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Major QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT For Prime Time TV June 8, 2014: "SUNDAY NIGHT" on TV 7, Australia

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, May 30, 2014

Posted at : Friday, May 30, 2014

"Major QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT story for the prime time TV program:" (Australia) Airing JUNE 8, 2014

"Airs Sunday nights 6.30pm on the SEVEN NETWORK.
Feature length story is expected to air - 8 June." ~Dr. Brian

(Similar to "60 Minutes" in the US)

This is the TV show filming Dr. Brian May mentioned in his tweet yesterday...

Link to info from Brian News:

Link to @ScorpioBert's Tweet:


Anonymous said...

Why didn't you embed the tweet?

glitzylady said...

I provided a link to the tweet and to the story within the tweet. Seems that should be more than enough :))

Anonymous said...

Love looking through these links and discovering so much about Queen's history. Love seeing Brian May onstage singing alongside Pavarotti! Amazing. Thanks, glitzy.


Anonymous said...

Admin fan embeds tweets. It's allot better for viewing on iphone. The screen caps look blurry.

glitzylady said...

Sorry.. I'll work on that when I can.. :))

Anonymous said...


an example of how to embed a tweet on a blog

go to this tweet or any tweet URL

click on where it says more, select embed tweet, then right click and copy the HTML code

then go back to your blog and paste that code where you want the tweet to appear in your post.

easy :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)

glitzylady said...

Thanks, I've been meaning to do that :))))

glitzylady said...

I've embedded various things before, in other formats, but this Blogger Format has been a problem with that application for me..Even with the instructions via Google.. Haven't been able to make it work. But when I have time (I'm currently away from my computer..) I'll get it worked out.. It would be less time consuming and more efficient for sure...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on embedding tweets. I have learned so much about twitter and the pc from this site... I am looking forward to the Queen + Bert appearance on prime time TV Australia

Anonymous said...

11:45, so that is why some things look so small and blurry on my phone?

Anonymous said...

Ok OZ. fans watch the program on June 8 th. and get back to everyone here. Thanks.

Gabi said...

The Aussies seem to be really embracing this "Once In A Lifetime" tour. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't buy a ticket to see the concert, because I could not figure out a way to get to the Forum, in Inglewood CA.
I don't have a car, None of my friends could afford to go, or don't know who Adam is, so didn't want to go. I live in Temecula, CA. I am a lady 76. It's about 2 hours from my house, possibly a few more minutes. Any suggestions as to what I could have done. They better have a DVD, I will buy that. But I really wanted to be there. I don't know how to contact other groups of Glamberts to possibly share a ride.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for their TV interview in June. Should be great. 5:07, I'm sorry you couldn't go to the concert. Sometimes, just putting the word out here on 24/7 pretty early on can help get you info on how to get there with someone else. Hope there's another concert in the future that you can make.


Anonymous said...

Good luck 5:07 I'll be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

5:07, it would be expensive but you could hire a car service. They do more than just drive you to the airport. Or does Grayhound run from Temecula to LA? You would probably have to spend the night in LA.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Aussie fans getting a major TV interview ! I wonder if we'll see it here in the States? I sure hope so:))


Anonymous said...

Once there was a little tweet who twittered all day long
He was much too young to tweet a proper song.
When darkness came creeping across the foggy blogs
He was tucked safe embed, listening to a chorus of frogs.
He hoped that sleep would come with haste
He'd been promised on the morrow, he could learn
to cut and paste.
At dawn he sat upon a format, it made a comfy seat.
All day long, he cut and pasted, clicked and coded and copied....he was a happy little tweet.

Shamefully, I have NO idea what language you are all speaking....Ignorance is bliss....that's my motto and I'm stickin' to it!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Love your little poem, JAK.

I think what glitzylady is doing is just fine. Obviously, some fans are never happy. Then again, it's the ME ME ME generation now who want everything done perfectly for them all the time.

Anonymous said...

Oooooo! Looking forward to the "Sunday Night" program next Sunday night. I think I'll set the recorder now before I forget.

Anonymous said...

Aussies are flailing about QAL already now plus TV and all... three months ahead... No flailing on US tv (can't they do an interview in London for example?!) and less than 20 days to first concert?!?!?!?!