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Awesome fan art!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, September 25, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, September 25, 2014


Anne Marie said...

OT: Looks like Adam is collaborating with Tori Kelly, an up and coming singer song writer.
Not sure she is Adam's style, but he knows best. She tried out on AI in 2009, went to Hollywood, but didn't make the top 24. I think a lot of good singers don't always make it. Anyway a picture of them together, with Adam with bare feet, showed up on another site. Might make it over here, if admin catches it.

Kath said...

I appreciate all the lovely pics that are posted of Adam. But why is photoshopping Adams head on pieces of other pictures art?

glitzylady said...

The original picture had a caption attached... But I don't recall what it was... It was illustrating something or another.......

glitzylady said...

***big help, right??? :)))

Anne Marie said...

I think it just said, taking a selfie, meaning someone was taking a picture of them taking a selfie.

glitzylady said...

I was talking about this picture on this thread :)))

Vagrant said...

At least this pic has all "adamazing elements", long legs, worn out jeans, the boots, white tank top, leather jacket... Me likey!