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FOX 5 (NY) News at 5 American Idol Auditions!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Lam-My said...

Yea the best answer came from Adam; I'm definitely not biased...because he could describe exactly how the contestant would feel and that first thing was to make the contestant feel at ease. He's been there and even looking back now, Adam did feel some butterflies in his stomach; I saw that in his facial expressions and if I remember right, he quickly chipped in to prevent a possible undesirable quickly adding if he could sing something else after his initial audition of MJ's Rock With You. And then when he sang Mama...Simon was still not so impressed.
Much later he revealed in the course of an interview, he had driven 7 hours to his San Francisco audition; so he wasn't going to let it slip by with apprehension mostly from Simon. But to be fair to Simon, he would have let Adam through...he looked so in awe of his voice and him. lwl! But Kara was quick to defend Adam. She said like pulling teeth. lol!

Anonymous said...

Hell I detest those videos of Jennifers. She is so beautiful and talented in her own way, why she keeps pushing this I'll never know.
Must be getting old. I guess you have to keep up with the likes of Nicki Minaj & co. Like in who has the biggest and best booty. LOL

JAK said...

For the last few years I have been amazed at the worship of big booties! When I think back to my twenties when I wore a miserable girdle......and I was built like Taylor Swift! Times do change....who would have thought then that the day would come when ample derrières would be fashionable? A body part to flourish in public and be known for.....whether you can sing or dance or not......not naming any names!

Dee R Gee said...

Jaycee14, They do it because it sells, of course. Frankly, I'm pretty JLo'd out.

JAK, It is pretty ironic that we spent decades squeezing our butts into all kinds of devices. I never had a huge booty, but, like you, we all wore those things because it was the thing to do. Now, big behinds are out there, large and proud. And the singing doesn't matter all that much! LOL