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COUNTDOWN to QueenBert "Once In A Lifetime Tour" Queen + Adam Lambert Memories: European Music Awards 2011 (Director's Cut)

Filed Under ( ) by glitzylady on Saturday, June 7, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, June 07, 2014

Other than the appearance on American Idol Finale 2009 with Queen, THIS is where it all began... European Music Awards in Dublin, Ireland, November 2011
Sonisphere TV - EMAs Director's Cut - Queen + Adam Lambert Medley on MUZU.TV. And I loved what Lindsey Parker said about Adam (and the quote of his tweet) in her blog "Reality Rocks" from November 7, 2011:


Anonymous said...

That was the best Queenbert at the EMAs! Watched that so many times! Adam's vocals are off the charts + his outfits and stage presence are unlike any other!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember watching this show on livestream and being absolutely thrilled to see Adam performing with Queen. And that was the beginning of a beautiful partnershp we now call Queenbert. Adam has a mesmerizing stage presence and you can't take your eyes off him. Even though I am not able to go to any of the concerts, I can still feel the growing excitement that surrounds this concert tour. It is going to be amazing.

Anonymous said...

This was my least favorite of the Queenbert concerts.

Anonymous said...

The singing is a bit pretentious, but I like how he moves on stage.

Anonymous said...

I loved this show; they are all different, and I love each one for different reasons. He was very new with them; first big performance with so many people.

He was bold, bad A-- and beautiful at this performance, he owned the stage!

glitzylady said...

I remember watching the vid of this show right after it happened.. I was thrilled, excited, and quite honestly stunned (in a really good way..) by Adam's performance.. Even a little bit speechless!!!

With just a few days of rehearsal, Adam and Queen put together this wonderful (and in hindsight prophetic) preview of the wonderful things to come. (I immediately sent it to everyone I knew that had a love of Queen's music..all of them were equally impressed with Adam and his performance with the legendary Queen). A perfect fit and a match made in heaven, or by the Universe, or whomever you want to credit.

But MOSTLY I credit Dr. Brian May and Roger Taylor for instantly recognizing Adam's talent for what it is "one in a billion" and for having the extremely good sense to continue the relationship beyond the Idol Finale performance in 2009. And I also credit Leila and Eber Lambert for supporting their mega-talented son Adam during his formative years by placing him in children's theater initially.. and then again supporting his dream through the years.. And of course, I credit Adam for always keeping his "eyes on the prize"... to get to where he is today.

Anonymous said...

I also love the close relationship the Adam and his brother Neil have; I agree they are such a beautiful supportive loving family.

Anonymous said...

On with this show; can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this amazing "surprise event" to lift my spirits!

Remember it too so vividly, was so proud of Adam, so in awww about everything, his singing (immediately thought of these words from Idol: "theatrical, yes, but did you like him?!" lol, remember?!), his strutting and command of 'the catwalk' and the stage presence, his interaction with Brian... everything! And last but not least, enjoyed so much of the surprise element Adam was to the EMA's audience... You could sense the (good natured) WTeff... Who... Whaaaat.. etc.
And Adam looked so over-the-top gorgeous, that outfit, the hair, the medges, EVERYTHING, he really looked like the Alien Prince from Planet Fierce!

Anonymous said...

@1:49 PM

In my opinion, I think in interperting a song, as in acting, you are taking on the persona of the songs character and emotional meaning. So you might say; if you want to get technical about the performance; then, all singers and actors would be considered to be pretentious to an extent. I say this, because they are all performing.

The talented ones get lost in their performance, and sing or act from their heart and soul. Adam is one of those extraordinary talented artists!

Anonymous said...

4:02pm correction/meant talented artist; (not artists)

Anonymous said...

@4:02 Yes, I know what you mean. I think it was an impressive performance though.

Anonymous said...

I just love the fact that Adam actually sings live(no lip synching) during his performances. Now whenever I see any of the singers on stage on some tv show, I always notice how close they hold the mike to their mouth, often covering it, so we can't see that they are not singing. Then add in all the dancing and gyrating they do and, of course, they are not able to continue singing. I give the country artists credit because as far as I can tell, all their performances on any of the shows are live. To me, Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in music today and there isn't anyone quite like him performing with the same degree of excellence. The EMA audience really took notice of him and I am sure they will remember his performance with Queen on that night.

Anonymous said...

With a great sigh of contentment
I am heading off to bed
To lay down my weary head
I bid you all good night
And dreams of sweet delight...JAK

Anonymous said...

I watched it live stream and like Glitzylady was stunned and speechless. I think I forgot to breathe many times during the performance. For me it was exhilarating and definitely gave me goosebumps. What an unbelievable relationship has developed between these mega talented artists. I am soooo grateful that the miracle I was hoping for has happened in that they are coming to the US. How very lucky we are.


Anonymous said...

We can't get here. Can I view this video anywhere else? I want to watch this so bad.