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Queen + Adam Lambert Tour News: Dr. Brian May Tweets "OK, I AM Excited Now!"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

I am too!! Still over a month until my concert, but I can't wait. I wonder if they are headed to the states now?

Anonymous said...

Sexy pic!

Anonymous said...

Last day? in London? That didn't take long. Maybe come to Las Vegas next?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like they start their day at the gym. I don't think they would be heading over here yet, they have only had a few days of rehearsal. They were still asking what fans wanted to hear. I think Brian and Roger can relax a bit now that WWRY is finished, and they can really get down to the tour, with no interruptions.

Anonymous said...

Did he mean that was the last day of rehearsals in London, or the last day that they did any rehearsals, yesterday, went great.
Kind of confusing,

glitzylady said...

I would guess that when they do head to the US (could certainly be in the next few days,), they'll be doing more rehearsals in LA, perhaps at the iHeartRadio Theater.. In anticipation of their promo concert there (date still unannounced...but no doubt soon-ish!) and then packing up and off to Chicago, and then the swing across Canada (Vancouver for me!!), before heading back to the US West Coast, including Las Vegas,...and on from there..

Dr. Bri, I agree with you, I AM EXCITED TOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, they didn't do a lot of rehearsing in London if indeed, it was the last day of rehearsals there. Reconvening in the US for more rehearsals I guess. I imagine Adam has lyrics to learn before the MAIN EVENT starts.

Unknown said...

I am so excited too!

Anne Marie said...

glitzylady, I think you are right. Now Queen might have to get used to the different climate here, and possibly jet lag. It does make sense that now they have tied up all the things in UK, they can get out and really get down to business. So glad you will get to see them, enjoy to the fullest. I hope they will make a DVD, or I will just be happy that comes out from fans on you tube. Wonder if their personal jet will be involved?

Anonymous said...

On the interview about Queen, Adam said that Queen was just like family, and when they smile at each other on stage, it is like being with family.
That hit m, For Adam Queen and the whole band they feel like family, with his own band , he as said they are his family, but he calls them Glamily, I think there is a huge difference. Queen to Adam, feels like his blood family, and Glamily, his band, are all his friends when he is out on tour, all loved, but not quite family. JMO I expect to hear repercussions on that thought.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM

No repercussions from me. But, what I would add, is that Adam also thinks of Roger and Brian in a more paternal way; as he has said. He looks up to them; and soaks in every bit of information that he can learn from the Masters of Music. Yes, I think he feels very, very close to them. I also feel that the feeling is mutual.

With his own band; he is their employer and also their friend. They are pretty much in the same age group; which makes a big difference. They are pretty much all learning together. His band members will come and go; some will remain friends and some won't.

With Queen and their member's; I think that Adam will have that bond and memory that he will never forget on this once in a lifetime journey with them; that will help lift him to a higher status in the entertainment world!

Anonymous said...

Not as excited as me!

Anonymous said...

Ask me if I like this outfit on Adam!......>->0.....YES!
.....JAK <3

Anonymous said...

There is kind of a father-son thing between Adam and Queen. Brian and Roger have really bonded with Adam. It's a mutual feeling from Adam, too. They must have done some quick music selections and run-throughs during this short rehearsal time in London. I have to believe they'll be more hard-core rehearsals when they get here. Custume changes, stage set-ups, etc., along with the songs themselves. They're all professionals, including Adam. I'm sure they have it under control. Counting the days till Concert #1! That special show in LA should be a good warm-up for them. Hope his gets some good media hype!


Anonymous said...

Me either ... think I may need to start wrapping myself in plastic wrap every morning...I'm so excited I'm about to burst....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ 8:19
You said it so much better than I did. There is family and there is glamily, the two are a little alike, but definitely not the same. So happy for Adam, that he feels Brian and Roger are like family, it must make him feel so much more at ease, and comfortable. So wanting to please them like any child would, and also so much in awe of them.

Anonymous said...

Last day of rehearsing in London? Wow! Didn't expect it to go this fast. They probably want to head over to the US soon to get acclimated and "ready"!!! I am.

Anonymous said...

I've been excited for quit a while and each new piece of news gets me even more excited. It's a wonderful feeling to build on.

Anonymous said...

@8:04 am
Why do you think that he doesn't feel that his band is family? We have no way of knowing and he has never said that. If anything quite the opposite. The constant criticism of his band, the insinuating that they are never good enough is so unnecessary.

Anonymous said...

