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New Picture: Adam Lambert At The Glamour Awards in London

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 7, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, June 07, 2014


Anonymous said...

Hello Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Robbie Williams, Adam Lambert and Theo Hutchcraft are hot.

Anonymous said...

OMG Some - BODY Hold Me UPPPPP!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing here. I am about to fall off my chair. Somebody had better hold me up too!

Anonymous said...

Adam just seems to get better looking and more handsome everytime we get another picture of him. If he passed me looking like this, I would do a double take and probably get weak in the knees with my heart pounding a little bit faster.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hey! Adam love!!! Mwah!

Gabi said...

There's this unique magnetism about Adam that makes any "stage" a natural setting for him. He's meant to be in the spotlight as he radiates so much more than good looks alone.

Magiclady said...

Love that little bit of hair hanging down! and that great smile...

Anonymous said...

I've never seen Adam up close and personal, but if he walked by me I would probably recognize him.
What is Adam like up close? Any one who has meant him can answer this, help me out please.

Anonymous said...

I've never met Adam either, but it doesn't matter. I'd prefer a spiritual connection, but not having that with Adam, lol.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:34 PM
Incredibly handsome... and he pretty much dominates the room. Everything, and everyone, else disappears..

Anonymous said...

Also, I think it's nicer to have the same interests as the artist that you like than meeting him. I find it more rewarding experience.

Anonymous said...

6:34, if you see him just out and about, in a restaurant like I did, he is very unassuming, though very good looking. Once he hits that stage he becomes electrifying.

Anonymous said...

Thank you everyone who has described Adam up close and personal. Who have meet him and talked to him. Just absolutely love reading your stories. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is reaching for beautiful Adam; he looks so happy; a real inner glow about him! Beautiful eyes and thick eye lashes!

Anonymous said...

I met Adam at a M&G where the light was a little dim (moody??! Ha! No!) and the 1st thing I noticed was how tall he is and I'm not short (5'6") but I was wearing flattish shoes. Then when he spoke - WOW!! So incredibly nice and then, BAM! A photo taken by Neil and that was it - it all lasted about a minute but it was so worth it!

funbunn40 said...

Adam is devastingly handsome, tall, lean, with incredible eyes that are totally focused on to whom he is speaking. He's always in the moment, so charming and that smile will turn you into a pool of glitter. He's the only one in my life that could make me speechless and totally forget what I really wanted to say to him. He really has an electric quality about him that can physically affect you. I've met plenty of famous people in my day, but none have ever had this effect on me that Adam had. As quick as it was, it was memorable and I wish every Glambert could have this beautiful experience.

daydreamin said...

This was my first time meeting Adam. You can see what a sweet guy he is. The reaction of the 15 or so people who were lucky enough to win a meet and greet is priceless. As Funbunn40 says, he really does focus on you and what you are saying. After we were done taking pictures I snapped out of the daze of being in the presence of that beautiful man and started chatting with him. So glad I did. Another time I was meeting up with a friend from twitter that I had never met and we were hoping to get into a meet and greet (another time) with a radio station very close to where I live. We had heard that other meet and greets were letting extra fans in so we tried but without success. She and I were just chatting outside thinking all along Adam was inside with the winners. Low and behold, here he comes walking right towards us. We told him they wouldn't let us in. He said he would see what he could do. As the door was closing behind him, he was saying either to his manager or the radio station gal who met him at the door (I couldn't see which one he was talking to) "Why are you being so mean to them?". He then popped his head out and said he would be out afterward to see us!! He kept his promise! His manager even came out during his show and chatted with us for a bit. It was awesome!!!

daydreamin said...

Well, I got so excited remembering this that I forgot to post it...:/

Click here

Anonymous said...

I know a person that met him and she said the he slapped an autograph on a book and walked away. wasn't in an approachable mood I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that any celeb is always on board for meeting fans, signing autographs, chatting, taking pics,etc. Don't we all have bad days, bad times when we don't want to be bothered? I guess I would feel miffed if it happened to me if I approached Adam for an autograph or pic, but overall the comments we read are generally positive. By the way Adam did look so handsome at this awards show and there are some great pics of him for us to see.

Anonymous said...

Adam IS class to the max! Very observant, intelligent,charismatic
determined, focused, oozes major muli-talent with incredible off the planet vocals and so super professional. One smart cookie our Adam!

Anonymous said...

Just again having so much fun reading your experiences meeting Adam. I am blowing away. Over whelmed. We have the greatest people on this site, that participate with this group discussion. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart. The comments make my heart melt and want to meet Adam so much.

Anonymous said...

Slapping his autograph . . . when there are hundreds of fans after an event and he has to go catch a plane or what ever and his bodyguard is trying to protect him . . . all he has time for is "slapping an autograph" I been there and it's not easy for him . .and I would like one of those autographs. but really all I wanted was to see his smile up close and I was HAPPY!

Anonymous said...

First time I ever heard the word "slapped" used when an artist was even kind enough to sign an autograph for a fan. The person, if the story is even true, should be grateful that Adam took the time to even sign her book. What did she want him to do, stay and talk to her all day? Many fans are not even fortunate enough to get an autograph, she should be thankful.

The word is; that Adam is one of the kindest celebrities when it comes to his fans; and just in general as a human being!

As Adam says, entitlement is not sexy!

Magiclady said...

I hope someday I can meet Adam. I have never been able to win a meet & greet or afford a VIP ticket that includes a meet. I absolutely adore him.

Anonymous said...

I have never understood the desire for an autograph, what do you do with them?.....JAK