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Adam Lambert at Universal pictures and Cross Creek Pictures w the Cinema Society at after party!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, September 18, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, September 18, 2014


Dee R Gee said...

Heck, maybe someday he'll be in a movie from Universal or Cross Creek Pictures. You never know! He's lookin' mighty fine.

JAK said...

Remind me to buy that boy a new pair of pants....those look like he was attacked by a cougar! There's probably a lot of them prowling the Hollywood Hills.....

Anonymous said...

JAK. You are a hoot. Yes fashion is a strange animal.

Anne Marie said...

Is Cross Creek Pictures, in LA, or NY? Just wondered if Adam was back in town, or having a week end in NY.

Vagrant said...

@JAK, hah ha!
I'm no cougar, but I could EASILY make all his pants look like that... and fast, too!

nancdruuu2 said...

Adam looking too cool for school. I would imagine you must be super confident to wear pants that ripped!

Jean Renard said...

The rips could have been better placed for a dude like Adam. I am sure his knees and the area above his knees are mighty fine, but why waste a rip? Margarita Lady