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Adam Lambert And David Gandy Bring The Hotness At The 2014 Glamour Awards!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Listen, when we had Adam Lambert and Jared Leto on the same red carpet, I didn’t think it could get any better. But I was wrong.
Because having Adam and David Gandy on the same red carpet is pretty much the best thing ever and just too much hotness for me to handle. The gentlemen put on their Tuesday best today for the 2014 Glamour Magazine Women Of The Year Awards in London.
I don’t really know why Adam and David were at women of the year awards, but do we really care?
Adam kept it snazzy in a brown suit paired with a patterned shirt. This feels like the most normal color we’ve ever seen him wear. Ooo, but I love how it matches his hair. And clearly he was feeling very glam.
David was nothing short of his dapper self in a fitted grey suit, complete with vest and pocket square. It’s like he just rolls out of bed looking this amazing.
Launch the gallery to check out all the photos from today’s event. These are all the photos we’ve got right now, but I will 100% be adding more if they come in. So who’s your pick for best dressed? Adam or David? Let us know in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Sorry chums, but I think it's a win for David. Adam's sleeves are too short and jacket button as usual pulls at high waist. David is smoothly pulled together. If your jacket isn't going to fasten neatly, wear a vest and don't button.

Magiclady said...

I usually love what Adam wears but I have to agree, the jacket doesn't fit well. The sleeves look too tight.
Doesn't mean I love him any less though!!

Anonymous said...

Adams suits are not appropriate for his body type, just because they are current designer styles doesn't mean they will flatter him. He would look better in David's suit.
Collar fold is longer, as is jacket length and crotch on pants is not too short. - causing shirt to show below buttoned jacket. A no no.

If you don't want an opinion, don't ask the question.

Anonymous said...

Who asked you?

Anonymous said...

The print under the posted photos asked. Do you read?

Anonymous said...

Well well well, not biased here but Adam comes across as the chic, vibrant upstart in fashion; yes agree his counterpart does have the prim-and-proper style suave look; but precisely my must be out-the-box and less of the prim-and-proper suaveness; more eye-catching with a bit off-the-beaten track rather than the regular. Hair department...the rooster rules lol! I won't pronounce the winner, perhaps that's too judgemental, based on two photos. If it's on the runway, I'd do that, and you probably know who that winner is. lwl! Also, fashion must take into account the wearer, whether he becomes the fashion and carries it through; whether he brings out the fashion with freshness and life; or is he just adorning it in a precise, tailored-to-order look. He must embody the spirit of the pieces so if one critiques each piece/s like jacket, pants, sleeves, collar etc...I think that's not exactly what fashion means to me.


Anonymous said...

The suit would be fine in a color that looks better on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Should be... donning it.


Anonymous said...

So instead of looking suave, it is out-of-the-box to wear a suit that looks a size too small?

Anonymous said...

They both look pretty cool to me, just from someone who knows JS about fashion and never wants to know.

Anonymous said...

Now that is being narrow in your interpretation. "He has to become the fashion", my exact words, nothing to do with too small or big for that matter.


Anonymous said...

David wins imo. Adam needs to wear a tie with this suit, and the color doesn't suit him.

Anonymous said...

Timeslot...I like this number, 919 exactly what Adam is all about...919 a perfect 10, whichever way one wants to add the digits. Timeslot, you speak with numbers loud and clear. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Adam's suit here is better than his multi-colored suit but not much better.

Anonymous said...

Who is David Gandy seems like everybody knows him on this thread cept me. Nice looking gent.

Anonymous said...

David Gandy is a British model.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said he's working with a stylist. O^O

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks kinda sexy cool relaxed here, I 'm digging him.

Anonymous said...

I am already dreaming about what Adam is going to wear when I see him in July with Queen you guys can dwell and sulk about this suit all you want.

Anonymous said...

I like both

Anonymous said...

@9:22 PM
I agree! David wins. Not Adam's colour and size (suit). I remember some acoustic gigatavua in Fantasia Spring (?), where he had the most adorable outfit. It was some grey jacket with some figures on collars (?) and silky (?) shirt. He has never looked better. IMO. I love that outfit.

Anonymous said...

Damned phone! I meant gig, not gigatavua and Fantasy, not Fantasia.

