saw over on Adam Official where a new updated Lipton Ice tea commercial is being shown; it is fantastic and longer, featuring LMD at a Mall and people sliding through a yellow funnel; just a bunch of summer joy; with our man's beautiful voice just ringing out! So good!

Anonymous said...

2:24 PM here/Meant to say A lot of people/instead of "lost".

Anonymous said...

Great I have been watching this all day using LL playlist.

Anonymous said...

Please make sure you retweeted Adam's tweet and watch the vid from Adam's tweet as well. Social media is counted in celebrities ratings. It's been mentioned here a couple of times how important this is now.

Anonymous said...

@..11:47 AM......JAK here....thank you for link to Iranian version of Happy. It was charming and quite puzzling to me why govt. would disapprove. I especially loved the 'happy feet', that's how I bed-dance!

It's as ear catching as Avicii's Lay Me Down with vocals by 'our boy' both are must plays for me.

Anonymous said...

Wait a damn minute. I know Avicii is the creator and star of this great production but you would think Adam could at least be walking in and leaving with the other "Big Boys"

Anonymous said...

Find adam? :)

Anonymous said...

OK, Glamberts, it's up to us to get the word out that this is Adam Lambert's amazing voice on the Lay Me Down video. Get Busy !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm retweeting Adam's tweet!

Anonymous said...

There is NOTHING in this vid that tells it's LMD, could be any song of Avicii's from whichever concert! Some sort of a story...Heck, so many fans could do better vids and I don't mean that Nile and Adam should be on it, but something should show it's LMD!

Anonymous said...

5:12, like the title?

Anonymous said...

Did Avicci release LMD as single in US?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:36 PM
Not yet...

Anonymous said...

Any one could find some one to play the music but the voice could not be replaced.Where is Adam?

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is Awesome!!
Love this song

Anonymous said...

Boring video!

Anonymous said...

@JAK to answer your question read this TIME article:

BTW it's 8 not 6. 6 were in the video and 2 directed the video. 6 were released by repenting to national TV. The makers of the video are in jail. Pharrell complained about it on his Facebook page for release of the others.

Maybe this can be a good lessen for those who complain and nag over little things on this website and take their freedoms for granted; where half way around the world young kids are deprived of their basic freedom because of ancient outdated shariah laws. Remember we had a little discussion about it couple of days ago.

Anonymous said...

What are you? Twelve?
You know what @5:12 meant, youtube is full of similar Avicii vids by regular concert goers and nothing in the vid footage reveals what song Avicii is currently plays.
It says OFFICIAL video, then it should look professional and include what LMD is about, some sort of a storyline...

DJ Jason LA said...

Much better version of the video featuring Adam

Anonymous said...

There is some symbolic meaning in the video. Basically, I feel the actor represents Avicii, a bit lost in the wilderness of darkness, and he can't really 'see' what he wants to be exactly, sort of searching for his calling. Then the streak of light from the heavens showed him the way, symbolised by the metal ball hurling down from the heavens. He had to dig deep for this treasure. Also, the black horse symbolises the darkness in the LMD title of the song. I've often referred to Adam as a dark horse meaning one who speeds from the rear and overtakes everybody at the finish-line as in a horse race; but this is not part of the video symbolism, just my own throw-in. lol! In fact I remember Adam too, said he found his calling as wanting to be a rockstar when he was half 'hallucinating/dreaming' and saw a bright light. Mmm, what happened to my bright light, perhaps it came and went. lwl!
This Avicii video reminds me of my LMD stories in which I wove in the LMD song, like Psychobert, also Saul rescues Bert in the snow and Marsbert; in fact the wasteland in the video reminded me of Marsbert on Mars singing LMD to the Mars spiders. lol!
So final analysis...I appreciate the video very much and Adam's voice and singing draws out its mystique. By the way, Adam's tenor sounds real sexy in LMD, perhaps his hangover did the trick naturally for him. lwl!


Anonymous said...

This video is boring. Wake me up musical video is much better than this.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything symbolic and my opinion is it's a dumb video.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my! Clearly your bright light gives you energy inside you:). Possibly It gives the inside world you have. It feels sometimes weird
to see familiar symbols here(like now the horse in this vid), but then I notice and remember too, They already live in Your poems and stories.:)))Doesn´t that give you extra boost!!!:D Makes me smile!Have a nice Adam-day.Kindred

Anonymous said...

