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New pic: philipdehany and Adam Lambert!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, June 2, 2014

Posted at : Monday, June 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam has so many friends and people milling around him; he's like a modern missionary, going around to preach er no, he doesn't do that; rather, to reach as many as possible. If I live my life again, this would be my goal; and that's one of the things I admire in Adam; he reaches out, with ease, not affected.


Anonymous said...

Adam has friends all over the world!!!

Anonymous said...

How do you people know this is his friend. Sorry, did I miss some message?

Anonymous said...

The thread heading seems to indicate it's someone Adam knows, the name given.


Anonymous said...

11:13 yes you missed it, everyone is hiding it from you.

glitzylady said...

He's apparently an actor from WWRY. Sounds like there was a group from the musical that went to a club in Soho..

Anonymous said...

I love seeing him look so happy :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my I totally agree

Anonymous said...

People around the world love Adam
Because he's so handsome lwl!
Not only that, he builds a fiery fandom
Who would fight tooth and nail
If hate-filled people spew venom
So far so good with my rhyme system lol!
Okay seriously, Adam has a God-given touch
That affect a lot of people
Especially those who need a crutch
To hang on to for that inspirational nudge
Seems a bit strange even to me
Who have gone through much
He can be pretty healing to the mind
When one is at a lost and need to find
An outlet, a sincere, truthful kind
He allays fears, frustrations
He's very good at diverting one's attention
Ahh perhaps that is it, eureka!
No I still think it's much more than that
A kind of innate balance, intuition
To steer straight through
Even when chips are down and few
He sure is mind-boggling
Even I, who most of the time
Can figure out things dangling lol!
What is it all about...
Not sure, can't figure it out
But for me his singing seems to have reached
A deep recess of my brain
Perhaps, I nailed's his voice and range
Don't know...still a bit strange lwl!


Anonymous said...

Tahansa, you are so nice! I knew everyone is hiding it. Damned. But why, oh why. Why me? But most important thing is that this London-friend is Adam's friend. I'll survive.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Sorry typo (this phone is crazy); tahansa means thanks.

Anonymous said...

So nice that the London WWRY bunch is embracing Adam. They surely have some respect for him as the one Brian and Roger chose to front Queen. It's the highest honor! Adam is such an ambassador of good will and love.


Anonymous said...

Exactly! And Adam seems to 'embrace' them as well with his 'hands on' method... he he!
(benignly kidding)

Love this pic, shows Adam as the showman that he is, entertainer of the best kind in every way!

Anonymous said...

6:10 here...
ooops, "Love this pic..." and the showman text was meant for the pic in the next thread...although this pic is nice, too...

Anonymous said...

Love your poem Lam-my! There's truth in your words.


Vicki in Ohio said...

@glitzylady Thank you for all of your info about Adam, other matters and common sense! I always enjoy what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my 12:43AM-adorable, your fan description fits every category and age! Adam has us in a "FLUX"!!!! Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

CT and Margarita Lady
Very good to know we feel almost the same about Adam...something strange, mystic, not quite sure what it is lol! that stormed into our lives.
Hey Margarita Lady and CT...have a whale of a ball at QueenBert. I'll be looking out for your write-ups to get a firsthand feel of it. Thank you both!!
Frankly, I have not much choice regarding writing anything Adam, it just rolls out! and that precisely why I wrote the poem...a little confused and compelled. lol! But it seems to work wonders for my brain, gotten healthier, an internal jog in the park. lwl!
