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‘American Idol’ bits: Adam Lambert sub judge, anticipated songs ‘Idol’ contestants will sing season 14!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adam Lambert will guest judge in place of Keith Urban during the upcoming New York auditions Wednesday.
He has expressed a past desire for a full-time judging job but it’s unclear if ‘Idol” ever seriously considered him.
He’d be the first former “Idol” to sit in even as a guest judge that I can recall. (If I’m wrong, please point it out.)
Urban is mourning the death of his wife Nicole Kidman‘s father.
The season 8 runner up was a mentor last year and did a fine job.
Lambert has been spending the summer fronting Queen in Australia and Europe.
Here are some songs we’ll probably hear during the auditions come January. Remember the year of Adele? And Beyonce and Rihanna are recent staples. Ed Sheeran is a popular one, too.
- Sam Smith‘s ‘Stay With Me.” Why? It’s ubiquitous, it’s emotive, it’s not terribly hard to sing.

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Vagrant said...

"Lambert has been spending the summer fronting Queen in Australia and Europe." ????

He hee, I guess I missed the Europe part... * big sigh *