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Awesome GIF of the day! Adam Lambert "High Fashion" Swacket!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, September 15, 2014

Posted at : Monday, September 15, 2014


Dee R Gee said...

I remember this! So cute. This is where he also describes how much it hurt to put in his gauges. Fun memory.

Idared79 said...

Dee R. Gee: What is a gauge, I ask fearfully?

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert will be serving as guest judge at the NY auditions. Our thoughts are with Keith and his family during this difficult time.

Nicole Kidman's dad passed away so sad for them but excited to see Adam on Idol again.

Anonymous said...

Idared79, it is referring to Adam's stretched ear lobes. Gauge refers to the size of the hole. It is a common misnomer to call the ear jewelry guages.

Idared79 said...

In case no one has noticed, you can see a stud in Adam's tongue in the "swacket" picture. EEEK! Leila, please do something!! God only knows what's next. I love Adam and spend hours each day watching him on my computer, but it is getting more heart- wrenching with each hole he has made or tattoo burned into his skin. I don't know how much more I can bear.

nancdruuu2 said...

I love Adam so much, but I am also a little concerned now to hear about the stud on his tongue. I know Adam is a grown man and I respect his choices, but I wish he would stop! If he gets a tattoo on his lovely neck, I will be very upset. Please Adam don't do it - stop! Okay - I got that out of my system. Love u!

Magiclady said...

He acting so cute here! I say it all the time, beautiful boy!

JAK said...

This was a couple years or more ago.....a black haired, mascared, eye shadowed Adam......he no longer has the stud.
We have certainly seen his tongue often enough in the past year or so to know that. You can relax, it's gone.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly correct JAK. I remember it from years ago to.

Idared79 said...

Thanks, guys. What a relief!

Vagrant said...

This thread is most probably dead, so I dare to say this... :)))

Sometimes I truly miss the young man who had me charmed from the get go... He had the most beautiful face, the most charming & sexy smile, and his eye make up was more than perfect for those mesmerizing eyes....Plus he could be so funny without saying a word...remember a vid with this "swacket"!

He still is all these things minus the stronger, more showy eye make up... And I so hope he will use the more showy eye make up every now and then... So I was glad that during QAL tour he sometimes had a bit more eye make up... I know most here think he looks better, more manly, more mature etc with less or no eye make up (although when performing or being photographed he always has some eye make up), but please don't jump on me for liking the eye make up...

choons said...

I too miss the eye makeup - though he did have some on for the Queen tour (on the couch).
It does make him devastatingly gorgeous and gives me jelly legs.

Vagrant said...

Ditto to everything you said.
KQ close ups, his playful sexy eyes, his moving & acting skills plus those notes ===> Total Killer Combo!