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MORE New Adam Lambert pics from last night!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Anonymous said...

That young women just can't seem to keep her hands off of Adam; but he does not seem to trying to get them off, so no problem; ha, ha ha. Seems the feeling is mutual. They seem to be having so much fun; but, who would'nt with Adam.

Also, what a beautiful picture of the three young men, which includes our gorgeous Adam of course! Life is good for our beautiful Star!! So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

He looks so gorgeous in these pics!

Anonymous said...

I just love all these pictures from Adam; his life seems so exciting; and he looks so happy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can stand it!!! She's holding on to his leg with an inside reach! I'm so jealous!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful men!!

Anonymous said...

Those two guys look alike; must be brothers! Adam looks gorgeous!
Nice picture of all the handsome young men!

Anonymous said...

Adam takes my breath away once again! I'm surprised I can breathe at all anymore. The guy on the left looks a little like a younger Adam, IMO.


Anonymous said...

I had conflicted emotions when looking at the pics. First I was green with envy, but then I couldn't stop grinning :))) ha...ha

Anonymous said...

I saw on another site that the two guys with Adam are brothers. They almost look like twins. Adam looks so handsome there. All three look great; beautiful picture.

Anonymous said...

10 36am

You are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Cute guys, I like their haircuts. Is the shaven sides a USA fetish?

Anonymous said...

Great pics especially the 2nd one. The brothers are sooooooo alike.