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Another "Blast From The Past!": Adam Lambert On X-Factor Finland May 2010: "Chaos Tube" Interview + Performance #WWFM + Bonus Interview

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, October 24, 2014

Posted at : Friday, October 24, 2014

Another "Blast From The Past" Adam Lambert interview (nearly 10 minutes long..), from May 2010.. Adam was doing press with X-Factor Finland..

"Chaos Tube: Adam Lambert @ X-Factor Finland Press" May 2, 2010 via @TiiaSantavirta


And THIS one! SOOO funny!!!! Adam always has a witty comeback... Give it a listen :) 

And while we're at it, here's his performance on X-Factor Finland May 2, 2010: Adam's Grammy-Nominated "Whataya Want From Me"


Dee R Gee said...

So many good things happened for Adam in Finland. And his Finnish fans continue to be very loyal. Hope he goes back there to perform at some time.

Anne Marie said...

Finland loved Adam long before he met Sauli. But when they were a couple they were over the moon, that he had chosen a young Finnish boy, to be his partner. Sauli was also known and loved by the Finnish people, from when he won BB in 2007. He is very popular in Finland. Funny he didn't meet Adam when Adam was over there earlier in 2010, but they finally met in November 2010.