Anonymous said...

Adam could have squeezed in a little more chestbert for me. Lol

Anonymous said...

That smexy Lambert!!

Anonymous said...

The thing with Adam is, you simply can't look away from him. He's like a magnet. I like the little hint of chestbert btw. Need more of that!

Anonymous said...

I prefer David's suit. It's a better color & a better fit, & it would look drop dead divine on Adam.

Anonymous said...

DG's suit reminds me somewhat of my son's drum major uniform especially where the vest hits his pants. Gorgeous guy tho.,who knows it could look really heavenly on Adam.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the vested suit is a little too formal for the occasion; as glamour is more the key-note which implies no tie and more sexy, glamour is never stiff lol! His shirt, not buttoned up to the neck and the shirt's grey motive is very appealing (close-up) a hint of crocodile skin, a tinge of wildness. lol! I think fashion enhances a person's beauty, persona but ultimately it's the person that counts. Okay a simple comparison...let's say an excellent vintage wine is bottled in a simple unique bottle versus an ordinary wine in a beautiful formal-looking bottle...which wine would you! Ultimately it's the wine not the bottle that is more important.


Anonymous said...

Actually David's suit looks suave, but 'old fashioned'...

Adam wore a suit like that already 4,5 years ago.... lol, remember the grey glittery suit Adam wore in AMA's 09... Or maybe it's fashion now, Adam usually is SOOOO ahead of time... :)))

Anonymous said...

David is/was one of the top male models...He's two years older and two inches taller than Adam.

David's close ups show that the high life is starting to show on his face... imo he looks a lot older than Adam... but then again he also has facial hair, the current must I suppose... *sigh* ... And who know how Adam looks at 34!???!!!

Anonymous said...

The word "old fashioned" came to mind so many times but I was a bit holding back; even the hair is outdated, my impression. I also wanted to say Adam wore a similar, more stylish vested suit at that infamous AMA performance 5 years ago; that was meant to be theatric/formal.


Anonymous said...

IMO David is dressed properly for a Glamour Awards occasion, sharp suit and TIE! Classic taste.
Adam was California casual in an ill fitting jacket.
Who cares? It's not really important that Adam win every time - is it? Must you twist yourself in knots to prove Adam defeats all? This is really inane.

Anonymous said...

both look very nice!

Anonymous said...

Hey loosen's just a friendly game of ping pong! No prize given therefore it's not about winning or losing. Exactly, don't get all riled up.


Anonymous said...


In answer to your wine vs bottle question. I'd buy the most unusual preferably colored bottle. I hate all alcoholic beverages, but I collect bottles for my bottle tree! And use them in my house. I have replaced mouthwash bottle with a terrific ornate Jack Daniels bottle. Cooking oil is now in gorgeous green Greek Ouzo bottle, etc etc etc.

Anonymous said...

I used to collect wine bottles or any kind of bottle; yes I like bottles too. Well, that will be looking at it from a different perspective; my comparison is based on a wine connoisseur who likes and knows the fine taste of wine. An acceptable, interesting answer from you.


Anonymous said...

I don't think David's outfit is "old fashioned". On the contrary, it is very stylish unlike Adam's which doesn't fit all that well and looks very casual, and not really suitable for this occasion. However, whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

It might be in fashion to wear but it always looks to small on him. Its does not look sharp to have a little of the belly popping out. That are button both buttons. Its distracts from his beautiful face!

Anonymous said...

It's a win for Adam because it does not matter what he is wearing! He's just plain hot!!!!!!!!!!..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I think that not only does Adam look drop-dead gorgeous as usual, but I think his suit is more current and stylish.

Anonymous said...

I would go over and under with David Gandy. just sayin'.;;:))) Adam look very nice. Loved the color of choice. David loves the ladies so it only makes sense why David would be in attendance. Really can't tell you why Adam would be there. hmmmm

Anonymous said...

David is making the heat rise in the new Max Martin produced song/video "First Love" by Jennifer lopez. it a must see. great BODY of work.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so good in this suit..he looks approachable like one could go up to him and hug handsome

Anonymous said...

