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Adam Lambert making funny faces!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, September 14, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, September 14, 2014


Unknown said...

Love the silly side of Adam. Actually I love all sides of Adam.

Dee R Gee said...

I remember those two in the middle row on the right. He was on a treadmill singing "Shine bright like a diamond."

blu said...

I see the trolls have gone to you tube.......checking out Adam videos and saw a lot of remarks that weren t there before

Lam-My said...

Adam likes facial expressions, perhaps that's part of his theatrics; actually good face exercise to tone up the face muscles. Even when he dances, his face moves, like his mouth, tongue, eyes; he could try moving his ears and nose. lol!
Children love facial expressions...if he reads to them with say, a monstrous look or a kind look, etc he can literally make the story come alive for them. Like the intelligent description of the little girl some 4 years ago, calling it Fish Mouth. That would be picture row 2 #1 and last picture. Alas the 3-year-old told his Mom she liked Adam's songs but not the Fish Mouth. lol! She should be 7+ now.

Lam-My said...

Should be.....her Mom.