PLEASE STOP WHINING....this is the way EDM works. People will know it's Adam singing soon enough, just like they did with Aloe. It's a dance video for a dance song. I love it, please don't ruin this with the constant analysis. Be happy that Adam got a writing credit on this, as well as the chance to work with Nile and Tim. Peace out

Anonymous said...

Lam-my @11:23

Obviously you are not talking about this offial Avicii Vevo LMD video in this thread but about another LMD video (made by a fan/dj), which I have also seen (it's in youtube, but can't open it from my mobile).

Jyst fyi, if someone else wants to see it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kindred
Yea you understsnd my weirdness a little better than others; so you don't quite agree with the horse, that is okay too. But Avicii putting the horse in the video has marked a time-frame for his work. This is the year of the Horse; each Animal recurs every 12 years on the Chinese zodiac and the Horse will come round again in 2026 in the Chinese zodiac calendar. My gold-plated double-Horse Risis sculpture created by DesignSingapore, is now in its third 12-year-cycle rotation, meaning I bought it in 1990. So Avicii might have done it for a purpose using a horse, not sure of his purpose, but for me this video has marked a time-frame, Year of the Horse.
Hey Kindred, Thanks! Whenever I see you popping up, I smile a big smile like the sun just came up! lwl!


Anonymous said...

@9:32 PM....JAK here...thanks for link. "A vulgar clip which hurt public chastity". The police chief spoke and the law was upheld. The sight of an unveiled woman's face imperiled public chastity .

It is so hard for me to understand such laws, are the men restricted in any way?

I try to respect all religions, but this sweet video of happy people being charmingly playful is something I would have HAPPILY shown my kindergarten classes and then we would have gotten down on the floor with legs in the air, like they did in the video and 'happy danced'.

Anonymous said...

@JAK I know it's hard for westerners to understand what Islamic laws dictates women should do. The law says females after age of 8 should cover their hair and shouldn't show any skin. Also don't have any association of showing their hair or skin with men outside of their family. In this video the girls having close contact with men without hair covering and they dance and show their skin next to men, recorded for the whole world to see them. That's a no no in unfortunate today Iran.

Let's not forget that women had equal rights and freedom before 1979 Islamic Revolution. This equal rights of women was participating in everything from politic to science to teach in universities to have access to best education etc. was granted to women by Pahlavi Dynasty, Reza Shah and Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. This granted women's emancipation was taken away when Islamic government took over in 1979. Women born after 1979 know it and want to get their equal rights back again and they are willing to fight for it in any shape or form. This video is one of many of women's struggle in Iran for their equal rights.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lam-my:D! Thankey for your post.
I don´t recall the fan made video now, but I felt this official one as a great bliss moment coming to a deserving end as "lay me down" sounds almost as a relief(imo),the moment of truth. All the balloons and lights are all over the place.:D It seems to have been the ending song in Avicii´s concerts in many places on this globe.
I like to think This running horse is a wild and free front runner for I believe Avicii and Adam will achieve their own goals one by one in their fierce way.
Not forgetting Nile and his health issues and him seemingly beating them :)))).
Sending Golden gentle sunbeams your way through space, we have lots of them right now here in Finland.

Anonymous said...

BTW Lam-my, I shouldn´t post anything at the time like I did @3:29pm, it´s way over my going to sleep time. I read your post again in the morning and noticed your meaning better @11:23pm, but it´s okay this way too.:D Kindred

Anonymous said...

12:11am Very interesting to read your post, thankey. I really hope that the special day would soon come, that women will get their equal rights back in Iran and then it will be \O/! Kindred

Anonymous said...

Kindred...I like your rather well-packed piece of writing at 4:22; you got everything neatly packed like a picnic basket of goodies. Oh yes, it didn't occur to me he uses LMD as an ending song for his gigs with all the balloons and plumes. Thanks! You are my golden sunbeam!


Anonymous said...

Thankey Lam-my for your compliments:D:! Kindred