TBH, Adam has worn a few suits that seem too tight across the middle. I assume his suits are custom-fitted, so I don't understand why that happens. It shouldn't. As gorgeous as he is, his mid-section isn't his best feature. We've seen him in vested suits that make his middle look slimmer. I like those a lot. This one is very casual, as that's ok, but the jacket should have had another inch or so in width to make it close nicely. The color is ok with me. Overall, Adam looks amazing, as always. We are all so eager to see his stage costumes for the tour. Now THAT will be some smokin' fashion!


Anonymous said...

Kind of depends on how he's standing, too. Sometimes, the jacket is smooth and perfect, but then he moves differently and it looks a little stretched. Move the button a little?? LOL. I'm done picking apart the suit. He looks fabulous. Never ever boring.

Anonymous said...

Suits with a vest and tie NEVER go out of fashion.

Suits without a tie always look as though there's something missing and there is .... a tie!

Anonymous said...

First of all there were lots of men at this affair; so what was so strange about Adam and this male model being there? I saw
Samual L. Jackson; and many other male celebrities. Adam was there to present an award and enjoy the show. Great for him. Lucky ladies to receive it from him.

I looked at both objectively and covered the faces; for my date for the evening I would have picked Adam; he may not have pleased some of his fans; but he got raved reviews from many outlets as being one of the hottest most welled dressed male at the awards. Adam is not a Ken Doll; he is a very approachable gorgeous man. People can nit pick all day and night; does not change a thing. Why would anyone compare two men anyway. Did they ask which woman looked better. I am sure that David has had his misses to some people. One media outlet admired how Adam's hair matched his suit. He lookes so confortable and beautiful. I am not comparing adam to anyone; he looked gorgeous. I had never seen David before; I did not know that he was that young, if that is the case; but he is also a handsome man.

I would certainly hate to be judged by many on this thread. An inch here; and an inch there and someone will tear you to threads. Sorry we can't all be perfect all the time. I will tell you this; Adam Lambert comes pretty darn close! Just carry on Adam M. Lambert with your beautiful gorgeous self.

Oh, by the way can David Gandy sing; and does he have a one in a billion voice? Let us compare that!!

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam but I don't think his outfit is stylish & current. David wins this one.

Anonymous said...

7:48 AM
Your nastiness doesn't become you.

David Gandy is a model not a singer and we're not asked to compare their professions. We've been asked to compare their outfits. Keep to topic.

Anonymous said...

7 54 am

Does your rudeness become you? You seem to want to control what someone with a different opinion says. All should be able to express their opinions in their own way; without you telling them how to do it; even though you don't agree with it. Don't think the poster at 7 48 was rude at all; I think some pretty good points were made, even though you didnot agree with them.

Why so hostile?

Anonymous said...

Adam would've looked fantastic if he'd worn a tie and plain shirt with the suit, although the color of the suit isn't so great.

Anonymous said...

By saying we think David is better dressed, we are not saying we LIKE him better, I never heard of him and I'm crazy about Adam, but David is beautifully dressed, elegant muted plaid suit that fits. Adam needs to find a designer who designs different type suits, he can't wear those high button - low crotch suits without shirt showing below.

Anonymous said...

Me thinks Adam looks his usual adorable self. The Gandy guy isn't bad either!!

Anonymous said...

My husband wears only Italian suits. I showed him this picture and he said Adam looks way better and current than the other guy. He loves Adam's suit color. He laughed at the other guy's tie and said he looks like a grandpa with his suit and tie.

Anonymous said...

Are Italian suits skimpy too, made for guys who weigh under 150 lbs?

David looks like a British man of the upper class and if he's a grandpa woo hoo! Hallujah!

Anonymous said...

Adam you look great but put the phone away.

Anonymous said...

To each his/her own but as much as I love Adam, the suit he's wearing here doesn't do him any favors. The color's wrong, the fit's wrong and it doesn't look right without a tie. The other guy's outfit is the epitome of good taste and classy.

Anonymous said...

Main thing:
The man under that suit is Adam Lambert, one of the best vocal talents of our time and his beauty (inner & outer) is visible what ever he wears!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks California casual.
David looks like James Bond! Uh oh - 007!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm James Bond .... I like the way you think. :-D

Anonymous said...

Adam, the hottest, always!!!