Obviously they are all in top shape as they seem to climb mountains at a quick pace!

Anne Marie said...

@ 9:57
I knew you would show up, you always remark on something that was never said or implied.
The best explanation is to re-read 8:19 am.
enough said.

The Dark Side said...

It seemed like the time for the concerts to start was months away and now it's upon us. Yea! So stoked! ROCK ON GLAMBERTS THIS SUMMER WILL BE EPIC! !!!

Anonymous said...

I am seeing two concerts, not great seats, but that's fine. I swear I might just be more excited for all the vids for use on the treadmill!!!!! Can't wait, and hope that Queen, Adam, and all on tour have the time of their lives.

Anonymous said...

I don't always show up. I read the comments often, but have never commented before. The constant belittling is soul destroying. I thought obviously incorrectly that maybe things might change.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that Brian and Roger really trust Adam. They trust his voice. They trust his stage experience. They trust him to represent them well and not act in any way that would let them down. Trust is a big thing.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves his glamily and he loves Queen, both in a different way. No one is criticizing either band. Even though you must be deaf and blind not to see the difference in the quality of Queens performances. But then they have had years of experience.

Anonymous said...

Simple and sweet, they are not good enough, but they are all Adam has right now. He is friends with all of them, hopefully in the future he will have a more experienced band. I didn't care for Monte, but his guitar playing is far superior to Tommy's. Hoping Queen will give Adam some advice in this direction. Adam is knew to picking out a band also.

Anonymous said...

@11:12 AM
I am neither deaf or blind. I agree with you totally about Queen and Adam. We will agree to disagree about some people criticizing.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me Adam is the embodiment of love and exceptance.... Wish this fandom as a whole could be more like him ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

I need to get ready then he!he!

I'm gonna ask my boys and girls to paint my shirt for the concert!!!:)


glitzylady said...

Quick note: The iHeartRadio Music Theater Queen + Adam Lambert event in Burbank, CA, has just been announced for Monday, June 16th.

Both Adam Lambert Fan Club and Queen Fan Club have announced contests to win tickets. I'm away from my computer so can't post the links, but if you are a membervofveither one, you should have received an email with full rules and details.. They are giving away tickets only with no transportation provided.

I'll post info as a thread topic later, or someone will :))

Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad to hear that the IHR show has been scheduled. Those tickets will be very precious. Should be a great warm-up show for the tour. Can't believe it's so close now.

Adam keeps saying in interviews that the Chicago show is on June 18. Hope he knows that it's on Thursday the 19th! At least that's what my tickets say. I'm beginning to get the pre-concert jitters!


Anonymous said...

A post on AO makes it sound like this IHR show is a multi-act show. Kind of confusing. We have assumed it would just be Adam and Queen. Any more info?

glitzylady said...

The announcement email states it will be hosted by Motley Cru, Nikki Sixx.. I see nothing about it being a multi-act show within the info I'm seeing in the emails from ALF or a Queen, but it's possible...

Anonymous said...

Adam has said that Bri and Roger are like his "uncles". That would, indeed, make them family.

Anonymous said...

The iHeart Theater only seats 500. Since radio stations all over the country have been giving away tickets for months now, I can't understand why it is not filled up. They are still giving away tickets to the fan clubs.

glitzylady said...

The only tickets I've personally heard of being given away are the two "Queen + Adam Lambert Experience" free trip to LA, 2 tickets to The iHeartRadio heater Promo concert. The local station here participating in that contest has not given away any other tickets for that, or any other event. I assume stations in cities with Q + AL concerts will give away tickets to the local events. Correct me if I'm mistaken. It sounds like this will be a very exclusive event and tickets will be rare and very special, available to a limited few.

Anonymous said...

About tickets still available for the iHeart theater. I didn't even try to get a ticket through a radio contest as it was too time consuming an endeavor for me, and I knew I would see Queenbert anyways during the tour. Additionally, I wasn't sure if I could take additional time out to even attend the more intimate concert. Those who are going will likely have the experience of a lifetime though.

glitzylady said...

Oh, and the big nationwide contest also included 2 tickets and airfare to one other US concert. Not to leave THAT detail out. But again, only one Grand prize, ,no other tickets given away to far as I know..

Anonymous said...

Each station could have given away one prize and that is only 200 tickets.

Anonymous said...

@DRG I'm also going to the Chicago concert on June 19. I too hope they have the right day! I thought maybe they were practicing on June 18...