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Adam Lambert's new album won't release until it's finished according shoshanna stone!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Anonymous said...

New music at some point in the future

Anne Marie said...

I am ok with that, I don't want to see Adam pressured to finish it, since he has a darn good reason to just take his time. He should be able to enjoy this tour, he is so happy on stage, and to be with Queen is a dream come true. Let him enjoy every moment of it. He also should enjoy writing and collaborating and recording for his next album, which is also a happy time as each song is brought into fruition

Vagrant said...

Yeah right, Shosh - and there definitely was no chance of European QAL gigs... Lol.

Take your time, Adam, but hurry...JK! The record will be released when it will be released. I'm fine with that. Still less than 3 years since the launch of Trespassing... :)

Molly R. said...

lol, I am sure Adams new label has already told him when the album has to be finished
The time frame is good, finish the album during the next months, then Queen tour in February and then starting with the promo for Adams own music.
I don`t take Shoshannas comments very seriously.

glitzylady said...

I think Shoshanna is just tired of being asked on a daily basis when Adam is going to release new music.. She isn't at liberty to say, obviously, so is trying to get people to stop asking.. because she can't tell us...yet..

I'm okay with that...But I'm also excited to know that there WILL be new music at some point.

JAK said...

I'm at a loss to understand why no late show appearances considering he definitely has something to talk about. He's been touring with Queen and heading out again.
He's current, gorgeous, and quick witted. Why no Kimmel, Fallon, Letterman?

Why no Talk, The View and definitely why no Meredith Viera?.........Adam would make a great foil for her humor.
She's a bit naughty.