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Adam Lambert shows off his caring side again! Launches ‘Live Proud 2014′ campaign!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, June 6, 2014

Posted at : Friday, June 06, 2014


Anonymous said...

Love that first sweet face pic. smooch

Anonymous said...

That scratchy gorgeous jaw needs a kiss.

Anonymous said...

Adam fan forever!
Loud and Proud!!!

Anonymous said...

And where are all the caring Glamberts????

Adam would be surprised if he knew how many of his fans actually have not accepted him being and living loud and proud gay... "it's ok as long as you don't show it"...

Anonymous said...

1:58 AM - just what would you have us do? I have no problem about Adam being gay and I have supported financially every program he has asked us to give our attention to and promote.

Don't be judgmental and make generalizations that you know nothing about. What do you do to support Adam - other than attack his fans with a bogus holier than thou attitude.

I have never had a problem accepting Adam's sexuality, any persons sexualty does not define them, who are you to assume others and I have?

May I suggest you MYOB?

Anonymous said...

My first sentence was referring to the low number of comments, nobody commenting on the topic.

And good for you! Obviously I was not talking to you then. Why are you so angry?

Who do you think you are to suggest I should MMOB? Newsflash, Adam is as much my business as he is yours. I am a Glambert through and through, have been a fan from the start and have been here and on other blogs 5+ years, so believe me my point in the 2nd paragraph is valid.

If you have been here as long as I have, you know what I'm talking about and referring to. Not being judgemental, just stating like it is.

I was not making generalizations, I said "many fans" and there is enough proof to what I said also on this blog every time Adam (in their opinion) "acts too gay"... (to put it bluntly & using a quote).

What do I do to support Adam? I love him unconditionally! Otherwise I would think I do all the same things you and many other fans do who have found him to be an irresistable source of joy, good will, kindness, love and acceptance. He has amazing singing & entertaining skills, is an intelligent free thinker, and dares to be true to himself. I salute that each and every day and support him every way I can as long as he keeps singing and performing. Also hope he keeps being true to himself and have no desire or fantasies of him pleasing and "blending in" to the (heterosexual) mainstream.

And finally I eagerly but patiently wait for his new music.