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Cyndi lauper with Adam Lambert in Vancouver during a stop on the "Dressed to Kill" Tour!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 30, 2014

Posted at : Monday, June 30, 2014


Anonymous said...

Such an adorable pic of these two!!!

Saw the pic earlier elsewhere, my first thought (did not see any text without my glasses), no kidding: Adam has met Allison Iraheta, YAY... Almost as happy to see Cyndi, one of my old favorites, too!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to 'like' this picture on her IG:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh I like her shade of red.

Anonymous said...

Smart lady, to take advantage of her relationship with him to wrap herself around him.

Anonymous said...

@Lambertlust (and wife)-off topic, but have a rockin' time tomorrow night at the concert!!! You are so much appreciated with all your posts. What an incredible fan you are!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

the beautiful ladies in Lambertland. Cyndi is beautiful and such a talented singer. they should do a duet on his album. True Colors is such a great song.

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

All of these Iconic Entertainers love Adam; the male and the female entertainers. They especially recognize Adam's remarkable talents. Adam is so personable, kind, smart and mature. Being extremely good looking does not hurt either!

They Respect the Glam one! Also, Adam is not afraid to lavish them with the wonderful admiration that he feels about them. I can just imagine how he let's those women know how beautiful they are and what they have meant to him, and their influence on his career; and they probably swoon big time.

Adam M. Lambert is the whole package; so look out world, cause he's a comer; and nobody, but, nobody is gonna rain on Adam's Parade!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a good pic, both look so happy and comfortable!