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Adam Lambert liked snakechurch's instagram photo!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, September 22, 2014

Posted at : Monday, September 22, 2014


JAK said...

I've been to many Renaissance Fairs, some in costume, but I never saw anyone quite like snakechurch.

When I got older and lazy I gave up 'dressing up' and wore jeans and my bright green t-shirt I bought in Galway....It says IRISH WENCH. That's me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, Great to hear another of your little "stories". I have missed them.
It is very quiet here lately.

JAK said...

Thank you dear........Yes it is, as if a hush has descended over the kingdom.

Perhaps waiting for Hell to freeze over!

I am actually feeling quite chipper. ;-).....luv ya

Anonymous said...

It is sooo quiet here you think its just the signing in thats put people off, or something else???

I miss the old 24/7.

JAK we're still waiting for you to come over to the other playground to play....

JAK said...

@ faninhk.....I think the signing in has a lot to do with it...I know I hesitated about putting my gmail out there.
I don't belong to twitter, Facebook or any other site I have to give my gmail info.

Perhaps a little paranoid, but I'm not accustomed to sharing with the entire world. Probably a generational thing!

Yes, it is quieter and I have moments I wish for the old days......when it was free and easy chatter......but we had become infested with pests so I guess this logging in was needed. I miss a lot of people, Adamluv for one and where is daydreamin, is she here? Many others too. I wonder if Fan4fun and Sue are okay and others who were ailing. Is Funbunn40 here?

We had some great days.....a year or so ago....maybe they will come back. :-)