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Adam Lambert Posts on Instagram & Facebook: AT&T LIVE PROUD "Win a Trip To New York & Attend My Private Event"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 7, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, June 07, 2014

New Posts by Adam Lambert on Facebook and Instagram re the AT&T LIVE PROUD Private Event with Adam Lambert:

Adam's Instagram:

Link to Adam's Instagram:

LINK (below) TO The AT&T LIVE PROUD "Win a trip to NYC for a private event with Adam Lambert" on Facebook..

Rules and more info:


Anonymous said...

What does the get your life mean in this case? Info please.

Anonymous said...

When is Adam going to announce something about his 3rd album?

Anonymous said...

@6:47 why would he bother, because last time there was so much complaining about the music and wank about the single choices etc etc.

Anonymous said...

@6:47 PM Ask Adam.

Anonymous said...

5:29, I think "get your life" means if you are out and proud you can live your best and true life. Not pretending to be someone else or hiding who you are. Be yourself and you "get your life".

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@7:29 Thanks. Great motto.

Anonymous said...

Adam has already made an announcement about his upcoming album; some must have missed it; just last week in the Byron interview he announced again, that he was in the studio all week recording. I am sure he will announce again when he is ready to release it. Meanwhile you will just have to be patient until after the Queen concerts; maybe then a release date might be announced.

One thing at a time, I eagerly waiting for the Queen+Adam concerts; that will keep me very happy and content. An Album will be fine when he is ready. But, to me; it is not the end all, I enjoy everything Adam; singing, acting, and everything in between!

Anonymous said...

I also enjoy all the things Adam does. I don't understand fans who like him only when he performs with Tommy.

Anonymous said...

11.01 I dearly love seeing Adam perform in every way he does. Acting, singing. Hosting. Writing and fronting Queen and more. The mans such a huge talent. I doubt very seriously there are many fans that are really fans of Adam that only like to see him with Tommy I think those people are very few in number. Adam will always be the main draw for me. Your remark was really silly.

Anonymous said...

Agree with your comments 1.28pm ridiculous comment @ 11.01pm.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
