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Queen + Adam Lambert iHeartRadio Music Theater: Fan Club Contests to Win Tickets For June 16th Private Concert in LA!!

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 04, 2014

This contest was announced today for paid up members of the Queen Official Fan Club and the Adam Lambert Fan Club.. Details below. Emails were sent out today to those members of both fan clubs.. 


Anonymous said...

I live too far away to get to LA. Good luck to all QAL fans.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:26 me to :( Oh well hope you all have fun!

Anonymous said...

I've just entered the contest and keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone!


Anonymous said...

It would be great if someone wins it who can't afford to buy tickets for any of the QAL shows.

Anonymous said...

This competition is also available to Queen fans, not just to members of Adam's fan club. I've received an email from Queen about it.

Anonymous said...

This competition is also available to Queen fans, not just to members of Adam's fan club. I've received an email from Queen about it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the double post.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:52 PM
I noted in the description that both fan clubs are offering the contest to members of their respective fan clubs... Queen and Adam Lambert Fan Clubs :))

Anonymous said...

I just re-opened my membership to Adam's fan club, so I could buy his 2015 calendar. As such, I received the e-mail from them today and entered. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Why the need to "correct" 8:52?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:48 PM
I responded to the comment....I thought perhaps the person had missed the info I posted.. and was I was pointing it out..

I might ask the same question of you..


Anonymous said...

Go to this link to enter for the contest:

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, why does the person need it pointed out to them? Why don't you go close down the political arguing thread instead of making sure people realize they missed something in your post.

Anonymous said...

Pick on glitzylady time again. :-( Leave her alone. She's doing a fine job.

Anonymous said...

Burbank, CA
RSS Feed
06/16/14 6:30 PM
See Queen + Adam Lambert perform LIVE in LA for FREE at the iHeart Radio Theater in Los Angeles on June 16!
Tickets for this very exclusive, sneak peek of their upcoming North American tour are extremely limited, but have been made available to selected fan club members of both Queen and Adam Lambert by lottery only*. The iHeart Radio Theater is an intimate new venue, which holds just 500 people.
*Tickets will not be available for purchase, they will be available by lottery only.

iHeart Radio Theater
3000 W Alameda
, CA
Venue Website
Google Map

External Ticket Purchase
Buy Tickets

To enter for this contest click on buy tickets button (you don't buy tickets. You only enter your membership name for the contest):

Magiclady said...

Just entered! Would be wonderful to see Adam in such a small venue!

Anonymous said...

So glitzylady can pick on other people but nobody can pick on her. Got it.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy is only being helpful.....Negative people see things in a negative manner. Adam is about being positive......try it sometime.

Anonymous said...

10:28 PM
So who is glitzylady picking on?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because you see the same in every thread - people don't bother to read the info in caption texts under the headline.... She's just being a good Admin and a true Glambert, the kind that so many here are not!

Anonymous said...

Who the eff is this "sniper viper" always ready to attack @glitzylady and ruin the threads?

Slither away and find something else to do. Yuk!

Anonymous said...

It's always wise to repeat things, esp. important things. There are new people on the site sometimes, and even we regulars miss things or forget them. I'd rather see info repeated than miss it altogether. Glitzy is doing what admins should do. Making sure we get the info we need. It's not easy keeping up with all this stuff.

Anonymous said...

10:08 PM......Glitzylady is not the monitor of the Fractious Fracking thread. She is not a fireman who can go thread to thread putting out fires!

She does a excellent job monitoring the threads she introduces, deleting vulgarity and viciousness and giving us up to date information.........JAK

Anonymous said...

@10:28 PM If that's your take on glitzylady, then be sure you don't forget it.

Anonymous said...

People here who respects Adam are the true Glamberts and we protect them from trouble maker who rants here all the time!!:)

Hate will not win in this fandom!!:)


Anonymous said...

There is a lot of hate on that fracking thread; some of it should not be tolerated in my opinion; have not heard worse on this blog; just my opinion, since the ot subject came up on this thread!

carolynj said...

Personally, I have deep gratitude for those that post, even repeat, information here. I have learned so much! Comments with opinions, I skim over. Rude comments just make me sad. Anticipating the summer concerts makes me ecsatitic!

carolynj said...

Whoops, my joy got ahead of my fingers on that last word. Ecstatic I am.

glitzylady said...

I contacted Admin last night re the Fracking Thread (Pacific Coast time..), btw..

Anonymous said...

Thank you glitzylady! It really brings a lot of harm and resentment; only because some stray from the subject at hand and use the thread for their hateful personal political views.

Anonymous said...

Free concert for the fans. Nice way to give back.

Magiclady said...

I just want to say I appreciate all the people who post information for us about Adam!
We should all be thankful we get the newest information about him as soon as we do.

Anonymous said...

Wish I lived closer. I would enter, but way to far for me to go and it is during my family vacation. My husband might get a little upset if I went to LA instead.

Anonymous said...

Paid up members of both of their clubs? They need to give people a break that can not afford to be paying to be in these clubs

glitzylady said...

It's $10 per year to join Adam Lambert Fans...

Anonymous said...

@9:48 AM Think of the $10 as a show of support for Adam.

Anonymous said...

The Queen fan club is much more expensive than Adam's fan club. Some of us live counting our pennies and $10 could go to food or gas.

So disrespectful of us living on the edge to say it like $10 is nothing.

glitzylady said...

There was no intent to be disrespectful to anyone by my mention of the fan club dues per year. It was meant to be informative to those who may not know the cost. And yes, the Queen fan club cost per year is significantly more cost...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In the grand scheme of things, I guess it's a matter of priorities. There are some people who would prefer to spend their money on the non-essentials of this world and yet complain they don't have money for something that is important and necessary to them.

Anonymous said...

I'm putting food on the table for my kids rather than buying a fan club membership. No doubt in my mind what is essential and what my priorities are.