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Over Half a Million People Will Be Seeing Queen + Adam Lambert This Summer!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, May 31, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 31, 2014

Note: Click on the highlighted link within the tweet to view the spreadsheet listing estimated number of tickets sold at each venue, total estimated gross revenue, etc.. Includes concerts in US, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.. And for those wondering who the super dedicated fan is that is compiling all of these statistics:


Anonymous said...

This is so incredible! Can't wait for the tour to start!

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST How do you know? Are you in the tickets sale business? Nobody knows how many tickets were sold. You still can buy tickets for any show, even Vegas concerts!

Anonymous said...

And I am one of those half of million people.

Anonymous said...

Once In A Lifetime Tour!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok 40k people start buying up the tickets for a complete sellout. Lol

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:21 PM
Click on link to the (completely unofficial) spreadsheet within the tweet. It gives a rough "guesstimate" for numbers of "official" tickets sold, average cost of tickets per venue, etc.. Based on ticket sales via the Ticketmaster sites, etc..

It's just for general information really... Many people are aware that there are still tickets available from Ticketmaster, as well as reseller tickets also through Ticketmaster, Stub Hub, Vivid Seats, etc.. But it's still fun to look at how things are going.


Anonymous said...

Only ticketmaster sold most of the tickets. So, if tickets were sold to ticketmaster "partners" it doesn't mean that over 500,000 people will see Queen+Adam Lambert shows. Because not so many of us can afford to buy these tickets for $200-$300 from these "partners"!. It's very sad:(

Anonymous said...

11:41 did you try to buy the tickets the conventional way and unable too or just like to whine?

Anonymous said...

Who has been compelling these numbers?

Anonymous said...

Oops, autocorrect. Who has been compiling these numbers?

Anonymous said...

However many tickets sold, it's still gonna look good in Adam's bank.

Anonymous said...

Why do some of you need to bicker and question everything?!?

Elementary mathematics can tell anyone that if the venues are almost sold out and each venue is approx. for 15-20 000 people, multiply that with the number of concerts (how many venues/dates there are currently already?), you can see the number of people seeing these concerts will be quite BIG....

Then on the other hand venues of 15-20000 thousand are quite small when you think of the really big concerts Queen and other great performers/bands have done during their glory days...

I'm so happy Adam got to experience the really big crowd, too! The crowd of 200-250 000 with Queen in Kiev 2012! THAT must have been HUGE!

Anonymous said...

As the tour goes on and word of mouth gets out there will be more tickets sold. Also, many people may just want to see it again, more and more people will try to get tickets I suspect, if there are any left at that time. That happens a lot at concerts.

I am just so happy for Adam. This will certainly put his name more and more on the entertainment map so to speak. Adam so deserves this; and I am so happy for him. The ticket sales are remarkable!!

Anonymous said...

Kiev . . I watch the video so many times and then I think of then and now for the citizens of Kiev . . . you never know what the next days will bring....

Anonymous said...

Please don't diminish how great this tour will be by quarreling about each ticket sale. It's a HUGE tour, with thousands of people who will see Adam with Queen. Rejoice! Be happy! It's a chance of a lifetime for Adam and for us! Each venue will be crazy excited with fans who want to be there and embrace each moment.


Anonymous said...

The words to Adam's songs just came to my mind, which I find appropriate for this thread, just for fun. "I don't need a "Map" to show me where he's at". At least not for the next two or three months; because he will be "Trespassing" all over the place! I won't need no "GPS to show me where to go"; because I will be at his show!

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with these negativity??? If these ignorant brainless people keep on doing this here let's just celebrate them to the fullest he!he! and may their soul rest in peace indeed!!! Just bring it on till the EPIC CONCERT BEGINSSSSSSSSSSS!!!:)


Anonymous said...

All I see is $71,483,710.00 !! I wonder what percentage of that Adam gets. No wonder he went ahead and bought his home. There are plenty of seats still available for all who want to see them. I wish they would go on some talk shows so people will know. I think the will the closer it gets to tour dates. Love to see Adam do a lip syncing contest with Jimmy Fallon.

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam's new home is definitely the house that Queen built! :)

Anonymous said...

8:12 Donald Sterling, is that you? Go get help for your screwed up brain with that $2 billion dollars you were rewarded for your bigot plantation remarks.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:29 AM
I'm not speaking for @Anon 8:12 AM, but I don't think that comment was meant the way you are thinking.. I took it as saying "Adam's house was definitely the house that the money that Adam is making from touring with Queen helped to pay for.."..

It was a play on words, from my perspective. Correct me if I'm wrong... :))

Anonymous said...

for all the naysayers and negative nellies, adam's private concerts, glee, and trips to china likely paid for the house than upcoming queen concerts. so please don't overlook adam's incredible work ethic to make it in a difficult business. so shortsighted to think one aspect (Queen) paid for the house solidify his comfort financially and I am happy to see that

Adamluv said...

@glitz - I agree with you regarding the comment of @8:12 being misundersood. I took it the same way you did. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have read in several places that Adam paid cash for his new home! So this is the house that Adam built; not the house that Queen built. Adam has been saving for this house a long time; why not give the man credit when it is due. This same person posted the exact same thing about a week ago; and people explained the same thing to them. Statement not son innocence after all!

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't have the money from the Queen tour yet and the house is already bought. As 1:42 said, give Adam his due for buying the house with money he made from his own music and performances. It is the house Adam built.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know who has been putting together the spreadsheet because that is a lot of work and they deserve some recognition for it.

Anonymous said...

YAY for QAL!!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:11 PM
Sorry I couldn't get to this sooner, but I just posted the source of the compilations for the tickets sold, etc., for QueenBert.. (I've been away from my computer for much of the weekend wasn't able to get this info embedded until now..I do think it's important to give credit where credit is due.. SOO much work and time goes into this effort.)..
